Chapter 1 - Memories

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Chapter 1

Kanan was in his room packing his bag quietly. Life in the Ghost had become lively and at times quite challenging with the addition of Ezra, his time became dedicated to the training of his Padawan and he hardly had any time for himself. He needed this trip away for multiple reasons. It was the birthday of his fallen master Depa Billaba who had died during Order 66 while protecting him. Honoring the fallen was not a luxury one had during times of war, but no matter where he was or what he was doing he always tried to take time and go be alone to honor her, and most of the time he was able to go. But this trip was even more important, it was the first time he would be going to visit her grave when he had his own apprentice. He felt now more than ever that he needed her guidance and wisdom and patience. His concentration was interrupted by a loud clang and voices of commotion out in the hall. He let out a sigh, he was really looking forward to this break.

"Damn it Chopper, you did that on purpose!" Ezra was yelling, Chopper laughed and taunted him. Ezra threw a wrench at him but Chopper whirled aside at the last moment, causing it to hit Zeb with a loud clang.

"Hey! What'd you do that for!?" He growled, rubbing the sore spot.

"I was aiming for Chopper, he moved at the last moment!" Ezra barked back. Chopper laughed and spun his arms in victory, ramming into Ezra's knee, causing him to cry out and fall down. "Ouch! Get back here!"

"Serves you right." Zeb snarled.

"It's not my fault! Chopper tricked me, he said there was a bolt on one of the pipes that was stuck and he needed my help, when I opened it, it blasted me in the face with a ton of steam!"

"Oh please, that's your own fault for falling for that. Since when has Chopper ever asked you for help?"

"Well excuse me for believing him, thought he might actually be serious for once. What if I ignored him and it was a real emergency and I got in trouble with Hera?"

"Unlikely. One day he's gonna trick you into falling out an open hatch, and nobody will be there to catch you when you fall."

"Well lucky for me a loth cat has 9 lives."

"Wait, what?" Zeb turned up his nose in confusion. "Is that some sort of Lothali saying?"

"Err, yeah I guess it is." Ezra laughed, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly, so much for a smart comeback.

"Hey." Sabine walked into the room. "What's going on in here? I could hear all your yelling from my room, saw Chopper laughing and celebrating to himself so I figured he got the better of you guys again."

"How is a damn rust bucket smarter than me?" Ezra grumbled.

"Most things are smarter than you, you've got the brain of a Mynock." Zeb taunted.

"Awww don't insult poor Mynocks." Sabine leaned against Ezra's shoulder playfully.

"At least I don't smell like Bantha dung." Ezra snorted.

"Know what counteracts the smell of Bantha dung?" Zeb raised an eyebrow.

"No, what."

Zeb raised a fist, "A punch to the face!" He lunged forward, causing Ezra to jump back and hide behind Sabine.

"OK guys, time out." Sabine put up her hands to end the boys play fighting. "I came in here to tell you something anyway."

"What is it, you finally came to your senses and wanted to ask me out on a date?" Ezra tried his hardest to make a sexy pose that only looked pathetically laughable at best.

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