The Bullet That Changed The World

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Then as John was pushed into the next room he grabbed the gun from his holster and then knocked it to the side of his head and then shot his head as the body fell lifeless he saw another guard peer through another revolving door, John then ran to the end of the hall and took the next revolving door

As you keep running you see a Guard charge at you and so as you as the man before he could fire he slammed into a mirror you blinked not even noticing it was a corner the man who slammed into the wall was on the ground bleeding from their nose unmoving as you then walk past them

Santino was then protected by Ares as she held her gun and began to guide him out

As the guard entered this room it was a complete mirror maze with a few areas slowly moving the two saw each other through a double glass pane as the guard shot John figured he was next to him instead of in front of him and shot through the wall seeing the shot hitting his head through the mirror on the John then turned the corner and grabbed his gun

As you keep running a Guard runs towards you and you've not easily fooled the guard then fires as you see the guard fire and instinct you flinch and dodge but you see from your vision a bullet mark in between you two conclude it was angled to the right from your perspective as you ran and ran then jumped using your leg to bounce off the wall and fire at the direction of the man hitting him in the jugular then in the neck

John then ran into the next room which was a mirror with a Red light John looked at the end of the hallway and saw he was looking through the one-way glass as the guard on the other end didn't see him John ran the guard then turned as John then smashed through the glass and as he did fire the shot hitting the guard in the chest as he was still in the air and landing on the floor quickly getting up

You then see a mirror that's one-sided as you see John fighting you then try and kick the glass but feel the vibrations recoil back into your leg as you groan feeling the vibrations along your leg to see the door has a handle the whole time as you groan

Ares moved off through one of the one-way panels and saw John fighting sending a guard at him John then quickly hid under the staircase as the guard headed down John shot through a gap hitting him in the leg and causing him to stumble down the stairs with a nasty crack being heard as the body moved motionless

As you clutch up and open the door and run up trying to get to John, You slip on some blood as the body then trips you over causing you to fall down a flight of stairs as your growl irritated

John looked and saw that Ares above him was moving Santino out of the exhibit John couldn't fire at them as there were stairs and the wall would block the bullet before the last panel could move she tapped Santino's shoulder Ares signed to him

Ares: You go I'll finish this

Then the panel closed as Ares readied herself as then John began to run and before exiting Ares jumped at him slashing John John then blocked one gripping her wrist and throwing her over him and pushing her up against the mirror and then gripping her fist and then smashing it against the wall causing her to drop the knife he then you tackle Ares off John pining her

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