X - Duty(!)

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CW:  incoming lime content! 🍋‍🟩
(just depictions of a blowjob.)

"You said that she'd marry my son!" Her voice boomed through the L/N Family home. "Where the fuck is she?!"

"We're going to find her." Mr L/N stated confidently. "She couldn't have gone far... She never goes far. We reported her to the police already. Your son will get a wife."

"Can't you just send people to get her and bring her back? You said that you've done that before." She grew more angry as the minutes went by. "She's the only one who is slightly worth my son. We have a month left until the wedding now, I rescheduled everything because of your fucking daughter. I don't care if she feels forced, she will marry my son."

"We want her here too." Mr L/N tried his best to sound sorrowful to her. She was owed a daughter-in-law and the L/N company. "I don't know where she could have gone but it wasn't far, I promise you."

"Maybe she's run away with a secret guy." Reiner opened his mouth to chuckle. "It's not like she ever looked my way. She looked down on me like I was good as dirt." He brought his glass up to his face and drank his whiskey.

Both parents kept arguing instead of paying any mind to Reiner or Zeke.

Zeke sat next to him scrolling aimlessly on his phone. "What are the chances she went back to her actor ex-boyfriend." Zeke laughed.

Reiner's smile dropped at the thought. "He was the reason I never got a turn with her. But still, I'm sure it's not likely. He has a girlfriend now.

"Oh yeah," Zeke rolled his head around, laying it back on the L-shaped, leather couch. Zeke came as 'moral support' to Reiner and his mother. Really, he just wanted to see Mrs Braun lose her mind at Y/N's parents. It's the entertainment he wants. "Hasn't stopped him before though. Carly's only in my life now because he betrayed her."

"Maybe..." Reiner trailed off. Zeke immediately knew what he was about to suggest. He also knew it was one of the stupidest ideas ever.

"Historia won't come back to you. She's living comfortably in the life her wife made for her." Zeke sighed. His head was still thrown back on the couch. Y/N's Dad and Reiner's Mom were too busy trying not to bite each other's heads off to pay attention to Zeke and Reiner's out-of-pocket conversation. Suddenly he felt a sequence of buzzing, alerting him of a call. He politely excused himself.

"Carly." he voiced, holding his phone up to his ear.

"When are you coming home?" Carly's words entered his ear like the slither of a snake. "I've got something waiting for you."

"We're almost done here. What is it?" Zeke responded. His grip firmed and he readjusted as he looked back at the scene unfolding. Reiner sat comfortably watching his mother grill Mr L/N in his own living room. 

"Wanna see?" She asked.

"Give me 15 minutes and I'll be on my way."

"Ten." Her tone was subtly demanding but soft. To put it lightly, Carly Stratmann is a retired drug dealer. A skilled saleswoman, she would say. She knows how to bargain and win hearts. Although she didn't end up winning the heart she craved the most. She and Levi were even a brief... 'thing' before Y/N in high school, and after he moved back to France to continue his acting, they became a 'thing' once again. It ended in her finding out about Petra.

She was heartbroken and he barely paid any mind to her existence. So, she 'moved on'. Got with Zeke, and they moved in together. Deep down she knew if Levi wanted her she'd throw herself at him in a heartbeat.

Zeke couldn't stand a chance, but he was handsome.

Zeke readjusted one more time before walking back to the dull living room. The arguing was less intense now, Reiner interfered because he didn't want his mother to raise her blood pressure. "Listen, we'll find her together. And when we do, she'll get married she has nowhere to run." Reiner stated.

Embrasse-Moi ("Kiss me") | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now