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A weird, lonely life with family and friends she has

A hopeless romantic who wants her life without love

Writing all her thoughts in her notebooks

Smiling on every write of her life on hook,

As her lost path connects with destiny to love
As her path be one of death all they planned
She became a part of past and future's flips
Full filling her life's what ifs.

Will love be able to change someone who's betrayed by the world?
Does this thing have the power to be something that'll prevent the worst?
Will love be able to save him from destroying everything?
Does this thing have the capabilities of restraining him?

Will he let it glide in ice that he has become over the years?

Or will it penetrate through his deepest deep?

But what if she doesn't care about romance and falling in love?

Will he dare charm her to be his for forever that he planned?

_Lumeng Azhi_

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