horrid_night x great_day - [ CAUGHT]

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[Great] - bold (not bald WHY?????)
[horrid] - underline ahhaahah
(Warning: I suck at english)

*The nights collimation planned about sneaking into great_day room to get some map of the city and planned about attacking them but sneaking into great_day room will not be easy because many guards are in there and many camera are in there, they waited for the perfect time to come...after some months they finally have the perfect time to sneak into great_day room since great_day will have a party tonight and all the guards will be in the party to protect the citizen in the party

But some nights operatives refused to sneak into great_day room because some of them tried and one of them died 😭 (somehow??)
So the night leader try to sneak into great_day room because others are afraid and WEAK.
Horrid: you all are weak and pathetic like powerless_night...I will sneak into great_room [ grape day XD ] and after that you will all get punishment for being so weak!

The room went silent after he said that...

*Finally the night leader arrived to the days union...he pretend to be one of the citizen in the party, he finally found great_day room and went in without seeing him going in*

He went in and try to find the days union city map. He got distracted by a folder that was filled with failed experiment and he look at it and laugh at it because how weak they are and ugly they are, ( rude ) he got too distracted he didn't notice that someone went in.
*Dramatic sound goofy ah*


POV OF GREAT DAY: *great (I'm lazy to say his name) was very tired to the party and he want to rest a little so he went to his room while no one seeing him going or disappear.. he didn't really like the party at all because how loud the music and some operative literally fighting each other ( unpredictable and unstable XD ) he sneak out to the party and goes to his room when he opened the door he SAW HORRID_night

*Horrid_night saw great and great saw horrid...they both stare each other for like about minute :D*

Great somehow act fast and pull horrid night to the ground and tie him up with a rope (why does he have a rope?)

Great: well well well..who do we have here?...*he took the folder that horrid night is holding*
Why are you looking at this folder?

Horrid: why do you even care? They are just pathetic like you heh..

Great: your lucky the operatives and guards are distracted..but I guess I have to make a plan to punish you from going here just like I did to other operatives you send here..

Horrid: what are you gonna do to me then?.. torture me ahhah! I would love it then feeling the pain to it~

Great: who said I'm gonna torture you, I'm gonna make something that you won't forget~


Great day throwed horrid to his bed as he smile EVIL!!! (I hate my life)

Horrid night was confused why great day throwed him to his bed and saw great day smirking at him.. horrid night have a bad feeling about this...
Unexpectedly great kissed horrid night. Horrid night didn't unexpected him to kiss him but..he likes it.

They were both kissing each other until great day got a bit of heat and pull out horrid pants and boxers revealing his (you know?) 🌭 and horrid got a bit blushed and embarrassed

Horrid: w-w-what are you doing??!!
Great didn't speak, he and then continue to take off his pants too and boxers :0 revealing his 🌭 ,and he did not hesitate and already pulled horrid_night feet and put his 🌭 to his ASS. Horrid night moan loudly but no one can hear him because how loud the party

Horrid: Ah~ ah~ s-stop~!
Great thrust him hard and push his 🌭 deeper to his ass 😏 as horrid kept begging him to stop. Horrid somehow loving how its in him and pretend that he didn't like it at all
Great: oh~ horrid~ I know you love it~

Horrid: ah~.. AH~ i~i s-stop~

Great kept doing it hardly until he finally cummed into horrid_night

Great: you like it don't you~
Horrid night cried a little because of begging..and he slowly nod his head in embarrassed..
Great: see..now feel the pain you gave to the people you called weak.

Great day kissed horrid and clean up the mess and put the pants again and also boxers XD and great day finally sleep and cuddle into horrid_night
As horrid night slept into his arms.


I hate making this.
Words: 821 yeyeyeyeyyeyeey

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