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꧁☬ He glared at her. Then he started laughing. «Oh? What made you change your mind? Especially so quickly...» She exhaled loudly. «I have my reasons. And also, why don't you just read my mind?» She asked provocative while standing up. «Meh.» He leaned his head back. «One more minute until our training starts..» She looked onto her clock when he said so. «How did you know?» He looked up to her, with a cheap grin. She rolled her eyes. «Cmon, get up.» She was holding her hand out to him. He grabbed it and pulled himself up. «Are you sure you're okay? You do have a lot of bruises.» He ignored her. «You know, my siblings are coming to this school soon.» She looked at him curious. «I have a twin brother.» Evelynn groaned. «There's more of you?» He started laughing and nodded. «My littles sisters are going in lower grades tho.» She just shook her head and turned around. «Let's train now, I'm not here to talk to you.» ☬꧂

꧁☬ He shook his head and stood up. «Don't talk to me like that, little angel.» He teleported straight behind her, his lips almost touching her ear. «Unless I might be hurt..» He whispered. She blushed and took a step away from him, but he teleported right in front of her. «Fuck off!» She tried punching him but he quickly grabbed her wrist and turned it, making her rotate around her own axis. «Agh! Are all of you demons like this?» He laughed and let go of her. «Every demon is different.» She sighed. He grinned at her playfully. «Now, that you accepted my offer, why don't we actually give each other a little handshake?» He lend out his hand, his fingertips turning black. She could see every little vein in his arm and hand as they were glowing in a bright red underneath the skin. She looked at him suspicious. She hesitated before shaking his hand. His hand was cold as ice, but her body was burning hot, when their skin touched. She swear his eyes and the sun were glowing red for a second. He let go of her hand, his hand turning back to normal. «You're dancing with the devil. Don't wonder if you might see dead bodies from now on.» He said coldly. She gulped. He then just started grinning. «Let continue our training then, shall we?» Eve nodded in reply. ☬꧂


꧁☬ She fell onto the floor, her knee ripping open. «GET UP!» He shouted. She whimpered and crawled backwards. It started raining heavily. «If you think the rain is stopping me from fighting you, you're totally wrong, little angel.» She breathed heavily and tried getting up, by leaning against the stone wall. She remembered something. She had heard him say 'volare' before. When he ran up to her, about to attack her she shouted «VOLARE!» A green lightning appeared out of her hand and Zeke smashed against the stone wall. He floated for a few seconds, but because he was much stronger than her, he easily got down again. It was raining so heavily, it was hard to see him. The floor was glassy. She was shivering. She was bruised everywhere. She was tired. Her body was shaking. He teleported in front of her. «Calor.» He said. She could feel her body heating up. «Are you okay? Or are you already defeated?» She didn't reply and leaned against the wall. It was hard to stand. He gave her a cold glare. He then stepped closer. «I asked you something.» He was completely wet. His hair was falling into his face and his white, long armed, shirt was soaked, just like his cardigan. She could see his skin underneath. «J-just give me a s-small break..»
She whimpered and dropped onto the floor. «Get back up, all you're wearing is a skirt and underwear underneath. You'll get a cystitis.» She gulped but didn't manage to get back up. He sighed and picked her up. «Put me down!» He shook his head and sat her down on a old chair, that was standing near them. It was made out of simple wood and you could hear it slightly crack. ☬꧂

꧁☬ He sighed and healed her knees. She was shivering badly, even if he already made her body temperature go up. «Hold still, angel.» He said, grabbing her thighs with one hand. He continued healing her knees, yet it took a lot of effort. There were many little Rock's. He had to get them out before he healed her knees. «S-sorry..» Her lips were slightly blue. It was raining heavily. she touched his hand. «Your body is so warm..» She mumbled. He groaned. And teleported the two into his bedroom. He sat her down on his chair and wrapped her knees into bandages. «I'll go get you some clothes. You can change in my bathroom.» She nodded. He gave her a pair of sweatpants and a big hoodie. She slowly walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind her. It didn't take long for her to come out again, wearing his clothes now. He mumbled something before taking the wet uniform out of her hand. He placed it over his fireplace. «He teleported around the room and then into the bathroom, now wearing a pair of sweatpants and a shirt. His hair was still wet, but had dried a lot already. Meanwhile, she sat down in front of the fireplace. «Zeke..» She mumbled. «Yes?» He sat down next to her. «Leon wrote me a message. He said he's going to give me what I deserve and that Zele is the next dad man..I-I don't know what to do.» He glared at her with a face, that sent a shiver down her spine. «I'll deal with him. Oh and, from now on, you're single. If I see you with him again he's dead.» She looked at him, in a different way than he did. «But how am I supposed to break up with him?» «I'm going to pay him a visit. I'll tell him. Don't worry about anything. You're safe now. You're with me now.» She nodded. «Thanks.» ☬꧂

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