17-𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊?

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꧁☬ CHAPTER SEVENTEEN:17-𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖘𝖚𝖗𝖊? ☬꧂


꧁☬ 7:56PM. She wasn't late yet. She sighed, then started walking up all the million of stairs. Already just getting up the tower was drowning so much energy. She groaned a few times, but eventually made it. Her steps were quiet, but lid enough the be heard. It was fully dark outside, the moon shining bright in the sky, as well as all the little stars. She noticed Zeke, who was also looking at the stars. He was leaning against the fence, his back facing her. Based on the smoke, she could figure out he was smoking.☬꧂

꧁☬ «Do you want training next year as well?» He asked, not even turning around to face her. She walked up next to him. «Yes..please. And whenever you need my support in studying, tell me.» He rolled his eyes. The wind was blowing right through the tower, which made her smell his perfume. It reminded her of wood, honey and maby a bit of whiskey. She surprisingly liked the smell more than she thought. But it also was a bit too strong for her liking. She preferred lighter smells. He flicked his cigarette off and then turned to the left, facing her. «Let's start.» ☬꧂


꧁☬ As always, the training was hard. «Did you get even stronger?» She asks while dodging. As an answer she got hit into the stomach. «Hng!» She gasped and fell onto the floor. «I told you so many times, protect your weak spots. Head and stomach.» He sighed and pulled her up, her wound magically healing. «You're such a pussy.» She rolled her eyes. He tried striking her but she sent a lightning aswell, making an explosion between them. «Good job.» Her eyes widened. «It can praise?» He tried hitting her this time, she quickly turned down. «Shut up.» He said. «You're annoying. You know that?» She rolled her eyes. She stood back up, trying not to get hit by his 300 punches. «Calm down, I need a break. We've been training for two hours straight now.» He sighed. «Fine.» ☬꧂

꧁☬ «Did you think about my offer?» She nodded. «I'm thinking about it. I'm not sure yet. But I don't think I will accept it..» he exhaled. «Alright.» Now she looked confused.«Say, why did you ask me?» He sighed. «Theo wanted me to ask you.» «Oh..okay.» «And because I want your soul to go to heaven, so I can join you. Then I can face god.» She sat down on the cold stone floor. «What are you doing these holidays?» He looked up. «Eat, sleep, repeat.» She giggled. «No, but actually I'll be going home. My father said he would have targets for me.» She blinked two times. «Do you enjoy killing people?» He looked at her confused. «Of course.» She sighed. «I don't get you at all. Besides a hate you you're always so random! You could cry and the next second you'd laugh!» He scratched his neck. «I hate myself for it. It's one of my mothers traits, but my dad can change moods pretty fast as well.» She nodded. «My mom is kinda the silent person. My dad is kinda adventurous.» She said while looking back up at him. «Do I look like I asked?» She rolled her eyes. «Maby, if you'd be a little more nicer, you'd have more friends.» He groaned. «Oh shut up!» ☬꧂

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