Bad at Being Mad

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Why did I feel like I was in trouble? My ex-boyfriend, the one who cheated on me, who had only started bothering me once he heard I was dating someone he used to bully, was glaring at me like I kicked his puppy. I still hadn't totally forgiven Robin for calling Steve about my relationship with Eddie. Eddie gripped me tighter to him, and I was brought out of my thoughts. I let a deep sigh out.

"Steve, go away," I snapped, leaning further into Eddie. Steve shook his head.

"You never even got back to me about the letter," Steve retorted, gesturing vaguely at me.

"I never even opened it," I quipped. Eddie squeezed my side again – I knew he would like that answer. It was true, too – I had stuffed the letter away in one of my bookcases, leaving it unopened.

Steve's eyes widened in surprise. He no longer had any kind of control over me, or influence in my life anymore and he hated it. His mouth opened and closed several times, and I slid his drink to him.

"Bye, Steve," I seethed. Steve stared at me for a beat, trying to think of something to say. He finally picked his beer up and stormed away into the crowd. I let out a deep sigh, settling further into Eddie.

"You really never opened that letter?" Eddie asked quietly. I looked up at him, grinning at how nervous he was. I looped my arms around his neck again.

"Nope – why would I?" I asked, flirting with him. He turned red and bumbling.

"You aren't curious?" he pushed. I shook my head.

"Not at all – I've got my knight in shining armor, I don't need to entertain jesters," I quipped. His eyes crinkled, and he held me tighter.

"You're a dork," he replied. I smiled, getting close to his lips.

"You love it," I retorted.

He pressed his lips to mine, making me melt. I wanted to crawl into his lap and get as close as possible to him. I thought I had loved Steve, and I probably had at one point, but I don't know if any of my feelings for him held a candle to what I felt for Eddie. Eddie kissed me harder, both of us getting lost in one another for a moment. I pulled back, flushed and out of breath. He grinned and kissed my nose.

"I liked that," he said goofily. I laughed, delighted by my sweet boyfriend. I pulled back, standing, and I smiled when he looked sad that we weren't wrapped around each other anymore. I nodded towards the dance floor and held my hand out.

"Come on, good lookin' – I want to show you off," I explained. His smile was back, and he leapt up, taking my hand. He immediately twirled me into his arms, and we giggled together as we stumbled to the dance floor.

I hooked my arms around his neck, sliding close to him as he set his hands around my waist. He held me close, making my face heat as he swayed with me.

"You're a natural," I flirted as we danced together. He winked at me.

"Just following your lead," he quipped as he spun me around.

I laughed as we made our way across the dance floor, each of us pressing into the other and trading kisses. At one point, I caught Steve glaring at us from a table. I decided to really rub it in his face, and kissed Eddie hard. Eddie was surprised, but immediately met my fervor. He dipped me back, making me breathless, and when he pulled me up, I was giddy.

"Always so impressive, Mr. Munson," I stammered, absolutely enamored by him. He winked and held me tighter.

We continued to dance and laugh together, occasionally stepping on the others foot. When we did that, we immediately would kiss the other as a way to apologize.

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