scary x sorrowful - [ Drunk ] (part 2)

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Who said I be doing placid x scary
If u just read the title, you already know who is gonna be the drunk one OFC SCARY BECAUSE SORROWFUL IS A PRIEST AND DRINKS WINE NOT ALCOHOL but u be wondering who made this ship between sorrowful and scary, ITS ME WHO MADE IT AND NO ONE IS GONNA SHIP IT ANYWAY

Is the alcohol and wine are the same?

But imma continue now ik your not reading what I said
I suck at English so idc if it's wrong just correct my grammar or whatever

Scary - Bold
Sorrowful - underline
Others - underline/bold

It was raining outside, and people are outside crying to a little kid who died, they were all wearing black clothes and feels sad and depressed after that, macabre make sure the coffin was enough to hold all the dirt and finally placing all the dirt to the coffin while the people crying, sorrowful was behind of the people ,he wished to the people who were crying have a blessed to their family, after the funeral, sorrowful goes inside and goes to a prayer room and prayed and after that he goes to clean the church, he makes sure the church looks wonderful, when he was done cleaning, he goes to take a umbrella and make sure his jacket won't get soaked with water, he goes outside and heading to his house, finally he was outside of the house and he goes in, he puts the umbrella beside the door, he sigh and goes to the living room (HE IS ACTUALLY IN THE LIVING ROOM) he goes to sit on the couch and relaxed a little until there was a knock from his door and he wonder who it was, he gets up and goes to his door and opened it and he saw scary_day and he is leaning to the other side of the wall while looking at sorrowful, and sorrowful was shock of scary_day being here

Sorrowful: uhm..greetings scary, why are you here?

Scary: w-whgdvdhv....h-hellloyyy~ i-i me is her-ee...uhmm

And it seem scary is struggling to say something but trys to say something and scary is also holding a alcohol :3, and it seem sorrowful saw the alcohol and have a shock face after seeing the alcohol

Sorrowful: w-w-why are you holding a alcohol!?? Are u drunk???

Scary: m..mee???? iz n-no.. dru-nk..

Sorrowful: you literally can't talk even properly!

Scary goes closer to sorrowful and puts his head into sorrowful chest and he feels tired as heck, sorrowful was a bit of annoyed and dragged scary into a couch, sorrowful took scary is holding

Scary: w-wh! Dhdg! Wh-why! G-gjss....give me backii!!

Sorrowful: no! You can't drink this again and don't come here being so drunk

Scary: agxhgxhherch.....b-but iz wan-want more!

Sorrowful: don't be childlish! I might can do anything what you want but not this time

Scary: rjsjsgsh..fine! B-b..but me is stay here!

Sorrowful: wh-what why??

Scary: rainyyy~ and me get w-ater from rain....

Sorrowful sigh and looked through the window and it was heavily raining outside so he nods and lets scary to stay until tomorrow

Sorrowful: I'll get you a pillow and also a blanket, just stay here and don't touch anything okay?

Scary: o-okiii~ :3

Sorrowful goes to his bedroom and goes under the bed (what?) and pulled out a box and opened it, finding a blanket and a pillow, he finally found one and he put back the box under the bed, he gets up and goes out of the room and goes to the living room (I'm lonely) and gave scary the blanket and the pillow

Scary: t-t...thank you~! :3

Sorrowful nods and then goes to his room until he got hold by his hand and dragged him to scary chest

Scary: w-whe-re u go-ing???

Sorrowful: what? I'm just going to my room to rest

Scary: r-rest????? U iZ rEst heRe

Sorrowful: what do you mean by that??

Scary: u iZ so dum dum...I~i w-want u her-e w-with me t-to s-sleep

Scary was still holding sorrowful while hugging him :3 and sorrowful sigh so he have to stay with scary for the whole day and he also overthink WHAT HAPPENED IF TOMORROW THEY WERE BOTH SLEEPING EACH OTHER AND THEN SCARY IS SHOCK AND KILLS FUDKING  SORROWFUL

Thats off topic..

I mean...he overthink that scary wake up and then saw sorrowful and hurt him..then he will explain what happened then?

Scary: dghs...g-gosh u..iz Soo! So! So!!! Adorable....juzt seeing your face..makes me blus-h~

Sorrowful blushed and remind himself that scary is just drunk and none of his words are true, so sorrowful ignore what scary says and looked to the other direction and sorrowful have a sad face while looking at his direction and it seem scary notice that HIS CUTE BOYFRIEND ISNT PAYING ATTENTION WHAT HE WAS SAYING...AHEM..uh *coughs and have cancer*

I mean sorrowful wasn't paying attention to what he was saying so he goes to that direction where was sorrowful looking at

Sorrowful: wh-what are you doing?

Scary: y-you...l~look s-sad? y?

Sorrowful: i-its nothing!!

Scary: i~it be-cause I did N-Not kiss u~?

Sorrowful: I mean NO! Why would I be sad over nothing!

Scary: u wan-t k..kiss???? :3

Sorrowful: I don't need it!

Scary did not care what sorrowful said and just pulled sorrowful and kissed him and sorrowful was.... ENJOYING IT AHAGAGHAHSHAHAHSHAHA *coughs* help 😭

I meabsd... sorrowful was enjoying the kiss and then realized what is happening rn so he push scary away and breaking the kiss moment 😭

Sorrowful: i-i said I don't need it!

Scary: u-you seem enjoy-ing it~

Scary didn't hesitate and pulled sorrowful again and kissed and hold him a bit of tightly and softly :3 and sorrowful was AGAIN enjoying the kiss and they kept kissing and kissing and kissing and kissing and FUDK IT HOW LONG ARE THEY GONNA KISS,
Scary was yk (horn)y and pinned sorrowful and kissed him while scary is taking off his shirt and his jacket and other more 😏  he finally take off his jacket and shirt and he is now taking off his pants ( I'm traumatized)
(I'm mentally going insane)

He also takes off sorrowful clothes while kissing him, he then stop kissing sorrowful and holds his two arms at the top of the his head
(idk how to explain just imagine it)
And he then split the two of the feet away from each other and then he put his (dic) 😭 inside of sorrowful and sorrowful moaned as heck and he kept pushing it and back and forth and doing a bit longer while sorrowful moaning loudly and screaming for to stop and it hurts and blah blah blah. And scary heard sorrowful said about go faster 😏 and he ofc he was excited and goes a bit faster and faster until going fast as he can as sorrowful moan faster and faster until finally scary cu+m inside of sorrowful and kissed his neck and also bitting him :3 and kissing him
Sorrowful goes down and plays with FUVJDJSFEJSGSHS DIC-K AND *coughs* and sucking at it a little bit slowly and scary did want to wait long and just pushed sorrowful head going deeper to his DIC-K and sorrowful was sucking up and down while going deeper and deeper sucking scary DIC-K and finally cu+ming and scary carried sorrowful to where he is laying and then they both sleep :3

The next day..


sorrowful: you maked out with me last night

The end.
and now for the person who wished someone is having a wheelchair is wished come true

Scary broke sorrowful legs and now sorrowful is having a wheelchair for 4 months yay

*Coughs and dies*

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