III - Tissues

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The car slowly pulled up to the mostly glass building and stopped in the taxi lane. "Thank you so much, Mr. Carlos," I bid goodbye to the man who I had acquainted myself with during the drive to the airport. "It was so nice to meet you." I smiled at him through the rear view mirror. He gave a sincere close-eyed smiled. He got out of the car and opened the door for me. Together, we got all of the bags out of the car and onto an airport trolley. I thanked him again with a hug and went on my way.

I knew my way around this airport very well. Especially since it was one of my main modes of transport as a teen. Flying back and forth from San Fran. to Switzerland used to be second nature to me. The aeroplane rides were extremely tiring and long but I sat through them every time a break came around to see my parents. The same people who wronged me, but also paid for my education. I was in need of them. I always depended on them. And still now, I'm the furthest from independent. It was wrong.

And as I walk through the same terminal as I did before, I feel the relief I had always gotten to go back to my school life and social life in Switzerland. Only this time, I won't be going to my cushy boarding school. This time I'm attending medical school in Paris. I'm forcibly throwing myself into independence. It may be a recipe for disaster but at least I'll have my own freedom.

Before boarding I bought many snacks for the ten hour flight. I got accustomed to sleeping through flights and knew that I'd be awake for only breakfast. Especially since take off was at 3AM. I'd skip all the night meals to sleep and have at least 2 hours left on the flight when I wake up. I'm very sure that jet-lag will set in regardless because of the the fact I'm travelling so late at night. I wondered how people were able to travel so much without feeling absolutely exhausted. The airport stores weren't very enticing so I had grabbed a subway sandwich and made my way to the gate.

It was then that the nervousness and anxiety set in. Just as I had sat down on a chair in the gate, my legs shook uncontrollably. It was shaking to the point that It was making people stop and stare. The only think I could do was hold on and give an awkward smile.

Suddenly, a woman with wavy jet black hair and bangs sat next to me with ease. She placed her bag down next to her and leaned back in the chair. She was... beautiful.

I looked at her for a bit too long and she felt my gaze on her. She slowly opened her downturned to reveal her bored expression. I quickly looked away and took a quick bite of my sandwich before she asked a shocking and awkward question. "What'd you get on your sub?" Her voice was soft and unamused. She smiled to top the look off and tilted her head into my direction. Her eyes made me nervous and she just asked a question while I was having an anxiety attack.

"I uh..." My legs shook even more. In the corner of my eye, I watched her hand reach for my shaking leg. My leg settled almost immediately and I my chest stopped heaving. "Thanks..." I quietly thanked her.

"No problem," She said, still smiling. "Is everything alright? I'm Pieck, by the way." She introduced herself and fixed her hair.

"Yeah, I'm okay now," I really was I felt like I calmed down immediately. "Thank you." I reiterated. I let out a long sigh before telling her who I was. "My name is Y/N." I watched as she digged into her tote bag and fished around for something unknown to me. She looked very adamant about finding the item. So much that her eyes looked extremely focused and she continuously places her stray hairs behind her ear every few seconds.

Finally, she revealed the item and, out came a breathy sigh from her perfectly plump lips. She pulled out a fresh pack of tissues and handed me the pack. Awkwardly, I took the pack in my hand assuming that she had wanted me to take one and give it back to her. But, when the time came for me to give it back to her, her hand came up and pushed the tissue pack gently toward my chest. "It's fine, I assume you'll need them for the flight." She kindly smiled. She was like my Knight in shining armour. Only this Knight didn't wear metal armour but instead, a comfy tracksuit and Ugg boots, carrying along a black tote bag. She had a beautiful butterfly haircut which I was sure to compliment her on before the boarding began.  "You should give me your Instagram!" She insisted suddenly.

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