3 | The Golden Princes

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"Why are we here?" Jisung complained at the back of the busy room full of makeup artists and stylists and cameramen with lights flashing everywhere and someone screaming directions at Felix and Hyunjin on the other side of the room.

"So we have an idea of what the soundtrack has to be like," Chan explained for the umpteenth time, "You have to stop complaining so much. I told you to start getting your act together and get along with Hwang."

"I haven't done anything, I just don't like these types of settings," Jisung huffed like a sulky toddler.

"Well suck it up cuz this paycheque will probably get you through the next year," Changbin smiled at the thought of all the money.

"More like a week the way you lot spend your money," Chan rolled his eyes.

They were there for a little while longer, watching Hyunjin and Felix pose together and trying to figure out what soundtrack would sound best for their show.

The whole time Jisung was huffing with his arms crossed, leaning in his chair as he focused on Felix and that stupid blonde. For some reason Jisung started to feel nauseous so he excused himself to go to the toilet.

On his way there, he bumped into a slightly taller guy with long black hair wearing a grey compression shirt. "Oh, sorry," the guy flashed Jisung the most gorgeous smile he had ever seen, his eyes twinkled as they turned into small crescent moons. He must have been one of the other models there.

"I didn't see you there,"

"It's okay," Jisung chuckled shyly, rubbing the back of his warm neck, "I wasnt paying attention to where I was going."

The guy slightly furrowed his eyebrows at Jisung as if he was examining him and said, "I don't think I've seen around before. Are you one of the new models?"

"Me? A model? No way," Jisung waved his hands quickly, feeling flustered, "I'm just here with my team to produce a soundtrack for one of the shows."

"Really? You could really pass as a model, I could ask my manager if you were looking for something to do on the side," the guy smiled at how red Jisung was turning, "Oh, I just realised I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Min-"


An stern voice interrupted the conversation. Jisung turned around to see Hyunjin approaching them with his hands in his pockets and a very serious expression plastered on his face.

"Hyun!" Junwoo smiled excitedly, holding out his hand for Hyunjin to shake but the blonde just looked down at it in distaste.

"Ah, always the same, Hwang," Junwoo chuckled and pulled his hand back, "Guess this is my cue to leave. I'll see you around..?"

"Jisung, Han Jisung," Jisung answered with an apologetic smile.

"Nice meeting you, Ji," Junwoo bowed before he left, "Think about that offer, okay?"

Hyunjin glared at Junwoo until he was out of sight, then turned to Jisung and asked him what he was doing with Junwoo, "Stay away from that guy. He's bad news."

Jisung could feel all the rage he felt since that morning bubbling up and ready to come out when Hyunjin of all people thought he had a say in who Jisung could speak to. But before Jisung could argue with Hyunjin, the rest of the boys had already finished and caught up to them.

"How you feeling?" Chan asked Jisung, slightly annoyed at the fact that Jisung probably just faked being sick to get out of the hall, but also worried by the off chance that he really was sick.

Jisung glared at Hyunjin about what just happened but soon remembered that he didn't make it to the toilet and ended up being sick on the floor.

Whilst Hyunjin looked in disgust and Chan and Felix worried about Jisung, Changbin gasped dramatically. "YOU ATE MY LUNCH!!" he yelled and he proceeded to beat Jisung to a pulp with Chan trying to pull him off and Felix trying to get between the two to protect Jisung.








After Changbin had calmed down and been fed, and Jisung had cleaned up, the boys decided to take their leave, but as soon as they stepped out of the building, they were swarmed by paparazzi.

"Hyung!" Jisung called out to Chan and Changbin as they got separated and pulled into the swarm of fans and photographers, "Bin!"

Jisung started to panic from the lack of space and the fact that he had just lost his friends, but he managed to catch a glimpse of Hyunjin and Felix posing for the cameras and for a moment everything went still.

They looked so unfazed and unreal. They really were the golden princes of the modelling world.

Jisung felt the tight knot in his stomach again. He wasn't sure why, but just put it down to Changbin's fries and tried pushing through the crowd to find his friends.

It wasn't long before security rushed out to disperse the crowd so the boys could leave. They ended up all staying with Minho since it was getting late and his apartment was the closest to their building.

Jisung took a cold shower to help him feel better and went to one of the guest rooms that he had to share with Changbin. Hyunjin and Felix were in the other guest room and Chan stayed with Minho in his room.

"No funny business," Minho glared at the older, "You try anything weird and I'll suffocate you with my pillow." The brunette fluffed his pillow aggressively with his eyebrows furrowed and said, "I have fluffy pillows."

Chan just stared at him, not know how to even respond to that.

"Why d'you sleep like that?" Jisung whispered to himself when he saw Changbin sleeping on his back with his legs and arms completely straight, "Absolute freak of nature."

He sighed and sat on the bed next to Changbin and decided to check his phone before going to sleep and noticed a message from an unknown number.

??? | heard you were sick

??? | are you ok

??? | make sure to drink plenty of fluids and eat well

JS | Who is this?"

??? | ah sorry i have a really bad habit of forgetting to introduce myself

??? | its min junwoo

Jisung looked confused and replied, asking how he got his number.

JW | i have my ways ;)

JS | Damn grandpa I think you meant 😉

JW | bit soon to be flirting dont you think

HJ | What no I was showing you the emoji

JW | haha youre so cute when you get flustered

Jisung smiled to himself as the two spoke all night. Jisung completely forgetting about their meeting the next morning.


I'm so sorry for not updating for so long 😭 I've had a lot going on this month but should hopefully be able to post more soon 🫶🏽

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