Chapter seven: Words and Actions

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You can't sleep well.

Sebastian...... Why did he ask me of that? Matter of fact, where did that question come from?....he also made a statement....

You laid in your bed at night. Your parents agreed to have you stay another night for the ball.

You were so excited, you almost forgot about what Sebastian said to you.

You sighed in confusion, then, a creaking noise came through your bedroom.

It came from the door. You immediately sat up in alarm and looked at the door.

"Hello......who's there?" You asked out loud. Then, you heard a familer sigh.

"Ms. (y/n), it's only me. Ciel?" He said in a exasperated sigh. He then came in your room and you noticed that his image was much more clearer.

You let out a sigh of relief on the inside. You then smiled at him, even though he couldn't quite see.

"What are you doing here Ciel? I thought you were in bed?" You asked.

He then sighed and sat on the end next to you.

"Well, I couldn't sleep because of that stupid butler forgetting my honey in my tea." Ciel groaned.

In truth, you were grateful to the butler that he forgot. You got to spend more time with Ciel.

"I was going to ask you something Ms.(y/n)." You looked at him when he spoke, indicatiing that you were listening.

"What did Sebastian talk to you about?" He asked. You looked at him for a couple minutes. Then you heard a hissing noise.

You immediately looked back and forth.

"What was that? That sounded like a snake...." You said in a worried tone.

Then, you felt Ciel hold your hand. It was very soft on your (s/c) hand.

You actually felt comfortable for that moment of time. Then, you flet a slithery thing on your bare shoulder. You squealed.

Ciel groaned and thought

Can't I have any alone time with her.

"It's alright Ms.(y/n) that I'd my servant Snake. He is another helper of the Phantomhive manor."

You turned around and saw a man with scales and sharp eyes. His hair was silver and was wearing a butler's suit.

"Hello then...."you said.

Snake turned to his pet on his right shoulder, hissing at you.

" Oscar said hello. And he said you are a lovely lady. I apologize for not introducing myssself earlier."

You nodded and smiled at him. To you, he was a very interesting creature.

"Do you need anything Snake? Or did you come here to scare our guest." Ciel said in annoyed tone.

Snake shook his head and turned to the door.

"I was just going to check on you young masster. I also had a particular rumor about uninvited guests coming to the ball."

With that of word, he walked out of your bedroom and closed the door.

You than look back at Ciel in question.

"So, what were you doing to tell me Ciel?" You asked. He then looked back at you and gave a serious look.

"Yes....I was questioning what Sebastian said to you. He seemed very suspicious, and I thought I should investigate my butler's behavior." Ciel crossed his arms and then looked away.

You thought for a moment, then you told him what Sebastian said.

Ciel was in rage.


(The next morning)

Sebastian was simply making you and Ciel and you a strawberry and cream filled crapê. In the middle of doing it, he heard a noise from his young master.


Sebastian looked up and saw his master at the kitchen door with his pajamas on. He looked red in the face and was not very happy.

Sebastian was surprised. He was also shocked that he woke up early and had his pajamas on.

"What the bloody hell were you thinking?! Telling her that unnecessary information!!" He yelled. Sebastian started at him for a moment, then he placed on a little smirk.

"Why young master, I don't understand what you mean..."

Ciel then became pissed. He walked over to the butler and glared up at him.

"You know exactly what I mean! You told her about my contract with you!! You told her about you as a demon! Then you have some nerve to even talk about my past!!"

"But I was telling information and revaling secrets she wanted to know."

He said calmly.

"Why the hell do you think I keep this a secret to everyone!? It's because I don't want to loose the people I love again! Are your that dull!?! We all know that there was a consequence to having a a demon butler! Everyone will be in chaos!"

"And how do you know that yoiung master?" Sebastian said in a soft manor.

"I don't! That's why I don't want to take that risk! I knew that making a contract with you would affect more than just my life! It will affect everyone's! I know what your planning Sebastian....right before you kill a person, you tell them about your true self..... Do you plan to kill (y/n)?" Ciel's voice calmed down slightly. But not enough.

Sebastian then placed on a smile he could no longer hold.

"So I was right. This girl is making you weaker...... Do you remember the first time we met? You said you will destroy everything in your path to get your completion of revenge. You also said, that you had no one to love. Since three days ago, you were a selfish person. Weren't you?"

Then, Sebastian looked at the door. Ciel noticed too and looked. That's when they saw you standing by the doorway.
You heard yelling and figured out it was Ciel. That was what made you wake up.

You stared at them both having nothing too say.

Sebastian then made a small smile at you and did a small bow.

"I see you are out of bed as well. I apologize if we woke you up Ms.(y/n). I shall be making breakfast now." He said. Then, he went back to baking.

Ciel immediately goes out of the kitchen, you ended up following him.

(Sebastian's camera)

Mey-rin walking into he room with a letter in her hand. She was clumsy, but she gave it to Sebastian without falling on him. He was also thinking about what Ciel said. He realized that you didn't tell him all the details.

He then looked at the letter.

He raised an eyebrow.

"....I never seen this seal this an indication of a new company?"

He said.

(Phew. Sorry I haven't been writing in a while (again) I hope you enjoyed this particular chapter.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2015 ⏰

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