IV - "All Yours."

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The crowd roared as the singing finally came to a halt. Many were in awe, that this woman could relay such relatable emotions in just one song. The whole room felt lifted with support. Although everyone was elated, the only person who lacked positive emotions, was that woman.

Petra Ral, 26, Singer.

Petra was that woman. She was upset. Very upset. The only person she wished would show up didn't. She scanned the crowd many times during her hour-long show. Now, she performed the last song. The song she wished that person would be there to hear. A scandalous, suggestive song about a man who didn't give a fuck about her.

Something came over her. Maybe the alcohol mixed with disappointment and anger took over and she stood still. The microphone was being gripped in her hand and she tuned out all of the voices in her head advising against what she was about to do. Slowly, bringing the mic to her face, she whispered, "You know who you are... I'm not going anywhere. I'm all yours, forever." The crowd got even louder and she dragged the mic from her lips, down her torso.

"PETRA! What are you doing!?" Her manager screamed into the earpiece she wore. Little did her manager know, the earpiece was dangling from her ear, not connected. It wasn't until a dancer took Petra's hand and guided her drunken figure off of the stage. Embarrassed was an understatement for what her whole PR team were feeling.

All of them knew she spoke of Levi when she made that short statement. He'd broken up with her just recently and the public was very knowledgeable of that fact. Not only will that whole audience know who she spoke of, but the media will too. Now everyone gets to see the lack of respect she has for herself. The breakup was hard, sure. Not hard enough to admit to the whole world that you'd chase him after it all. She wasn't sober, no. But her drunk words are her sober thoughts.

Everyone loved Petra's character for this reason. She seems like she doesn't give a fuck. Like she says the unapologetic truth. But she could be in the Guinness World Record Book for being the most emotional, apologetic person there is when she's sober.

When she was pulled off of the stage, her microphone was immediately shut off and her earpiece was disconnected for the sole purpose of being scolded by the head of her record. Erwin Smith.

"Petra, you are not well," Erwin yelled over the sound of music playing in the background. "Go take a breather in the tour bus. You need to sober up for the interviews." He sternly ordered as he pointed his long dainty finger towards the trailers of the festival. Today would be the last day and Petra completely blew it. She didn't know that though. She believed that she killed it.

"Woo! Success, guys!" She yells as she wobbles toward the bus with her name crafted neatly on the gold star that was nailed to the door. Her yells were completely disregarded as she was the only one having fun. Everyone else around her was eyeing her in a way she easily ignored, the alcohol made every look a friendly one. Her bus was full of empty shot glasses, champagne and joints. To say that Petra was going through it is a real understatement. All she did nowadays was drink, smoke, sleep, munch, repeat.

"I wonder if he watched me today," Petra spoke to herself. Petra plopped down onto her small couch. Nobody kept her company usually. "I should call him." She smirks.

That smirk slowly washes away like the air from the newly fixed AC in her trailer. She's reminded that she and Levi were no longer. She couldn't even booty call him, it never phases him the way Petra wants it to. He told her, "Only call for emergencies." Yet, this seemed like an emergency to her. All she could think about was him. Petra's hand extended toward her phone, inching away from grabbing it for another booty call attempt. Her fingertips brushed against the cell before she dramatically and intensely retracted her hand from it, letting out a whine in the process. "Why can't he contact me first?!" She whined, kicking her legs in annoyance.

Embrasse-Moi ("Kiss me") | Levi AckermanWhere stories live. Discover now