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"Oh my god." Ariel sobs. "Oh my god he's dead." she cries, scrambling away.

"Come let's get you off the floor." I hook my hands underneath her arms, picking her up, off the the floor with no effort. Her knees buckle, and I catch her around the waist before she regains her strength.

She doesn't say anything else after, so I walk her to the elevators, which are now working, and help her to my office. I sit her down on the couch, getting her a water bottle from the fridge.

"W-who shot him?" she chokes. "The police? Why didn't they announce they were there." She questions.

I do not think I have ever, in my life lied to reassure someone or spare someones feelings. Let alone lie because I was unsure of how it would make me come off to another person. So I don't know what the fuck possessed me to lie now.

"They came just as the he pointed his gun at you. They had to act fast." I say, my jaw clenching at the unfamiliar streak of doubt.

"Oh." She whispers. I look at her left hand, it looks bruised and some sharp lines are bleeding.

"Fuck." I curse, banging open a drawer to get out a first aid kit. Anger courses through my veins, completely blurring the rational thoughts from my brain while I sit infront of her, wiping and bandaging her hand.

Her wrist is so delicate. So much smaller. I could break it with a harsh grip.

"If he wasn't fucking dead already I would kill him with my bare hands." I grunt, wrapping her hand in the gauze.

Ariel hisses making me pause. I look up at her to find she is already staring at me.

"Too tight?" I ask, my voice softer. She nods. My fury darkens at her expression of pain.

"I'm fine." She says. My hands pause. I look back up at her. "Thankyou." Her voice is soft. "I was scared and-"

"And you were irritational. I don't fucking care if a someone is giving birth on the goddamn floor, you have to save yourself." I say, my face hardening. She frowns.

"Well the woman was in so much pain, I couldn't just sit there, for all I knew, we could be there for days." Her longer sentences and the color returning to her face were good signs. I was concerned she would be in shock.

"Days? I got you out within 10 minutes of finding out you were up there." I raise an eyebrow. Her storm eyes widen, her face tilts to the side in innocuous surprise.

"Why?" she whispers. I blink. Why?

"No reason." I say, my voice cool and collected. She frowns, the shadow of dimples appearing. She has dimples.

"Was it a mistake?" She asks, her eyes tense, a small smirk now glinting her eyes. My jaw clenches. Her wit is infuriating.

The cloud of wind around me snaps and I reel my head back, stepping out of the haze.

"You should go home. That was a traumatic experience." I stand from the couch.

"Im fine." She grits, standing up, swaying in her place then grabbing the side of the sofa. I take a step towards her but stop.

I need to calm down.

"Not that you care, right?" She questions, her eyes prying. I hold her gaze, my expression cool and unbothered.

"Go home, Ariel." I say. She narrows her eyes, then sighs, walking away.

"Prick." She mumbles.

"Say something Ms. Russo?" I ask smoothly.

"No Mr. Moretti." She tightens her lips into a grimace then walks out. I stare after her, trying to look away but my eyes stay glued as she eventually gets into the elevator, turning to meet my gaze. The doors close, finally hiding her from me.

Sitting at my desk, I try to focus on damage control but it's all I can do to not think about storm gray's and her rainy scent. Her lingering presence makes it impossible for me to focus.



"Are you sure you're okay, dolcezza?" My aunty asks as I sit in the living room, with my family surrounding me.

"I am. Really, Im perfectly fine." I smile at them, my grandfather looks furious though.

"This is highly unusual, the Moretti name is untouchable." Blake suddenly says, his Italian accent thick. "Why did they call you there? Papa, are you sure they are not setting you up-"

"Blake." Uncle Mario booms, I jump at his loud voice. "I am sure it was a fluke. They have many a enemies. Besides, Ariel is fine. Sí principessa?" He smiles, his eyes crinkling. I smile back.

"Sí. Thankyou, everyone for your concern but I really am great." Hardin glares at my hand. "Besides this bruise, which is bandaged." I smile reassuringly.

I soon retire to my room, the day's extremities taking their toll on me as I take a hot shower and change into pajamas in a blur, cuddling into the silk covers.

I miss my parents alot. I call them everyday but it's not the same. And the time difference really makes it difficult to talk for long periods of time.

Uncle Marco seemed secretive. They all seem secretive sometimes. I can't put my finger on it, sometimes they just act...

My sleepy mind soon wanders to soft lips, sharp stuble pricks and green eyes deep with desire. I snuggle more into my pillow. I've kissed 4 men in my life. But that kiss felt different.

I never understood why people enjoyed kissing or making out, but the way he overpowered my every breath and thought, the way the dominating touch of his hand holding my nape consumed all my inhibitions was exhilarating.

I have never felt so alive. Never been so deeply enamored in anything. He made me feel..

I never finish the thought, my eyes weigh down and I finally give in, shutting them to welcome blissful slumber with wisps of soft black hair and emerald green eyes.

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