9 | Drunken Mistake

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After making sure Jisung was okay, Jaeseok went out to get food with his friend. "I'll probably be back late so don't wait up, okay? I left some money on the counter if you want order food or something. If you need me, just call and I'll be right back, okay? Actually, maybe I shouldn't leave you alo-"

"Hyung, go, I'll be fine," Jisung smiled.

"Are you sure?" Jaeseok looked down at him in worry.

"I'm a grown man, dude, I'm sure I can stay alone a few hours," Jisung laughed, being taken by surprise when his brother gave him a tight hug.

"I'll be back soon," Jaeseok ruffled Jisung's hair and rushed to his friend's car waiting outside.

Jisung waved him off and shut the door.

He went upstairs to take a quick shower and changed into baggy grey sweatpants and an oversized grey hoodie. He put on his round black and gold glasses and made his way to the living room to watch a film as he waited for his dinner.

He settled for Howl's Moving Castle and got around fifteen minutes in when the food arrived.

As he was eating, Jisung thought he heard a noise at the front door but when he paused his movie, he couldn't hear anything so he went back to watching but then he heard a commotion outside his door.

He furrowed his eyebrows and got up to see what all the noise was about. When he opened the door, Hyunjin came stumbling in, falling into Jisung's arms and resting his head on his shoulder.

Out of instinct, Jisung quickly wrapped his arms around the older so he wouldn't fall, almost losing his balance in the process. He looked at Hyunjin in disgust when he got a strong whiff of alcohol from Hyunjin. His eyes were watering and his cheeks flushed a bright red.

"Are you drunk?" Jisung asked the obvious, just to see how drunk the older actually was.

Hyunjin just mumbled his words in response.

"Dude, I can't understand you," Jisung replied.

Hyunjin kind of stood up straight, but Jisung still kept his arms wrapped around him in case he fell over (which it looked like he already had a few times by all the bruises on him).

"Did you get into a fight or something? What happened to you?" Jisung asked, not out of concern but out of curiosity.

Hyunjin only hummed in response so Jisung kicked the door closed and dragged the taller towards the couch.

"You look terrible, don't think you'd get any modelling jobs looking like this," Jisung laughed at the state of Hyunjin's face.

He was taken by surprise when Hyunjin started to cry all of a sudden, "H-Hey, hey, I was just kidding man, chill. I swear, Hwang, if you get snot on me, I'll drop you on the floor."

Hyunjin stopped and stared at Jisung with his bright red eyes and murmured, "Han.. Han Jisung.."

"Hm?" Jisung hummed in response, praying whatever it was was quick because he was getting crushed under Hyunjin's drunk dead weight.

"I.. love you,"

"Heh?" Jisung stared at him in shock for a moment but then laughed it off, "Damn, you're so fucked right now you don't even know what you're saying."

Hyunjin shook his head with a pout in his lips. "I love you," he mumbled again, then suddenly shut his eyes and closed the gap between their lips.

Jisung's eyes widened in surprise and disgust, accidentally letting go of Hyunjin causing him to fall to the ground. Jisung slowly looked down and said, "Whoops."

He rolled up his sleeves and leaned over with a slight bend in his knees, picking the older up like he was going to deadlift at the gym then dropped him onto the couch like a sack of potatoes.

"How'd you end up like this anyways?" Jisung asked, wanting to leaving but was too curious to find out how Hyunjin had gotten into the state he had. He was normally a sensible drinker, he had never gotten this heavily drunk before. He was also completely fine when he turned up at Jisung's door a few hours earlier that day.

And, at a closer look, those bruises didn't look like they came from falling over.

"Don't take this as worry or anything, I'm just nosy that's all," he quickly added, not that it mattered since Hyunjin probably wouldn't even remember, "What? What's with that face? I can't tell if you're severely constipated or about to be sick?"

Not wanting to wait a see which one of the options was true, Jisung grabbed the older and dragged him to the bathroom where Hyunjin immediately double over to throw up.

Jisung pulled a face and was about to walk away but decided to stay to hold Hyunjin's long blonde hair out of his face and rub his back, trying not to throw up himself.

"That's it, you're okay," Jisung said whilst thinking to himself, 'How did I get here?'

A few hours ago Hyunjin was telling Jisung to stay away but here he was throwing up in Jisung's bathroom, completely drunk.

Hyunjin groaned, resting his head on Jisung's shoulder.

Jisung immediately got up, letting Hyunjin's head fall and hit the floor. Jisung let out another, "Whoops."

"Are you bleeding?" Jisung asked when he moved Hyunjin's hair out of his face.

'Fuck sake, how am I meant to get out of this?' Jisung sighed and went to get some cold water, a damp towel and a first aid kit. He also grabbed some mouthwash from the upstairs bathroom.

He got Hyunjin to rinse out his mouth like a hundred times before helping him drink the water and then wiping his face with the cloth.

"You're burning up. Why the hell did you get so wasted, you fucking idiot? Ruined my whole night," Jisung kissed his teeth, "After ruining my evening."

Hyunjin was drifting in and out of consciousness as Jisung treated him, trying to figure out what could've happened in the short amount of time Jisung last saw him for Hyunjin to end up in that state. And where were the others?

"Woo.." Hyunjin groaned.

"Huh?" Jisung stopped what he was doing, trying to figure out what he was saying.

"Min.. Jun.. Woo.."

Jisung stared at Hyunjin with his eyebrows furrowed for a second then brushed it off, "Whatever, I'm tired so I'm going to bed."

As he turned to leave, Hyunjin told him to wait. Jisung turned around and asked, "What?"

"Thank you.."

"You're welcome," Jisung said then went to get more cold water for Hyunjin, "Here, drink this when you're less wobbly. You're like Minho's cats on crack right now."

Even though he would be embarrassed to admit it, for a brief moment Jisung kind of felt back for the guy so he decided to take him upstairs.

He helped him to his bed and grabbed some of his stuff so he could sleep downstairs on the sofa.

"There, now leave me alone, okay? You annoying cockroach," he turned around and was about to leave but Hyunjin grabbed the bottom of his hoodie. Jisung rolled his eyes and turned around again, "What do you want now?"


"Why?" Jisung pulled a face.

"Please.." Hyunjin pleaded, his voice breaking.

Jisung sighed in defeat and sat at the edge of the bed, "Fine, only until you fall asleep."

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