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I usually don't fear living, but today I did.

I woke up in a daze, both my head throbbing from an imminent headache and how discombobulated I became in my sleep. Seemed promising that what happened was just a horrible dream. A disgusting one, god I need therapy for what my mind came up with.

I groggily got up and picked out some clothes for today. I smiled seeing my old RDC jacket and decided to use that with an outfit of mine.
Suddenly puzzlex, I wondered where my beanie was. Karl should have returned it by now-
"Ow!" I hissed. I frantically walked backwards and slumped down angrily to see what the hell I had just stepped on. However, to my dismay..
There was my beanie. I stepped on one of the buttons on the strings of the sides and I felt like throwing up. The memory came back in a flash, how I heard that woman drop something off the floor in my room, right where I had stood and found my beanie.
I felt tears come back to my eyes as I patted down my beanie and investigated further. I knew not to sob out loud, especially not knowing if Karl was home.

It was oddly early so even if, I still had to go into the bathroom to begin getting ready for work.
Everything looked.. Normal? I can't even tell if it's me or not. I washed my face immediately and suddenly, out of the corner of my eye, I spotted something shiny. It glimmered something golden and beamed with every aspect I looked at it from in the mirror.
I approached this object slowly and was careful when picking it up. This "object" was a Woman's earring, golden with a diamond engraved onto the sides of it. It had to be expensive..
A fresh load of tears began to pour down themselves as I slammed the door to the bathroom just to focus on my thoughts.


After my shower I dried my hair loosely and threw on my beanie after getting fully clothed. I pocketed the earring and knew that there was one person at my job who could identify just whose earring this was.
And no– At first, I thought it belonged to me. But Karl hadn't seen the earrings I were going to wear on our wedding day [Tomorrow] which only led to my conclusions to be sadly correct.

I slipped on the first pair of converses I had and grabbed one of my car keys. Even though we owned more than one car, Karl always took the SUV that was in MY name. I decided to take one of our older mustangs to work.
My mind buzzed as I approached my car, jabbed the keys into the start and put the car into reverse to get the hell away from this house I call mine.
Once I pulled out onto the highway, the drive was everything I needed. Heavenly, and I felt the wind blow through my hair as if all of my worries were becoming nothing more than a distant thought.

This silence and breeze of bliss was short-lived as I watched Karl pull out of the main Modeling building. I couldn't quite tell if anyone was in the car with him, but I'd have to check it out later.. Especially the back seats.
I parked in my usual-reserved spot and locked my car. Not long after, I brought myself together to enter the building despite it being a Saturday. Besides, NightFoxx wanted to see his makeup design on me, even though I'd have to potentially tell him the makeup is not for me anymore.

I was greeted by NightFoxx who advised me to come into the right office with the makeup artists once I got settled. I nodded swiftly and made a quick B-Line to our Jewelry-Checker, Ominous.
Ominous was just 18 and knew the ins-and-outs of jewelry. He was the one who officiated all of our models' necklaces, earrings, and would be the one who knew who this homewrecker was.
Ominous smiled and greeted me as I walked in. I put the earring on the table and his eyes lit up at the diamonds.
"Woah.. Where did you get this, Kreek? His eyes sparkled. I coughed and made up a lie on the spot. "I found it when I came in. Can you tell me whose it is?"
Ominous blanked out. "-Kreek, I've never issued any of these out to anyone in the facility. These must be personally owned, just one of these diamonds is worth just over twelve grand."
"Oh my.." My eyes widened. This went from a cruel joke to a mockery on my life almost. "Ominous, I trust you. Can you go around asking whose earring it is? I want you to tell me once you've asked everyone if it belonged to someone." I ordered.
Ominous nodded, "Yes sir, I'll get on that right now." He took the fragile item and left the room to approach the staff and models.

I left the room shortly after and walked into the office. Night wanted me in. I was thanked for coming in so early and showed the digital designs of what the makeup would look like on me.
As I scrolled, my stomach dropped if this wedding really wouldn't happen. These designs were all so, so beautiful.
I scrolled towards the bottom, and I saw it. The most beautiful design that complemented the outfit and the color beautifully, that made my skin pop out and complement my entire outfit.

"Can we see how 3C looks on me?" I asked. One of Night's workers nodded and they began picking out and setting up the necessary colors for the job.
I would say it took no longer than 30 minutes to apply the design, and gosh this was THE one.
I nodded and felt my eyes swell with happy tears, instead of angered ones. "These, These are it. Please book this for tomorrow at 8:00, NightFoxx." I smiled.
NightFoxx grinned and repeated what I had requested in the online forum where I had all of the information for those working on my wedding.

It took even longer to wash the makeup off without a shower and I returned the makeup remover product that I had used back to my staff. Ominous then came up to me with the earring, and shook his head. "Nobody saw or had this earring here. I think at this point you're better off pawning it off for ten grand or so for the entire piece." Ominous laughed.
I grinned. "Thanks for your help Ominous, I'll be in tomorrow."

I rushed out of there as quickly and respectfully as I could. I felt another mood swing, a rush of anger washed over me and I felt myself doing the very thing that Ominous had joked around about just a few minutes prior.
I started my car quickly and drove a bit off the highway to a certain richer area of Bloxburg. There, I knew a certain Pawn Shop that was known for buying expensive jewelry for its actual worth. Not much gained from it, but they do get a lot more customers.

I pulled into the parking lot and approached the door with the earring sunk into my pocket like a brick. The owner smiled, knowing me instantly. "Why hello KreekCraft! It's an honor to be assisting you today. My names Leah, how can I help you on this splendid day?" Leah beamed. I put on a smile and put the earring onto the counter and her jaw dropped.
"A pair of these were sold at our local auction for just over a billion a few days ago.." Leah slowly spoke. I shrugged- "So how much can you give me for one?"
She thought about it. "I can give you six hundred grand for it?"
My jaw dropped. "S-Sure?" I stuttered. She smiled, asking for my card. I granted it to her and she began a oddly quick process of calling my bank, making the deposit, etc. All that fun jazz.

I left that pawn shop 600,095$ richer than I was this morning.
And the person with my fiancé? Heh. They were missing one beautiful earring.

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