11 - Madeleines

41 3 17

authors note:

I'm gonna stop using Roman numerals for my chapters bc even though it's aesthetically pleasing, I found out that it's not actually taught in every middle/primary school 😭 so I want to make it so that everyone can keep track of the chapters!

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It's miserable. After all, she'd been feeling depressed about the unfamiliarity; About the fact she missed her mother. She missed her cooking especially, it had only been a few days from her birthday which she spent on a plane landing in Paris.

She was alone in truth. She found that even though her old friends had much to talk about and much to catch up with, she wouldn't have someone whom she could rely on for some time.

Y/N had been in and out of bed since Monday. As soon as she wasn't busy there was a 99% chance she was couped up in bed. Nobody had texted her back last night except Levi. She was shocked at the fact that Pieck hadn't initiated conversation since her brunch on Saturday. It was now Wednesday.

Y/N called her again on Tuesday but there was no answer. Just like Sunday. Her finger hovered over the call button for a while before she decided to switch this to text. She wrote, 'Pieck are you free anytime soon?'

Eventually, Y/N dragged herself out of bed and decided to text Levi as she got ready for orientation. Everyone on social media seemed to have specific styles that they wanted to go to school with, but Y/N was going to wear whatever she could. She also planned to hand in a CV to a few jobs so that she could keep up with expenses.

Y/N shimmied on a denim maxi skirt, a turtle neck and a trench coat. She did minimal makeup out of laziness and went to the kitchen. When they went to IKEA, the group split the costs of the whole load. She bought many things including a tiny, circular dining table which fit only four chairs. They ordered a sofa which men came to assemble so neither she nor her friends had to do hard labour.

They bought her an espresso machine, kettle, microwave and more. She'd be in debt to them for all they've done for her. She still hadn't gone grocery shopping though, She just ate doughnuts, pizza and takeaway noodles for Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.

The house had a new smell to it, one thing she wanted to achieve was to cook in her new home. Y/N was a good cook, everyone knew, but she was discouraged because of the absence of her parents. It was a different feeling from when she left for boarding school. It's a shame that she hates her parents but longs for them so deeply.

Something that Y/N thought non-stop about was calling her mother and giving her a rant about the things that she'd been through. It was the farthest thing from possible.

She pulled out her phone as she brushed her teeth.

Levi texted back after a few minutes and greeted her back;

Hey, are you busy later today?
7:59 AM

No, just have to be at the agency
at 5 for an hour or two

wanna come?
8:07 AM

Of course

I have orientation today
though, when are you going?
8:08 AM

I'll come to get you

You said 3 right?
8:08 AM


Embrasse-Moi ("Kiss me") | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now