Chapter four: Nighttime!

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(Alright, sorry for not updating. I have like, four stories. So, anyways. I shall update more often! Enjoy the story!)

You and Ciel went into the mansion. You were covered in dirt, and Ciel was covered in embarrassment. After some time walking to the main living room. He finally realized something.

Sebastian said he was supposed to help you get cleaned up. What could that possibly mean?

He was slightly red. You peaked over at him and smiled.

"Hey, what's wrong Ciel?"

He snapped out of his daydream and shook his head. He slightly coughed and stood up straight.

"It's nothing. Sit down please."

You want was told. Ciel silently prayed that you wouldn't mentioned Sebastian's comment.

Luck was not on his side today.

" Hey, um, didn't Sebastian say that you were going to.....clean me?"

That stupid little-

Ciel snapped out of his thoughts and smiled at you.

" I will just get a rag and......I shall be right back."

He walked to a hallway. You sat down in the seat and listened to the sound of the clock.

Meanwhile, in Ciel's camera view.....

" Dammit! I can't believe that butler! I feel so nervous.....
Why is that?

All of a sudden, Ciel heard an annoying voice ring through the hallway. He groaned and looked in front of him.

"Young Master! How is your date coming along?"

Mey-rin ran over to Ciel with a grin on her face. Ciel slightly rolled his eyes and then placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Mey-rin, I need your help."

She stopped talking and looked at him.

"What is it young master?"

"I need a wet rag....Pluto has cause trouble today. He caused (y/n) to get something to help her get cleaned up."

"Oh! I see! Oh! But, isn't that usually Sebastian's job? He is the one who does the cleaning?"

"Yes! I know! I don't know what's wrong with him! What if I mess up!? I could possibly embarr-"

"You like her don't you?"

His face turned red.

"What? That's.....impossible! I just met her yesterday....."

"So it's love at true sight then!!"

Mey giggled and slightly jumped. Ciel could tell she was very happy to hear that her young master was in love with someone.

"Just give me a rag."

She nodded and they got a damp one.

Back to your camera view....

You were patiently waiting for Ciel. Then you noticed something on the massive fire place. It was a picture.

It was a picture of Ciel when he was young. There was a women and a man next to him smiling. You thought for a moment.

That was probably his parents.

You walked up to the picture and picked it up in your hand. Then you heard Ciel's voice.

"I've brought you a towel. If you want, Sebastian can-"

You turned around with the picture in your hand. Then you were slightly embarrassed.

"I-im sorry Ciel! I didn't mean to nose around in your-"

"That's alright. "He said with a slightly bored tone. He smiled at you and asked you to sit down again.

" So your going to help wash my dress?"

"Yes. If you don't mind." Ciel said sitting next to her.

You smiled at him and pinched his cheeks. Ciel had a light shade of pink on his cheeks.

"Your so cute! I don't mind if you clean my dress!"

He did. Then he also realized that he had feelings for you.


Later on in the night. Sebastian had you dressed, and he was being scolded. You slept in your bed for a short period of time.....then you woke up in the middle of the night. You couldn't sleep, so you walked the halls randomly.

Then, all of a sudden, you heard a soft sniffing noise. It was very quiet. You couldn't really ignore this could you? So you went to the source.

You found Ciel. He was slightly crying.

You watched him, then he notcied you. You were about to go, but he called you.

"Oh, Ms. (Y/n). What are you doing awake?"

You stopped and went I to his room. Slightly breathing in and out.

"I'm sorry , I couldn't sleep. I see you couldn't sleep either... "

"Yes. Go back to bed."

I sighed and went over to his bed.

"W-what are you doing?" He studdered. You sat down on his bed and hugged him.

You softly rubbed his back. He didn't say anything. Ciel just hugged back.


Hello again! I will update some more as soon as possible! I hoped you enjoyed!

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