Chapter five: The Unexpected Event. part 1

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The next morning, you and Ciel woke up in the same bed. You looked at each other for five seconds, then you guys jumped and scooted away from one another.

"What the- what are you doing in my bed!?" Ciel said. He felt his face turn red.

"Well, your the one who was crying!" You said to him back. You both figured it was very early, since Sebastian didn't wake you guys.

This was your 3rd Day at the Phantomhive estate.

"I was not crying! My eyes were hurting, you didn't have to comfort me!" He said moving his eyes away from your gaze.

You then started to giggle.

"Yeah right. Your acting like a child Ciel." You said continuing to laugh even more.

"I am not!" He had a thick British accent withen that line. For some reason, you loved teasing him. But then you looked at him for a second. His eyes were both open.

Then you noticed that his right eye (your left) was purple with a star on it. You seen that somewhere before.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, but may I question you right eye?"

He stopped fuming and turned pale, then he quickly turned his head.

"It is absolutely nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Wait, please let me see it." You said. Then you reached out your hand towards his face.

He moved it away.

"I said forget about! It's none of your business..." He once again turned away.

You were slightly saddened. Not only did you felt hurt, but you felt sadness for him. Why is that?

Then, all of a sudden the door opened. It was Sebastian with a few tray in his hand.

"Good morning young master, I hope you.." He looked up at you two and raised an eyebrow.

"Hello Ms.(y/n). I see your awake as well." His smile returned.

"Sorry for interrupting anything." He said with a slight bow.

You raised your hands.

"Th-thats not true! It's not like that Sebastian! Ciel!" You studdered on what the butler said.

Ciel shook his head and sighed. Then he looked at his servant.

"Sebastian. It is not like that. Please extort (y/n) to her room."

Sebastian bowed once again. Then you walked with him back to your room. That was where you once again questioned about the purple eye.


Ciel looked at Sebastian when he came back.

Sebastian just finished bathing Ciel and brushing his teeth after you. Now he was placing on the young master's clothing. While he did it he smirked.

"What the hell are you smirking about?" Ciel said grumpily.

Sebastian only shook his head and was getting ready to do the final touches.

"Nothing, it's just strange that you would be interested in someone like her."

"And what does that mean?" Ciel said in a questioning tone.

"I am merely saying that such an innocent girl would be your type."

"That's not true Sebastian. Nobody said I liked her." Even though he really did.

"I didn't say 'like', I said interested. Was the word like on your brain young master?"

"Are you finished yet!?"


You were sitting down eating breakfast. You were also seated across from Ciel at the table.

He was quitely eating as well as you. It was quite boring.

"Ciel, how did you sleep the rest of the night?" You said with a smile. He didn't make eye contact with you and continued eating.

"Quite fine." He said in a monotone voice. You slightly pouted and stood up from your chair.

"I'm finished Sebastian. May I go to my room?"

He smiled at you.

"Of course milady." He said with a bow. You then went back you your room.

You were once again hurt by Ciel. Why did it bother you so much? It's not like he yelled at you. But for some reason, it hurted you emotionally.


Back at the table, Ciel sighed and placed his fork down.

"I believe I owe her an apology." Ciel said to Sebastian. The butler walked over next to Ciel.

"Maybe you do. But I am in question."

Ciel looked up at him.

"I wonder why do you care so much for a human girl? You already have a fiancé."

Sebastian started walking behind his chair and looking down at him. He continued speaking.

"You even were careless to let her see your sacred eye."

Ciel immediately stood up and turned to him.

"It was an accident! I completely forgot that she was in my chamber." He said sternly.

Sebastian simply rolled his eyes.

"We should have her go away. Maybe even dispose of her in some way."

Those words rang in his ears like church bells. He was now in defensive mode.

"That will not be necessary Sebastian!"

"Oh, but she is the daughter of a famous company. What if she finds out you have a contract with demon? If she tells then all your status will go down the drain."

Ciel didn't speak. Sebastian was telling the truth. His goal for revenge will be ruined.

"So, what are you going to do young master? Remember, this is the sake of revenge."

The butler was close to Ciel's face. They were staring at each other, almost like a contest.

Then, they heard you scream.

They immediately turned to the stair case and ran up stairs.

"(Y/n)! Are you alright!?" Ciel said with a worried tone, he opened the door to find you on the ground. You looked completely shocked.

Ciel and Sebastian ran over to you helping you up.

"What is it?" Sebastian said.

Then, another sound came through the room. Sebastian then clenched at the voice.

"Oh Bassy!~ You didn't forget about me did you?!" An almost feminine voice ring through your ears as well. The boys groaned.

You looked at them (mainly Ciel).

"Y-you know who that is?" You said in a shocked tone. Ciel pinched the bridge of his nose and looked down.

"This is Grell Sutcliff. He is.....quite a handful."

(Until next cliffhanger)

P.S Whoever made this fan art is awesome! I love my steampunk!

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