10 | Welcome Back

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Chan, Changbin and Felix stood at the door and stared at Jisung and Hyunjin in complete and utter shock. Were they really witnessing two so called 'enemies' cuddling? In bed? Asleep? Together?

"What's going on?" Minho asked as he walked in with Seungmin and Jeongin.




"Give me 20," Seungmin held out his hand and Jeongin groaned as he reached into his pockets. The others looked at them confused so Seungmin explained that he theorised that Jisung and Hyunjin had something going on but Jeongin didn't believe him so they bet on it.

"That's cheating though, you're a detective," Jeongin huffed grumpily.

"Better luck next time, buddy," Seungmin ruffled Jeongin's hair and chuckled.

"Changbin, what are you doing?" Felix asked as Changbin approached Jisung with a mischievous expression on his face.

"Come on, you guys aren't curious about what went down last night?" Changbin raised his eyebrows.

Everyone stayed quiet for a moment before telling Changbin to wake him up, but before he could, Jisung had woken up himself and was about to scream but Changbin quickly covered his mouth and told him to shush so they don't wake up Hyunjin.

"What the hell were you guys doing in my room?" Jisung dragged them all downstairs.

"What the hell is Hyunjin doing in your bed?" They asked back.

"It's not what it looked like," Jisung defended himself, "He just showed up last night, black out drunk and forced me to stay with him until he fell asleep. I must've fallen asleep while waiting."

None of them looked like they believed him.

"I'm telling you nothing happened. I would never like someone like Hwang," Jisung continued to make his case, "Besides I'm seeing someone else."

Before anyone could respond, Hyunjin walked in.


Everyone kept looking back and forth between Jisung and Hyunjin, noticing the tension between the two and decided it was probably better for them to leave them alone.

"No, it's fine, I'm leaving now," said Hyunjin, turning to Jisung, "I'm sorry about last night. I'm not sure what came over me."

And with that, Hyunjin left.

"Well that was awkward," Minho blatantly pointed out the obvious.

"You guys didn't answer why or how you were in my room?" Jisung asked again.

Jaeseok let them in.

Seungmin explained how they finally got ahold of some camera footage from their meeting and found someone putting something into Felix's drink so Jisung was cleared as a suspect.

"So.. does that mean..?" Jisung smiled as Chan and Changbin nodded happily, "I can come back?"

"I can't even describe how much I missed you," Chan suffocated the younger in a tight hug, but he was saved by Changbin who ruffled his hair and said, "Welcome back, buddy."

"Wait. So what's going on with the guys that broke into our dorm?" Jisung asked.

Hyunjin had offered for Chan and Changbin to stay with him at his penthouse since it wasn't safe at the dorms until further investigation. Felix decided to stay too since he usually crashes there anyways. Seungmin was asked to stay as security and Minho and Jeongin felt left out so they also went to stay with their friends.

Nothing else had changed since Jeongin and Jisung last met; the suspect was still in police custody under investigation, he was refusing to cooperate or mention who he was working with.

After explaining what was going on, the boys decided to help Jisung pack so he could go stay with them at Hyunjin's place.

Though Jisung dreaded the idea of being so close to Hyunjin, especially after what happened the night before, he did want to spend more time with his friends. Besides, he had been so good at acting like he didn't exist before, he could just do it again.

As they were packing, the boys asked what happened the night before out of curiosity.

"I already told you what happened," Jisung replied.

"Oh, come on, something must have happened," said Changbin, "I saw how you avoided eye contact with him when he walked in."

"It's fine," Jisung continued to fold his clothes, "He clearly doesn't remember what happened so it's fine.."

Chan furrowed his eyebrows and asked Jisung softly, "Ji, what happened last night?"

Jisung put his shirt in his suitcase and turned to look at his friends who were all staring at him quietly. He breathed sharply before explaining what happened when Hyunjin turned up at his doorstep.

"Oh. Em-"

"Okay, we really need to stop with that because it's actually getting annoying now," Seungmin cut his friends off before they could finish reacting.

"He kissed you?!" Minho and Felix gasped.

"He told you loved you?!" Chan and Changbin also gasped.

"Damn. I was so far off," Jeongin sighed as Seungmin chuckled at him.

"You sure it's a good idea to stay at his place then?" Chan asked, worried Jisung wouldn't be comfortable.

"The soundtrack is almost complete and the photos are more or less done so we can start looking for a new place as soon as it's done," Changbin explained, "You can stay here if you want. At least we can see each other now."

"I don't think that's a good idea," Seungmin butt in before Jisung could agree or disagree with Changbin, "It would be best for you all to stay together so I can keep an eye on things. Besides, it was Jisung who was in the dorm when those guys broke in, it was Jisung's picture that was spread and whoever spiked Felix's drink was happy to let Jisung take the fall so I think it's still best to keep Jisung close."

"Don't worry, we'll keep Hyun busy so you won't have to see him much," Felix smiled supportively at Jisung who smiled back.

"I'll stuff wet tissue in his mouth if he doesn't behave,"

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