11 | Unpacking

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"You sure you don't need help unpacking?" Chan asked when they got to Hyunjin's penthouse.

"I'll be okay," Jisung said, "Besides, after my last encounter with Mr Park, I really don't think he wants to be attending anymore meetings with me."

Before the boys left, Felix assured Jisung that Hyunjin wouldn't be back till late that night and that they should be back before him so Jisung would be able to unpack comfortably.

Jisung made his way to the spare room to put his things away and got nosy so he decided to look around in awe. It was a nice place, but nothing about it resembled a home. It felt empty.

He sighed and stared out the huge window, down at the thousands of people walking and driving around the night city, "Must get lonely up here alone."

The brunette went back to the room he'd be staying at and was about to lay on the bed when he noticed something underneath.

'Hm? What's this?' he thought to himself as he flicked through the pages of the book.

Public figures can't have relationships. Not real ones. But is it still wrong to want that? To want to feel what it would be like to love and be loved? Is it so wrong to want to indulge. Even just a little?

'What is this..?' he was about to continue reading when a voice suddenly spoke over his shoulder almost causing him to have a heart attack as he dropped the book and spun around to see Hyunjin stood right behind him, "What the hell, Hwang?! You scared me half to death! How long have you been there?"

"What are you doing?" Hyunjin asked quietly with an expressionless face.

"Felix said you wouldn't be back till late," said Jisung, completely ignoring the older's question.

"It's already midnight," Hyunjin responded, again in a monotone voice, "You didn't answer my question. What are you doing in my room?"

"Wha- Your room?" Jisung looked around the near empty room, "I thought this was a spare bedroom because it's so empty."

"I'm barely around so I don't find the need in decorating anything," said Hyunjin, walking past Jisung to grab some clothes and toiletries, "It's fine. You can stay here, I'll stay on the couch."

Before Jisung could respond, the blonde had already walked out with his things.


"I'm sorry, we were meant to get here earlier but somebody wanted to stop for food," Felix eyed Changbin who raised his hands in defence.

"Hey, I wouldn't have stopped if Chan hadn't offered," he said.

"How is this my fault?" Chan looked confused.

"It's fine, he didn't really say much," Jisung brushed it off earning him surprised looks from his friends, "What?"

"You guys are.. being civil?"

Jisung chuckled, "Him? Me? Civil? Fat chance. If I'm going to be staying here until further notice, I'd like to make things easier for myself."

Felix and Changbin wiggle their eyebrows at each other and giggle.

"Guys, come on, I told you I'm seeing someone,"

"Who is this mystery guy anyways?" Minho asked curiously, "Is it someone we know?"

Jisung glanced at Felix and said, "He does."

"Oh my,"

"What?" Jisung asked, noticing the surprise on his friends faces when they saw a picture of Min Junwoo after Jisung told them who he was.

"Ji.. you don't see it?" Chan looked at the younger with raised eyebrows.

"See what?" Jisung shook his head in confusion.

"This guy looks exactly like Hyunjin," Changbin explained.

"Back when he had short black hair," said Jeongin.

"Guess Han has a type," Minho laughed earning himself a look from Chan, "Am I wrong?"

"I don't have a type. He doesn't look like Hyunjin," Jisung defended himself almost like he was trying to convince himself.

"Speaking of Hyun, where is he?"


It was starting to get quite late, so the boys thought it was about time they headed back to their rooms but Felix ended up bumping into Hyunjin on the way, noticing the pillow and blanket on the couch.

"Are you going to sleep on the couch the whole time?" he asked.

"It's not that big of a deal," said Hyunjin, "I sleep on the couch all the time when I come home late from work. It's actually kind of comfortable."

"What's with the face?" he asked.

"Nothing. I'm just surprised by how normal you guys are acting especially after what happened last night,"

Hyunjin looked at Felix confused and asked, "Wait. What happened last night?"

"Oh, you don't remember?"

"I already apologised for the inconvenience,"

Felix contemplated whether he should tell Hyunjin what happened or not. He decided against it for now to avoid any problems. They were finally able to be stay under the same roof without causing any issues.

"Yeah, I was just surprised by how well he took it," Felix laughed it off and quickly made his way to the room he was staying in, "Anyways, it's getting late, you should get some rest. Night."

"Yeah.. Night," Hyunjin watched Felix rush off suspiciously. What was that all about?

Hyunjin stared at the ceiling with his arm over his head, unable to stop himself from thinking about Felix. Did he do something to upset him? They've never kept secrets from each other, so why was he being so reserved?

He glanced at his bedroom door and thought for a moment before getting up to confront Jisung about it but when he got to the door, he decided it probably wasn't the best idea so he was going to walk away when the door open.

"I didn't see you there," Jisung said in a sleepy voice when he walked into Hyunjin's chest. He looked up at Hyunjin with droopy eyes and asked, "What are you doing there anyways?"

Hyunjin felt slightly flustered by how adorable the younger looked but quickly cleared his throat and pulled a face, "Am I not allowed to walk around my own home anymore or something because I let you guys stay over?"

"That's not what I- Whatever. I'm going to get water if that's okay with you," Jisung sighed, he was too tired to start an argument. He walked past the blonde and made his way to the open kitchen to grab himself a glass of water, completely unaware of the fact that Hyunjin was watching him.

"What happened last night?"

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