The Old Debt

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A motorist skids off his motorbike he looks behind him fearful quickly gets up quickly grabs their bike and drives off, a car drifts a corner as the motorbike and the car weaves through traffic as the motorbike is being hunted by the driver

The motorbike goes down a narrow road the car is forced to turn left as the motorist panics and continues to drive as he looks back he accidentally smashes into the car the passenger then searches the motorist as they lie on the ground they grab the card from one of their inner pockets and then hops back in the car then drives off.

A taxi cab then drives into a garage the car is dissembled as a large haul of drugs stored with a scorpion logo, money and other illegal goodies

Abram Tarasov sat smoking a cigar in his room as his men moved the gold into small normal plain casual bags and placed them in the back of the disguised taxis's his Consigliere opened the door and sat opposite his desk

Abram: Everything loaded?

???: Almost

Abram: Almost?!

???: Sir with all due respect, is this our best option I mean can't we correct the problem-

Abram: because my nephew...killed a dog and stole a car...a car among our inventory

???: We're giving everything up for a car?

Abram: not a is John Wick's car

???: oh...

John and You then enter the building with a secret backdoor with the card activating the keycard lock

???: Sir don't we give it back?

Abram: he killed my nephew

John then grabbed a guard pulling him into the darkness where a sickening crack was heard as You were balancing from the warehouse steel beams shooting at those who were not near anybody

Abram: My brother

Another guard was kicked down the stairs's head landed on a metal rail they went lifeless as you killed 3 more guards who were standing guard

Abram: And a dozen of my men over his car and a puppy...and think he will stop now? hmm?

???: Sir he's one man why not just eliminate him?

Abram: John Wick is a man of focus

John pulled another guy into the darkness and slit his throat You then jumped and then landing on the man the man's head hit a rail and blood drools out of his mouth as he lies dead

The Devil's Story (John Wick MR Insert)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu