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And to think that the next day may not be the same... As no one is actually sure that the next time you woke up from a dream, it would be the same reality as it is yesterday.

"Ahhh..." I moaned as I stretched out of bed. I've slept so well last night! I had no dream! Nothing at all! Just a peaceful sleep I took for a whole night. No stories for me to worry about as it goes along inside those dreams. It was a very peaceful sleep as I have not entered any world for the night. Worlds that an author and a reader could only hope to visit in real time.

Or am I sure I had no dreams at all? I think I do? But if that's the case, how can I not remember even having them?

I smiled, took a deep breath, and climbed out of my blanket. And since I somehow loved just sliding out of bed instead of standing up and processing things up, I found myself on the floor. Well, that is fun.

I stood up with a yawn and another stretch before completely opening my eyes.

That is when it hit me.

Something's wrong. Something feels different.

I took the liberty to roam my sight around whichever place I am in right now. This is not my room. I have no concrete walls that looked like they have been sanded down to perfect smoothness. Nor do I have a very high ceiling I could actually hang a mini chandelier. Nor do I have a large bed in the middle of the room. Not do I have a blanket this dark shade of the red. Neither do I have a table this large, nor a lamp beside my bed. My room ain't even painted as it is rather covered with curtains to hide the walls! And most of all, I do not remember owning a bookshelf, let alone more than one!

The moment realizations sink in, I felt my heart beat faster and faster behind my chest. A feeling that somehow bought me to be a bit too dizzy to register some more information.

Where the heavens am I?!

I am pretty sure I am not in my own room, let alone in my house! But I do remember going home yesterday. Or did I? Did I? What the heavens is happening here?!

With heart beating a little more than normal and head almost spinning, I took my best to look around once more, sitting tensely on the bed as I try to analyze whatever the heck is happening here. Looking for something that might hint me where the heavens am I.

First, I am not in my room, nor my house.

Second, I woke up wearing a different clothing I am pretty sure I never own.

Third, I woke up alone and signs of ever being with someone.

So, this might be a innocent encounter. Maybe someone just found me out from somewhere and brought me here in hopes that I am still alive? But if that is the case, then wouldn't that also mean that whoever that someone is, they are not cleaver enough to look at whether I was wearing an identification card or not?

And what could have been the reason of my loosing consciousness anyway? This is weird. This is very very weird.

Once again, I took a deep breath and stood up. I noticed a large window on my side, one that is covered with a floor length curtain that I did not saw it right away. I parted the curtains and pushed the glass windows open.

Wind came rushing in, one too fresh to hint even a single scent of smoke. We certainly is not in Baguio right now. But where the heck am I? And I have been asking myself that for one too may times already.

No words left my mouth until I noticed another thing. I've mentioned a table inside the room. But that's not just it. There was a box lying on top of it, and a white envelope on top of the box. Once too seemingly bright to be left unnoticed.

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