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"Just what the fuck is happening?" I whispered to my self as I hear clanks of swords and sticks and the flow of magic power every now and then. I do not like what I hear, and they keep of trying to protect me as if I am some sort of treasure that needs that. And I don't know what to do.

The thing is, there are bandits here. Or so I call them. They are wearing this rugged clothing and all of that. But on the other hand, some of them also had armors of their own, which I could not conclude if they stole or where given to them as a gift or a token. They look well trained, too. All buffed out and handling themselves as if water flowing and in control of the wind. They are big people, but somehow, the group I am with is managing a fight.

Are they the group we are chasing after? And here I thought we are still far from them. We did not even have time to plan what we will do. What? Did they just plan and attacked and that is it? Retrieve something without any specific instructions, means you could be reckless?

However, I could not speak for them. They fight well, I mean the group I was with. They do what they can and what they can seems to be more than what this people expected from sixteen to eighteen year-old kids from some Academy of magic.

Selene certainly is not in her wolf form, she knows the wolf is still untrained for this, but her wand, the way she used her spells is just majestic. Wade and her waters, Zyrhine and her wind, Phoenix and his light, Razzien with his fire, and the way Voughn controls earth to do his bidding. And there I was, holding a bow in my hand and a strap of arrows in my back, and a dagger on the other. I called it a dagger, more like a very sharp knife but still helpful, I might say.

"Take the one with red hair." Yup, they saw it coming. Well, with the book of prophecy and all of that shit, of course they know what is coming. And they are talking about Selene.

All of them seemed to be present here. Well, not all. As when I took a peak to where their base is when Voughn pointed it out, there was one person left there.

I turned my head to look at Zyrhine, and somehow at the same exact moment, she turned to look at me. I motioned to her the open base, asking for what plans must be executed first. She seemed hesitant for a moment, then smiled. She smiled and nod at me, and then a sudden gust of wind lifted me up, and I almost yelped. The heck? Zyrhine, on the other hand, floated with her wings. Such beautiful white wings that they are... I want one too!

Since the base is near, it only took us about a matter of second to land there. And indeed, they left only one member to look after what they are hiding. And he looked shocked.

"You get the book, I'll distract him." Zyrhine whispered to me, loud enough to be understood, but seemed to be linked with magic to not be heard by the enemy. I nod back at her, and she attacked.

I made myself as invisible and as swiftly as I can, I roamed the place. It was a huge tent, I've observed. Yet a tent temporary enough to show which way to look when looking for something valuable. It was always hidden, safely hidden. Wooden boxes, I mean. So that is where I started looking.

It wasn't even a few moments then, and I don't know if it was luck, but I saw a light coming from those I was eyeing as I open more boxes. Suspicious, I came near it, and took a moment to open it. It was obscenely large to be a storage for books, but then again, a book of prophecy? Should have known.

And true to it, it is the book of Prophecy. How did I know? It has this dim light coming of the edges of the papers, and it is huge. How am I suppose to carry this unnoticed? It's like a normal broadsheet magazine stacked together to form something as thick as this one!

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