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Dolly's face contorted into confusion, and I watched her as she shook her head.

"For...for me? Who would be here for me?" she asked, befuddled. I smiled weakly and kissed her forehead.

"Come on," I said quietly, reaching for her shirt to help her button it up. I frowned – it was much easier to unbutton these than it was to button them up. All of my hard work was going to waste.

"I don't understand," she said, following me as I pulled her up. I kissed her softly.

"It's okay," I assured her, taking her hand and pulling her to the living room. I heard her gasp quietly as she saw who was in the living room.

"Robin?" she said, sounding more confused than before.

I recognized Robin as soon as I opened the door – she was always hanging around Steve, which surprised me, because she seemed like a nerd like I was in high school. She still had that same haircut, and same surly expression she always wore in high school. When I opened the door, she attempted a smile that looked more like her baring her teeth at me.

"Hello – I'm Robin," she said as I opened the door. I nodded.

"I know," I replied awkwardly. We sat for an uncomfortable beat. I cleared my throat. "I'm, uh...I'm Eddie."

"I know," she shot back. I raised my eyebrows, surprised by her tone. She sighed. "Sorry – is Dolly here?"

I felt panicked for a moment – what was she doing here? She didn't like me, Dolly had told me that, and it was the reason why they hadn't really spoken in a long time. Was she here to talk sense into Dolly about me?

"Uh, y-yeah, she is," I finally replied before stepping aside so she could come in. Robin nodded and walked in, clasping her hands behind her. She looked around and cleared her throat.

"The place is nice – you spruced it up since high school," she complimented. I furrowed my brows. "I came to a couple of your parties back in school."

I nodded and ran my hand through my hair.

"I'm sure Harrington hated that," I said before I could stop myself. Her face twisted into an angry expression, and I realized I was not winning any points with her. "I'll, uh, I'll go get Dolly."

So, here we were. My secret girlfriend staring at her best friend who she had been fighting with for months because of me.

"You're never home, and I figured school had let out," Robin explained.

"How did you know where Eddie lived?" Dolly asked, still sounding confused. Robin shrugged.

"He used to throw parties in high school here – I had been to a couple," she explained simply.

"Why did you just show up?" Dolly questioned, her tone shifting to anger. Robin crossed her arms.

"Because we need to talk," Robin snapped back. Dolly stepped forward, setting her hands on her hips.

"So, you drove three hours to talk? Are you insane? Just use a phone—"

"You can hang up a phone call, it's hard to ignore me in person," Robin interrupted. Dolly let out an exasperated sigh.

"God, Rob, you're batshit sometimes," Dolly hissed. Robin rolled her eyes.

"Big talk from you, ignoring your best friend for a guy—"

"Oh, my god, you know that's not what happened!" Dolly exclaimed. Robin turned red, and before she could respond, I set my hands on Dolly's waist. She jumped, almost like she forgot I was there.

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