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It was all between dreams and slumber.

A sudden thud woke me up from my slumber, like I just fell from the moon back to the ground. From a blurry sight, to a clear one. I woke up in a dark and contained room, without windows. The only source of light I could find was a single lamp sitting on the far side in front of me. That is when I realized, both my hands are tied in the stone wall, and there are injuries all over my body. I couldn't feel any pain, but the cold creeping inside me. I know this isn't real, but a dream.

Just a moment after, I felt the cold water touch my skin. Just a second later, the lamp ran out of light, and I was left in a cold room, slowly being filled with water that is about to suffocate me.

I couldn't do anything. I couldn't move a single nerve, nor is to shout for help. I'm just there, shouting inside my brain, but my mouth just won't cooperate. It's like I've lost every single will to leave, for I'm the only one here. No one can see me, no one can ever hear my inside cry for help. No one can ever know that I am here, waiting for my end. There's no way I could escape this...

I took my final breath just before the water consumed me. Second after, my lungs couldn't take it anymore, I'm running out of breath! Just then, a dark figure came rushing and pressed his mouth on mine, giving some air to my lungs. But things aren't as perfect as they must be, isn't it?

If this is really a dream, can you please wake me up in a peaceful and simple life?

I RUBBED BOTH MY EYES BEFORE entirely waking up. What time is it?

I don't know. But I am sure as hell I want to stay on bed as long as I can, not to sleep though. I'm sure I must not, but the dream I just had is boggling my head as of the moment.

I looked around for a moment, rethinking what to do with the next minutes. And since I've got no clock here in my room, I forced my body to stand up and walk a little just to enter my parent's room and look for the time. 1:15 am, 1:15 in the morning. It's much to early to start doing morning rituals, guess I still have time to ogle around and do some day dreaming.

Now that I know what time is it, I moved back to my room and ransacked it for a pen and a notebook I am sure as heaven I have here lying around. When I managed to find one, I started writing. It's too early for that kind of activity, one might think, but I don't have any means to rethink, and I forget quite easily. So, I opted to just record whatever things I am able to record. Because how could I remember them as accurate as now if I am not to record them as fresh as now?

I wrote everything that I remembered from that dream. Of course, I couldn't remember all, for if I can, that's a world record. I am not a lucid dreamer, I don't feel like I can control my dreams. I tried once, but I can't. If it's astra projection that I am going to try, there's a possibility that I'll never see the next sunrise and next sunset I've loved. And besides, there's a possibility I might ave died in another universe and it's just that my bran is showing me those other me. Because it's fun, and that whoever I am right now it probably the best one of choice among others.

Funny how you can wake up from a dream to a completely different one.

And isn't it funny how I cannot remember that? All I know is that time where I almost run out of air and someone gave me some. After that, I know I woke up into something else, I just can't point out what exactly is the second dream. Yes, funny. Because the first one seemed so real that the second one seems to be just a memory passing through the me in my dreams. How is that?

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