A Wreck

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I was a wreck.

I was forgetting things, I couldn't sleep, and I was always on the verge of tears. I wasn't even up for dressing nice or wearing make-up, two things I loved.

I was sitting at my desk during my free period, trying to grade different essays and assignments. I took in a shuddering breath, trying to stay focused. I was going to be fine. If I could walk in and catch Steve physically cheating on me, I could handle this break up.

I felt tears well in my eyes. Break up. Eddie and I were broken up.

I shook my head – I needed to stop this. It was painful, but I was going to get through it. The bell rang, and students started filing into my classroom. I smiled at Maggie as she came in, and she avoided my gaze. She had been like this for the last couple of days, and it almost hurt as bad as the break-up. I sighed, starting today's lesson.

Once class ended, I went to my desk, shuffling through my papers.


I looked up and smiled at Maggie. She smiled nervously.

"I didn't know if you wanted this back or not," she said awkwardly, handing me a box. I opened it, frowning when I saw the gold bracelet I had given her. I looked back up at her.

"Did you not like it?" I asked sadly. Her eyes widened and she shook her head.

"No, no – I loved it. I just didn't know if you wanted me to keep it or not," she explained. I smiled sadly and handed it back to her.

"I want you to keep it. I got it for you," I insisted. Her eyes widened, and she smiled. She looked down at the box.

"Thank you, Dolly," she said quietly. She looked back up at me. "How...how are you doing?"

"I'm okay," I lied. I forced a smile. She sighed.

"Eddie's not okay. He really messed things up," she admitted. I felt my chest tighten and looked down at my feet.

"He'll be okay," I replied quietly. We sat in an awkward silence. I cleared my throat. "So, do you want to start lessons back up soon?"

Maggie smiled and nodded. I smiled back at her.

"Yeah – maybe tomorrow?" she asked. I nodded, and she started walking away. She stopped, turning back to me. "I really hope you and Eddie figure it out. He was really happy with you. I know he messed up, but I told him he needed to try."

I felt tears well in my eyes and cleared my throat again.

"Thanks, Maggie," I croaked. She nodded and left the classroom. I let a deep breath out.

This was going to be harder than I thought it would be.


I gnawed at my thumbnail, staring at the Munson trailer. I saw my things stacked neatly on the porch, just like I had asked Eddie to. I glanced in the back of my car – I had all of Eddie's things in the bag he had left at my apartment. I had tried putting this off for days, but I was missing things to sleep in, and I needed to finally pull the band aid off.

I reached to the bag and pulled the flannel I loved off the top of the bag. He would wear around me all of the time, and I loved how it looked on him. I pressed my nose to the front, taking in his smell. Without a second thought, I decided I was going to keep it and hope he didn't ask about it. I set it on the floor of my passenger side, trying to hide it a bit. I got out and grabbed the bag, my stomach churning as I made my way to the door.

I got to the porch and dropped his bag in front of his door. I sorted through my things to make sure everything was there, just to avoid any future interactions. My stomach dropped when the front door opened, and Eddie stepped out.

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