Chapter 10 - A Gathering of Leading Countries?

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"This is Cartalpas Port Authority, report exactly what happened."

"We have confirmed that what appears to be a ship from the Gra Valkas Empire has entered the strait. One giant battleship."

"Just one?"

"Just one. It appears to be the Grade Atlastar."

Upon hearing that, Bronto abruptly stood up and approached the window. The silhouette of the ship became visible after a while.

"...Wow... ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!!"

With its design, nine huge cannons, and a massive hull comparable to a magic battleship, the awe-inspiring sight surpassed any rumors he had heard. Even the ordinary people near the dock were in a frenzy of amazement and excitement.

"...Sir! Sir Bronto!"

Lost in admiration, his subordinate beside him yelled, bringing him back to reality.

"Oh, uh, what's up?"

"Japan has arrived. 1 aircraft carrier, 11 cruisers, 2 supply ships, 1 civilian ship."

As there were no 'destroyers' in the Mirishial Navy's classification, Japanese destroyers were mistaken for cruisers due to their size.

"Damn, that aircraft carrier is massive! But why is the bow raised like that?"

The first thing that caught his eye was the conspicuously large aircraft carrier.

"Though, the cruisers seem poorly armed for their size. Quite a different shape, more reminiscent of our magic ships..."

He tilted his head, but the impact was not as great as the Grade Atlastar, and he soon lost interest.

. . .

"It was the right decision to dispatch the fleet, but I never thought we'd end up in a gunboat diplomacy situation..." Kondō murmured as he gazed out at the harbor scenery.

After receiving advice from Elto, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was split in half. On one side, they argued for accompanying the fleet as Elto suggested. On the other side, they argued that sending warships would go against diplomatic protocol and should not provoke other countries. Under the firm voice of the Cabinet, fleet deployment was decided somewhat forcibly, but the aftermath was still tumultuous.

Kondō was in favor of the former, but the opposition not only made every possible argument to at least reduce the size of the deployment but also resorted to childish harassment like leaving notes and altering work hours. While the arguments of the opposition were easily dismissed as absurd, the unprecedented situation led to heated debates, and the ongoing harassment only exacerbated the stress.

Ultimately, the deployment of the Fifth Fleet was decided, leading to the current situation. However, as the military does not have the power to make arrests outside the battlefield, a patrol ship accompanies them just in case they encounter criminal organizations. Even that patrol ship was mistaken for a cruiser by the people of Mirishial.

Seeing the scene before him, Kondō believed that selecting the main fleet was the right decision, but as a diplomat, he felt conflicted.

"If we report to headquarters, the opposition will surely be sidelined," Inoue joined the conversation. He too had faced harassment and was fed up with it.

"Anyway, the problem is that thing."

"It really does look just like the Yamato-class."

They compared the photos of the Yamato sent from the Ministry of Defense with the Grade Atlastar.

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