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"We're loosing them! Beep beep beep beeeeep!!" Somehow, a loud voice echoed, waking me up. "Don't you die one me, damn it!! Nurse! We need twelve ml of cream cheese, stat!" It once again shouted. That is when I recognize who it is.

"That piece of a human! What is it again this time?!" If he's not waking me early on face to face and grabbing my blanket away from me, he's shouting and somehow PURPOSEFULLY making his voice echo and reach my sleeping ears. Gosh!

"Here! The cream cheese! Faster!" And that voice is definitely a girl, which, I think is Zyrhine. Just a time for them to bond, what fun. I forced my body to wake up and stand and pushed the blanket away from my body.

I stretched a little and pushed my hair away from my face before going out of the room. We live together, I don't think me in my pajamas will bother them enough. The moment I stepped out, I saw the other four sitting on the living room like the royalties that they are, wearing the same outfit as mine, their pajamas. I mean, it's Sunday, what is there to do than to lounge here and there and play and bond with each other?

But it's Sunday, we still have our trainings no matter what. And I don't think I like the concept of that. But at least, they gave us about until nine in the morning to sleep well, or so I thought.

"Good morning, people." I greeted as I slumped beside Selene. She's looking fine, at least now. "Good morning." They greeted back with the same deflated energy as mine.

"He's bread, Wade." Zyrhine spoke once more, voice seemingly lanced with sadness and disappointment.

"What is wrong with those two?" I asked. "They are loud for a Sunday."

"That's what I said!" Phoenix exclaimed, both hands falling as if loosing energy as it is. "They don't listen!"

"Time of deliciousness, 6:17 am. " Wade declared. What the fuck?

And somehow, frantically, Zyrhine spoke again. "If we don't start his heart, he's a toast!" She said, yes, as if it would really happen.

"What are they doing again?" I inquired.

"Uhmm... The defibrillator toaster, as they call it." It was Selene who answered.

"The what now?"

"The defibrillator toaster." Razzien repeated sounding defeated.

"JAM IT!" Wade shouted again.

"Daddy's in a butter place now, kids." Sounding sad, again, Zyrhine spoke.

"Okay, that's enough." Phoenix interrupted. Entering the kitchen that same time he spoke. "What are you two doing that you just need to wake us all up this early?!" He inquired.

We followed behind him hoping to see what really is happening.

"Uhm..." Wade shrugged, pointedly looking at the bread in the table. "Breakfast? Everyone?"

Another day, another torture. This is the last day of me trying to manipulate weapons under Voughn. Tomorrow, I will be under Razzien, which is talking about martial arts. And we haven't even discussed what he will be teaching me first. Does he intend to do that that same day? Ugh! Just care for it when it comes.

Everyone already started and here I am, in front of the targets prepared for me. We, which means Voughn, the Maestro, and I, agreed that I just go on and use the bows and arrows since it is a disaster when I try to use the other types of weapons. So yeah, bows and arrows it is.

Our master is not here, I mean, it is Sunday. We could try whichever we want as long as we wound up alive the next morning, and I choose to try target shooting. Not with guns though, those shits are too noisy for me. At least, in archery, as long as you can hold the bow, you can release the arrow, then you can pretty much enjoy the game. You just need to learn how to aim and shoot without missing.

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