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Two whole days passed like nothing. The said training were to start this Monday so they arranged a complete real tour for me to have an idea of what am I dealing with once everything started. They also gave me a crash lessons over the history and everything of Aquariah, the school, and the possible sources of magic.

In between those two days, I also got my identification card. Maybe just in case someone got lost, or died. I also laced it up and used the key of my room as a key chain for me to not loose both. And now, Monday came. Means that the days of fun and entertainment are gone.

Training could either mean fun, or freaking torture.

"Did anyone in this group improved their ways of using their abilities?" The maestro asked. The same one that greeted me when I first arrived, Mr Varg. "Is there is, please take the stage and show us." He'd said again and returned to our side, leaving the center place vacant for whoever will take it.

"And you are Mika, am I right?" He asked the moment he reached us. He looked at me and asked that same question twice in a row.

"Yes sir,"

"Have you any idea what type of elements you have?"

"No po. I am still trying to find out whether or not I have them." I answered back.

"Is that so?" He once again breathed. "Do you, at least, know about Hailir and their uses?"

"Yes sir, those five oriented me the past two days. I think I have an idea."


"I though her well, Maestro. I am sure she knows more than what is standard at this point." Wade spoke with pride. Now really? I turned to look at him and raise an eyebrow, but I saw from the side of my eye that kind of a glare Zyrhine is trowing at him which made me smile. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked, I shrugged it off turned to our instructor.

Zyrhine attacked. Being a wind elemental mage that she is, she managed to create a huge barrier-like type of block and made it fall heavily on Wade's head. I heard groans and curses, and laughter at the other side. Maestro was laughing with them. Hmm, at least they have a bond.

"Can you define what magic here is, Mika?" Maesto asked, turning his head to look at me whilst as he ask that question. They did not inform me about a quiz!

"Uhm..." I hummed, trying to recall everything that I know. Pretty sure I know much! Where are they now that I need them! Come on brain, work! "Well..." I spoke again. I took a deep breath in before opening my mouth again. "Hailir and Nacia." Why is it even called that? "Hailir is the magic that came and was form of light, or good. Nacia, on the other hand, is the type of magic that is either made ou of anger, desperation, of bad- or of darkness." I tried explaining.

Then there was a crash.

"ZYRHINE! YOU FREAKING BITCH!" Wade shouted, holding a hard metal sword in his hand and gave chase to the girl. He has a whole lot of gunk in his face, seeming from the ground and purposely thrown at him. Huh, wind would be that powerful...

"Ha! That's what you get, asshole!" Zyrhine replied, and then flee. Not really flee, just floated of the air with her wings- wings?- flapping and bring thuds of wind along Wade's way. And he was brimming mad. That is objective as it could be seen how he is trembling of anger.

"I still don't think I understand much of the magic types here in Agewertia, but I think I understand what they have." I continued speaking, not turning my head back to the Master. "There are different types under both Hailir and Nacia, yet the most known are these, the elemental ones. One of fire, earth, water, and air. Of course, there is also other ones such as space and time, and other ones under shapeshifting, witchcraft and wizardry." The ones I've mentioned are actually the most common ones. They could be seen and used from all over Agewertia. Most know, yet space, time, light, darkness manipulation is rare, too rare people actually forget they even exists at all. But they do, and fallen to wrong hands, this world would have been more problematic as it is. "Some other types, such as gravity, speed, flight and the likes will either fall under one of those categories... or a mix of both. Although rare, it is still possible."

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