Chapter 2 - Some Like It Hot

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Chapter 2
Some Like It Hot

It would come as no surprise that Ezra and Zeb and Sabine were foodies. If they ever got the chance while on a new planet for a mission or supply run, and if they could break away from Kanan and Hera, they would go explore local cuisine. They hadn't been able to do that for a while, but now with Kanan away and Hera distracted it served as a prime opportunity. Hera had picked up a small job on a planet Ixbarg, just some off world work to earn credits. The trio started to research food and restaurants the moment they landed.

"Come on Chopper, you're a mess. It's been over a cycle since your last oil bath, it's long over due!" Hera was trying to corner a protesting Chopper. He whirred defiantly, frantically trying to get around Hera. In a last ditch resort he stuck out his probe and zapped with warning. "Oh don't you even dare think about trying to threaten me like that." Chopper knew that tone, he whirred sadly, retracting his probe, knowing he had been defeated. "You are such a baby, trying to get out of a bath. Come on, the sooner we get it over with the sooner you can get back to being a terror."

Sabine stuck her head around the corner and then retreated back down the hall, "Ok guys. Chopper has Hera's hands full. This is gonna be our best chance."

"Yes! I'm starving!" Ezra clenched his fists eagerly.

"So I found the local spot we should head to first." Zeb held up a holopad. "Seems to be a bit of a popular dive, they're known for a chili competition, seems like a good place to start."

"What's chili?" Ezra tilted his head.

"Not sure." Sabine shrugged. "Guess we'll find out."

The trio snuck out of the Ghost while Hera was occupied and headed towards the restaurant. It looked like a hidden hole in the wall but was full of rowdy, tough looking patrons, it was bustling with energy and enthusiasm. The crew made their way thru the crowd until they reached the bar, Zeb decided he would be the one to do the talking, his attitude and stature would help blend them into this bunch.

"Hey! The three of us want a table."

"If you can find one you can have one." The bar tender shrugged. "First come first served."

"And second eats." Zeb cracked his knuckles, looking around until he found a table with what looked to be the weakest and least amount of trouble. He barged over and slammed his fist down. "Hey! I think you guys are just about finished here." The duo sitting at the table looked up meekly at the snarling Lasat and submissively slunk around, retreating towards the door. Zeb laughed as he sat down. "Think I found us a table guys."

"You never fail to impress Zeb." Sabine smirked, sitting down along with Ezra.

Ezra picked up a menu, "Hey this isn't written in basic. What standard is this?"

"It's a small local spot, places like that don't always translate. Keeps it authentic. Might also want to keep out the riffraff." Sabine nudged Zeb. "You know, like us."

"Don't worry about it." Zeb spoke up. "I looked this place up on the holopad remember? Was able to translated it on the net. This place is known for their chili, they hold eating competitions here. Figure that is the dish we should try."

"Well Zeb, I trust you on this. Let's order the chili contest." Ezra licked his lips.

"Hey!" Zeb pounded his fist on the table to get a waiter's attention. "The three of us want to do the chili competition, hurry up!" The patrons nearby all started to hoot and holler with excitement, everyone else started to look around as they knew the excitement meant somebody was going to enter the chili eating contest.

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