Berrana's Banter

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The Next Day

The New York Continental A car pulled to the Continental... The Adjudicator opened her door and stood out and then walked out of the building and walked to the front desk where Charon was

Charon: Welcome to the Continental how may I help you?

The Adjudicator then slid Charon an Adjudicator marker Charon picked it up and looked at it before placing it back Charon then picked up the phone shakily and called Winston

(Phone call)

Charon: Sir, There is an Adjudicated here to see you.

Charon then hung up the phone after saying that

(End of Call)

Charon: He is in the lounge

The Adjudicator then walked to the lounge, Once arriving at the lounge walks over to where Winston was sitting reading a document as the Adjudicator sat down Winston put down his glasses

Winston: I'm assuming you're here to talk about John Wick, if that's so we can make it short I told him to walk away he declined and that's all there is to it-

Adjudicator: Mr Wick broke the rules

Winston: Oh yes and I haven't got the slightest idea where he is—

Adjudicator: You're mistaken. I'm not here for Mr Wick, I'm here because Mr Wick broke the rules in this hotel and with the assistance of The Devil who also left and was unable to assist in stopping Mr Wick but also assisted him in his endeavours correct?

Winston: hmm, I believe so

Adjudicator: and blood was spilt on sacred grounds was it not?

Winston: oh yes, as a matter of fact, the body gets colder within these very walls

Adjudicator: I'd like to see the body

Winston, the adjudicator took the morgue within the walls in the deepest part of the Hotel where eventually they both stood next to the body of Santino D'Antonio

Adjudicator: Santino D'Antonio a newly instated member of the high table slain by Mr Wick, while seeking sanctuary in the Continental

The Adjudicator then bent down and observed the wound

Adjudicator: With a 45. ACP, it appears

Winston: I had no control of Mr. Wick's actions

Adjudicator: yet he lives because you deemed it so, ye?

Winston: yes

Adjudicator: you have known Mr Wick for a great many years it might be even fair to call you two friends, yes? Instead of stopping him, instead of killing him, you stood and let Home walk away after he shot Santinono D'antonio in front of you as so did Y/n whom I will discuss later

Winston: I made John Excommunicado

Adjudicator: not before giving him an hour to escape along with his alleged accomplice

Winston: He broke the rules in my hotel as well for the Table's concern I shall bar Y/n from my hotel's services

Adjudicator: this is the problem with "your" hotel. Where is your fealty?

Winston: I've been of service for 40 years-

Adjudicator: Under the table. Serving the table. Everything is under the table I understand you have your loyalties, but this cannot be overlooked let me be clear I am here to adjudge you. You have one week to get your affairs in order

The Devil's Story (John Wick MR Insert)Where stories live. Discover now