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The phone rung for a solid minute before I finally got an answer. "Hey Night, I just wanted to explain the wedding situation-"
"I was going to ask about that." NightFoxx replied in an awkwardly stern tone.
"..I think Karl has been cheating on me. He ditched the wedding last minute so I really just married this guy out of spite, but.." I paused. "He may be really into me."
"Huh.. I saw Karl too, he wasn't even in his suit, and was talking to a model-"
"Who?" I cut in, suddenly interested. NightFoxx dwelled for a second; "I actually don't know, I'm sorry Kreek. I'll get back to you when I have an answer."
"Okay.." I responded hesitantly. "Can you stay on call? I'm a bit.. apprehensive, if that's the right word." I sighed. Night listened.
"I'm moving out of Karl's house. Even if he isn't cheating, I just need a break. This is all too much, and he hasn't even slept with me since lord knows when.."
"That's neglectful, in my eyes." NightFoxx replied. I pondered on that thought as I pulled out of the venue and began driving on the highway on my most familiar route home.
"This doesn't even sound like Karl anymore.." I whispered. Night hummed into the speaker; "Say, you're already moving in with this stranger though? The marriage was super fast, don't you think this whole moving in thing is too much?" NightFoxx had a point. I blinked then remembered why it was a good idea in the first place.
"Karl owns the house. If he kicks me out for finding out about this.. Woman, he can legally kick me out. I'd have relatively nowhere to go. Especially with my stuff and streaming equipment."
"You're right. Just please be safe about this." NightFoxx spoke softly. "I have to go. Drive safe."
"Alright.. Thanks, Night." I whispered, still feeling like. Abnormal, like I was being watched.

I decided to ignore my and get home as soon as I could. The fastest route was just a measley 15 minutes which felt like a joyride without even thinking about it. I got held up at a few red lights due to coming-home traffic but that was about it.
I saw Karl's car in the driveway and I sighed knowing there'd be an imminent conversation about where I had been.
As silently as I could, I made my way back inside to be met with a note and a small salad on the counter.

I first went to change and wash my face of all the beautiful makeup, and removed all of the jewelry I had put on and/or borrowed.
I walked back over to the note and picked it up. I read it thoroughly in Karl's handwriting.
"Hey love. I'm sorry for being so distant and I'm currently in our room sleeping. Come join me after you eat.. I want to explain myself and still have this ceremony tomorrow. Love you, Karl ♡"

I smiled warmly and my heart was put at ease. It looked like he made me a homemade salad which I decided to sit down and dig into while going on my phone which was only on 30% somehow.
He made some grilled chicken and it was oddly tangy and flavorful. I recognized the taste from somewhere but I couldn't find myself to connect the dots.

Then, shortly after eating I got up and suddenly felt nauseous. It was like a weight was lifted from my stomach and head as I felt my heart throb in a burst of pain.
I heard footsteps and a female giggle not long before my knees gave in and my arms prevented my head from taking serious trauma by hitting the floor. My hands dropped around under our counter space as my eyes grew wearily heavy and tired.
Internally, I panicked as I blacked out and felt my lower half of my stomach be jabbed lightly by a heel. Then, I heard assuredly my mustangs keys jingle. The jingle got farther and farther away until I heard the front door open and close, then it was just silence.

$ecrets || TanqRCraft / KreekCraft x TanqR ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang