6 | Damage Control

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"Have all the pictures been taken down?"

"How much damage has already been done?"

"Is there any update on the guys that broke in? Have they been caught yet?"

"Damn. I should have followed them when I had the chance."

"What about Felix? Is he alright?"

"He's woken up, but they found a weird substance in his blood test."

"Han? How you doing? Han?"

As everyone anxiously walked around the room, Jisung was sat in his seat, staring at the floor as he had been for the past half an hour since finding out that photos of Hyunjin and him had leaked.

Hyunjin was stood in the corner against a wall, holding an ice pack to his bruised cheekbone where Jisung had hit him. He glanced at the brunette from the corner of his eye. He almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

"Jisung, buddy, I need you to talk to me," Seungmin said softly as he squat to Jisung's level. Jisung had completely shut down and refused to communicate with any of the detectives so his friends suggested bringing Seungmin in.

"What's going to happen now?" Jisung asked in almost a whisper, looking at Seungmin with the emptiest eyes.

Seungmin tried his best to comfort his friend and reassure him that everything would be okay, but he couldn't bring himself to do so. The damage had already been done.

"I don't know," Seungmin replied solemnly.

Just then, Felix walked in with his security and manager followed by their CEO, Mr Park.

"Damn, shit just got serious," Jeongin finally joined his friends, not knowing what was actually going on. Changbin quickly grab his wrist and dragged him out to fill him in on the situation whilst everyone else discussed a solution.

Before anyone could check on Felix, Mr Park asked to speak to Hyunjin and Jisung alone. Everyone else had to wait somewhere else.

"Before either of you say anything, I need to ask if there's anything going on between the two of you?" Mr Park asked, "Because you did agree to keep professional with my boys in our contract, Mr Han."

"Sir, it was a misunderstanding," Jisung answered. He didn't want anyone to get in trouble because of his accident, "I had just gotten out of the shower and-"

"So tell me why one of my models was in your bathroom?"

"We were hiding from-"

"Whilst you left Felix on his own?"

"I.." Jisung's ears turned red. He didn't know how to defend himself. Where were Chan and Changbin when he needed them?

"Mr Han," Mr Park sighed pitifully, "As much as I wish to keep you on this team, given the circumstances, I am going to have to request that you no longer participate in anymore of our following projects. I would appreciate if you avoided contact with anyone from my company, including your team, just until we have some damage control in place to protect you and my company."

Jisung opened and shut his mouth a few times. He didn't care if he was taken off the project. He would gladly leave on his own accord, but to avoid contact with his friends? Especially when he needed them most? Even Hyunjin thought it was harsh.

"Sir-" the blonde finally spoke.

"And you, Mr Hwang, there have been past speculations about you and Felix," Mr Park continued, "I need you to be careful. You can't afford another controversy after this."

"Yes, sir," Hyunjin agreed quietly with his head down. It had never been his dream to be a model. Sure, it was a fun hobby to have on the side, but he had always wanted to go into dancing with Minho. At least if he was a dancer, he wouldn't have to worry so much about what the public thought of him.

Mr Park excused Jisung and asked Hyunjin to stay back for a minute so he could speak to him.

"That boy, I hear you two have had a complicated relationship for a while,"

"Where did you hear that?" Hyunjin asked.

"I have my sources," Mr Park replied cryptically, "Do you trust him?"

"Han?" Hyunjin paused and responded, "No."

Mr Park hummed and furrowed his eyebrows, "Kwan thinks he might have put something in Felix's drink to make him sick."

"What?" Hyunjin looked at Mr Park in surprise, "Sir, in no way am I defending Han when I say this, but he would never hurt Felix. Ever. Even if he had something to gain from it which he doesn't."

"I didn't realised you cared so much for the boy,"

Hyunjin scoffed, "For Han? No. For Felix? Of course I do, which is why I want to be certain of who hurt him so they can be dealt with properly."

"What do you suggest we do?"

"Kim Seungmin works in law enforcement, I'm sure he would be more than happy to help,"


After checking on Felix, Jisung spoke to his friends about what Mr Park had said to him and was faced with the difficult task of saying goodbye to his friends until this whole situation blew over.

"I can't let you go, not after just getting you back," Chan said before suggesting that they pull out of the project all together so they wouldn't have to separate. Jisung was completely against the idea. He didn't want his friends to miss out on such a great opportunity because of him.

"You take care of yourself," Chan held back tears as he squeezed Jisung in a tight embrace.

"I'll be okay," Jisung smiled, "It's him I'm worried about."

"Hey, I'm a big boy, I can take care of myself," Changbin chuckled and pat the side of the younger's arm, "I'll miss you."

"Some day I'll get you to hug me willingly," Jisung joked when his brother pulled up to pick him up, "I guess that's my cue to go. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. This will all be over before we know it."

"They can't do this," Felix sniffed as Minho held him up, "I'll speak to Mr Park, I'll tell him that this is all just a big misunderstanding."

"Felix. It's going to be okay," Jisung smiled, giving the blonde one last hug before getting into his brother's car and leaving them behind. Again.

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