Francis - Yo, Girl

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chaos in the musical pt8 - Yo, Girl

First Francis pov........

This play is actually not bad. But it's about to get better. Or supposed to. I still have doubt about the plan.

I should tell someone. But now? I have to commit through to it soon. Nolan is sitting next to me, engrossed in the show. We're right at the front. He wouldn't be too supportive of what I'm about to do, would he?

The next musical number started to play, soon, I will need to get backstage and do something about this.

I tugged Nolan's arm, "Hey can I talk to you?"

He raised his eyebrow, "Why do I have a bad feeling about this?" He asked playfully.

We quietly got up and left the crowd, and outside of the auditorium. The hallway blinded me with the light.

"What's going on?" He asked me. Ah he look genuinely worry. Like he might support me. (HE AINT SUPPORTING YOU NO MORE BUDDY PAL)

The music is still faint even from here.

"Yo, girl, keep it together

I knew, you could come far

Now, you're truly a Heather

Smell how gangsta you are..."

"Nolan, I'm so sorry.. to tell you this now. But I'm the one working for Heather," I confessed quickly.

"Yo, girl, feel a bit punchy?

He's not, looking so well," 
He didn't say anything, just kind of look and process the info.

"Please don't tell anyone," I pleaded, knowing it would fall to deaf ear.

"Still, you've earn that red scrunchie

Come, join, Heather in hell"

It was too quiet. "Um... please say something."

"I don't know what to say," He snapped quietly, "What are you doing?" He demanded.

"Whatever it takes to be noticed by my own parents! And she said this might turn out good!"

He does not look convinced.

"Heather isn't a saint, we're not loss sheeps that needs her help. You're certainly not being the hero following her! What is this suppose to do?"

"Ummm rid of bad people." Now saying it out-loud, that sound very non-Heather.

"Really? Is that everything?"


"Yeah. You really believe that Heather would do that? Don't you remember what she did to everyone?" He said, hurted.

"Well okay, bad people or maybe people in general. But like, you know how hard it is to get my parents to even care!?"

"Getting them mad at you, is not gonna do shit!"

I mean, how can I ever stand out and amaze my parents if I'm always in Frances's shadow. She have a whole successful world-known business chain she started when she was in grade 10 and I don't even know what I want to do.

So I need to take the riskier way.

Heather kinda offers that.

If bad things happens... at least they'll notice me.

Nolan scoffed, "I could help you! Why Heather!?"

"You wouldn't understand. I need to go!" I ran toward the music department area, not looking back.

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