Psychopaths and Making Time

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"Dude, stop freaking out," Jeff insisted. I took a long drag of the clove cigarette in my hand, my stomach tossing and turning.

"Steve Harrington is her ex. Steve Harrington," I snapped, panicking. Jeff groaned and rolled his eyes, lighting another cigarette.

How could someone as wonderful as Dolly date Steve Harrington? She was so warm, and friendly, and incredible, and Steve was none of those things. Steve made my life a living hell in high school, and I hoped I would not ever see him again.

And not only did he date the girl I was slowly going crazy for, but he cheated on her? At least that's what I had gathered from what Dolly had implied. How could anyone even think about cheating on her? If I was dating her, I don't even think I could look at other women.

I shook my head – I needed to get a grip.

"Seriously, Eddie, don't ruin this before it even starts," Jeff said. Gareth nodded.

"Yeah, man – it's obvious she's into you. Why, I have no idea, but she is," Gareth quipped. Jeff laughed, and I glared at him.

"You're an asshole," I seethed.

"And you're being an idiot – she said it earlier, he's her ex for a reason," Gareth replied. I looked down at my feet, flicking my cigarette onto the ground and tamping it out with the toe of my boot.

"Eddie, I don't want you to get into your head about this. I can tell that you like her, and this is, like, the first time since high school you've been excited about a girl," Jeff said, his tone kind but firm.

"How could she have dated the Hair?" I muttered, bewildered by what I had learned about Dolly.

"He's a psychopath – he probably pretended to be a normal human being to trick her into dating him," Gareth said.

I shook my head and followed Jeff and Gareth back into the bar. I looked over at the table, my heart catching at the sight of Dolly talking to Grace. She nodded at Grace, her expression soft and sweet as she listened. I was still trying to reconcile her connection to Steve when Jeff clapped his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him, and he handed me a shot of whiskey.

"Munson – that girl has been hanging on to your every word tonight. She has not gotten freaked out when you've touched her, and she thinks you're cool for some reason," he lectured. He held his shot glass up, clinking it with my glass. "So, buck up, get out of your head, and quit being a bitch."

I blinked, surprised by his directness, and watched him take the shot. I took a deep breath and finished mine in one gulp. I felt it burn my throat and shook my head, trying to get my nerves under control. Jeff was right – I needed to quit being in my head about her. I turned, and I felt my face break into a large grin as I noticed Dolly watching. She smiled back, and her entire face lit up. I was going to need to figure out how to be cool around her, because I wanted to do anything to touch her and hold her how I wanted to.

I sauntered back over to the table, the alcohol making me bolder and less inhibited. I dropped down next to her and steeled myself for my next move. I draped my arm around her back and pulled her close to me. She beamed at me, her smile making my chest ache. She set her hand on my knee, and I felt like my body was on fire.

"I thought you said you didn't smoke," she teased, her smile goofy and sweet. I felt my cheeks flush, but I leaned closer to her.

"Only when I'm stressed – learning that you dated Steve Harrington threw me for a loop," I replied. Her smile disappeared, and I felt guilty for even making the joke. She looked down at her hands.

"I'm sorry—" she started, looking upset. I needed to make her feel better as soon as possible. I squeezed her side, prompting her to look at me.

"Dolly, it's fine, don't apologize. It just surprised me.'re not someone I would expect that would date him," I insisted.

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