scary x horrid and also great? - [ torture ]

270 5 15

Creator: So yeah, HORRID IZ CHEATING WITH GRAPE_DAY and I would love to stab myself but nah..!
This was said by this person hehehe

Anyway ahah Ik your not reading this XD
Scary - bold
Horrid - underline
Great - cursive :(

Warning: I suck english and if you are not supporting this ship THEN WTH YOUR HERE?

Great_day made a meeting for every operatives so all of the day union operatives were called, they can't denied the meeting or make excuses why they didn't attend, they must attend any meeting as long it was great_day who called for a meeting

Finally some of the operatives attend and some of them are late (dynamic XD) The meeting was starting so they go silent when great_day goes to the door and goes to sit in the middle of the big TABLE and stand up

Great: so I see you all came, as always.. the night coalition kept attacking us and even putting more explosion and monsters to our city and it made half of our civilian being killed because of it. And we need some operatives to go to their city and spy and listen what are they gonna planned for our city so we can prevent from doing it. So who will it be?

The room goes silent and it seem none of them are going until someone raised his hand and it was scary_day

Great: oh scary_day! Then it will be you, good thing you already have experience being there so I guess it won't be troubling for you..but do you need someone to go with you?

Scary: no need ,your Majesty, even I need one, no one will even go with me and I understand why they cant

Great: well then..your mission will be tomorrow so be ready

Scary: how long am I gonna be there?

Great: hm how about 2 days.. are you okay with it?

Scary: I okay with it

Great: good and this meeting is now over.

All of the operatives leaves the room and goes to their idk work? When scary is now outside he is a bit happy but he don't know why he is happy but he have a feeling like..he is happy to see someone on the night coalition in the city (I wonder who? >:D ) anyway it was getting late so he goes to his house and opens the door and go in inside and closes the door behind him and goes to his room and sit down first and lays down.. he closed his eyes to sleep ( DUH? )
HE SLEEP :D it was morning and he woke up like 7:46 am ( not 3:00 😀)
He took a shower and put on his clothes and prepares everything for the mission and he took a breakfast until he heard a knock from his door so he goes to his door closer and opens it and saw great_day and emotionless_day they greet scary_day as scary_day greet them too, he lets them inside and sits on the couch

Great: well, are you now prepared?

Scary: yes I am,

Great: good, there will be a truck will be coming here and will lead you to the night coalition place, so you don't need to walk :)

Scary nods and great and emotionless leaves and scary waits for the truck to come, after some minutes and waiting the truck finally came and let's him inside so he took his bag and goes inside, after some traveling he finally arrived at the night coalition and the truck stops and let scary goes out now, when he gets out the truck leaves the place and leaving him behind, he looks around and just saw some night civilian, as always they are fighting (THERE IS NO PEACE :3 )

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