Chapter 4 - Daddy's Home

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Chapter 4
Daddy's Home

"Ezra?" Kanan looked at his Padawan suspiciously. "What did you do?"


Kanan looked at Hera, "Do I even want to know?"

"Zeb punched me in the face!" Ezra finally blurted out.

Kanan let out a sigh and shook his head, "I don't wanna know..." He picked up his bag and headed towards his room. Ezra let out a sigh and Hera shot him a glance before following Kanan.

"You're back sooner than I thought you would be." Hera held onto him as they walked towards his room.

"Yeah. I really missed you guys. It was nice to have some time alone, but I got so used to Ezra hanging around me all the time that I started to feel empty."

"What." Hera lifted an eyebrow playfully. "Ezra was the only one you missed who made you feel empty?"

Kanan gave her a spunky smirk as he threw down his bag on the flood, "Not the only one." He pulled her close and closed his door.

Back in the main room Ezra was hot with embarrassment, he held the ice pack on his face but it didn't seem to hide his flush humiliation. "Great." He grumbled. He was truly glad to have his master back, but on the other hand he was even more worried because his mouth wasn't healed, he didn't think he could eat normal food yet, and without that nutrition he would not be in the prime shape for training, not to mention missions. It was gonna be impossible to hide this now. "What am I gonna do?" He pulled the blanket over himself, all he wanted to do was sulk.

"What are you wallowing about?" Zeb's voice made Ezra poke his head out from under the blanket.

"Kanan's back."

"Oh wow already huh? Guess the bloke really missed us. Figured you would be happy."

"I am, but...."

"Still can't eat huh." Ezra shook his head. "Geez you humans are pretty weak if your mouth still hasn't healed. A little bit of spice is enough to burn you on the inside and you get all mopey."

"Ok, that was not a 'little bit' of spice." Ezra glared at him.

"Sabine did just fine and she's human."

"She's a Mandalorian! That doesn't count."

"Bah. What are you gonna tell Kanan about your face?"

"I told Hera you punched me, seems like a believable enough excuse."

"And if you need added realism, I'm more than happy to help." Zeb balled up his fist and shook it.

Ezra smirked, "Thanks but I'm a good enough actor to pull it off on my own."

"If you say so." Zeb shrugged and walked off.

Ezra decided to head to his bunk and get some rest, he knew Zeb was busy with other things so he would have some privacy and quiet time to be alone. He took his cup of milk and the lozenges with him and went to sit on the floor with the blanket to try to meditate. His whole body felt listless and lethargic, it made him feel weak, but he knew without food his body had no energy, it still made him sink deeper into depression. He hated feeling like that. He hadn't felt that way since living on the street. He used to be so tough, had he softened up since joining the Ghost crew? He tried to shake those thoughts away and was trying to make himself not think about it, focusing on Kanan and being happy that he was home. But while he was happy he was still not happy because if Kanan figured out he had done something stupid like go eat that spicy chili and mess up his mouth and be unable to eat, no doubt he would get in trouble and be put thru the Jedi training ringer of hell. He would use the 'Zeb punched my face' excuse as long as he could, he only hoped it would last until he was healed enough to eat so that Kanan would never know about their secret foodie adventures. That night Hera planned a special dinner for Kanan's return, much to Ezra's dismay. The food all looked and smelled delicious, but he was stuck with his fruity milk smoothie. Sabine shot him a sympathetic glance.

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