"Hi Minho." She said with a bit of tease behind her voice. Minho laughed and rolled his eyes

"Hana!" She called over her shoulder, "Your boyfriend is here!" She wiggled her eyebrows at Minho like his mom had earlier.

"Boyfriend?!" He heard a male voice come from the house who he assumed was her father.

"Aera's just kidding dad!" He heard Hana yell, "Hi Minho." Her smiley demeanor made him know she was excited. She was wearing a red plaid skirt with a black long sleeve top and black boots.

"You look cute." He smiled and grabbed her hand.

"So you're the boy taking my daughter out." Her dad appeared behind her. He looked Minho up and down before continuing, "Have her home by nine."

"Of course sir." Minho nodded and they shook hands.

"Have fun sweetie."

"I will!" Hana smiled as Minho walked her to the car.


"Ah you must be Hana." Minho's mother hugged her as they walked in.

"Yes ma'am." She smiled at hugged her back.

"It's so nice to meet you! You know Minho was so excited to have you over! He cleaned the whole house, oh and look how put together he looks!" His mom went over to him and dusted off his chest.

"Mom." Minho rolled his eyes, a bit embarrassed. Hana giggled at the fact that Minho was just as excited as she was.

"Ah hey kids!" Hana turned to see Minho's dad come around the corner, "Hana, it's very nice to meet you." He smiled.

"Nice to meet you too Mr Lee." She bowed a little.

"Shall we sit down?" His mom asked. The group agreed and soon sat at the table with their tteokbokki.

"So," his mom started, "How did you two meet?"

"We're in the same class." Hana answered, "I just transferred this year.

"Oh, where did you go before?" His father asked.

"My first year I went to a school not too far from here and then my second year i did a year abroad in the US." She sounded very proud.

"Oh that sounds like so much fun! Where in the US?" Minho watched as Hana and his parents talked casually. He was over the moon that they all got along so well, although he couldn't let any of them realize that. He was quiet for most of the dinner, more of just listening to the conversation except when he was asked something.


"Thank you guys so much for having me over." Hana bowed as her and Minho were about to leave.

"It's no problem at all you were a joy to have, you'll have to come over again soon." His mom hugged her.

"I'd love to." She nodded, and with that her and Minho made their way out to the car.

"We have some time to kill." Hana looked at the clock after Minho finished.


"What do you want to do?" Hana asked.

"I know a place." Minho winked at her.

"As long as you aren't going to kidnap me." She laughed. He smiled as he drove them up a hill, a beautiful lookout into the still busy city of Seoul, "How'd you know of this place?" Hana asked as she looked out at the array of lighted buildings.

"I used to come here a lot to just be alone. I haven't been here in a while though." He smiled, "I used to think about you here."

"Me?" She questioned.

"I used to try to figure out what your next steps were so I could be prepared. Damn, for a silly little game I was pretty obsessed with you." He laughed to himself. Hana didn't know how to respond, she just looked at him with her mouth slightly agape, in shock from the end of his sentence, "Hana." He spoke, turning so that they were facing each other. She hummed in response, now with a curious expression, "Can I kiss you?" He asked, she could hear the nervousness behind his voice, which somehow seemed to transfer to her as well. "It's okay to say no, I just-"

She pulled him by his shirt, connecting their lips. Both parties were slightly nervous that somehow the feelings they had built up last time they kissed would no longer exist. But the same feeling came back, the one they both remember so vividly. The feeling they both wanted to run away from because it felt so different. But this time they wouldn't run. Minho put one hand on her cheek, after the initial shock wore off. The fireworks exploding in their stomachs only made them want it to never end.

But it did come to an end. Finally once they pulled away they looked into each others eyes. "It felt like the first time." Hana commented.

"Is that okay?" Minho asked, he twiddled his fingers as he was scared she may run again.

"Yes, because I don't want to push it away anymore." She laid her head on his shoulder as they looked out the front windshield of the car, "You make me feel something I've never felt, not even with Juyeon. There's something so much more... electric about your touch."

"Then why did we stop?" He smiled, his flirtatious side finally coming back out as he pushed her head off his shoulder and pulled her in for more.

A/N: Yippee! 26 chapters and they kissed twice!

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