Alexandra love talking to her sisters about her other family. At first, she was worried that they would resent her for wanting to get to know them better. She was so thankful they seemed to be so content for her, and seemed interested about what happened.

"How many brothers did you have again?" Lia asked, tilting her head to the side.

"There's five brothers, and two sisters, and me," Alexandra explained.

"What are their names? I don't think you've told us yet," Daph added curiously.

"Well, in age order, there's Freya, Finn, Elijah, Nik, Kol, Rebekah, Henrik, and then me. I'm the youngest."

"Wow, that's a big family," Daph laughed.

"Sure is," Alexandra smiled at her youngest sister.

"Wait, so you've gone from being the oldest sibling to the youngest?" Lia asked, a big grin on her face.

"Yep. I'm both the oldest and the youngest. Depends on which family you look at," the youngest Mikaelson replied, joining in with her sisters' laughs.

"Girls! Time for bed!"

The two younger girls rolled their eyes as they heard their mother shouting up the stairs. Alexandra only chuckled at their annoyed expressions.

"You heard, time for bed," she joked, earning playful glares in response.

"Yeah, yeah," they muttered simultaneously.

Alexandra left the room, leaving her little sisters to get ready to go to sleep. She flopped down on her bed, grabbing her phone from the bedside table.

She scrolled through her contacts until she saw the one she was looking for.

Ali 🤍

She facetimed her, Ali picking up after the third ring.

"Hey Ali!"

"Hey Andy! How'd it go?"

Alexandra had told her best friend that she was going to meet her siblings the day before, when she had met up with her. The two had made good on their promise to see each other every Tuesday.

"It went great!"

"I'm glad. I know how nervous you were for it," Alison said, remembering how she'd tried to calm her best friend down the previous day.

"I know. But there really was no need to be so scared. They're all so nice."

"Aw, that's good."

"I know."

"So, was you stuck to Nik's side before you finally managed to talk?"

Alexandra scoffed at this. Ali knew her way too well, but she wasn't going to let her know that.

"No. I was perfectly fine by myself thank you very much."

"Suree," Ali teased, raising her eyebrows at the brunette.

Alexandra rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her grin. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Of course not, Andy."

"Exactly," the two girls began laughing at that.

"Go on then, tell me what happened. I want to hear everything," Ali said once they'd both quietened down again.

Alexandra grinned, and again told the events of that day. She told her friend exactly what she told her sisters, once again leaving out the supernatural parts.

She knew she was going to tell her Ali, Lia and Daph about the supernatural at some point. She was incapable of keeping secrets from the three of them for very long. She just wanted to make sure she was fully in control of every part of herself before she mentioned anything.

She told herself it was because she didn't want to hurt any of them, which of course, was true. But she also didn't want any of them to see her as some sort of freak or monster because of what she was. She didn't want to scare any of them, and she wouldn't be able to handle it if any of them hated her for it.

Instead, she told herself she would tell them eventually, only half aware of how she was going to keep putting it off for as long as possible.

The two girls stayed up way into the night, talking and gossiping. It wasn't until early hours of the morning that they said their goodnight's and hung up.

Alexandra was too energised to be able to go to sleep now. So rather than trying to get in a couple of hours sleep, she moved over to her desk and got out her art supplies.

She grabbed her favourite pencil, her sketch book, and her rubber.

For the next few hours, she sketched out different things. She drew random objects in her room, she drew a quick sketch of a bowl of fruit, and even began a drawing of her siblings.

She took the memory of the eight of them sitting in the flower field as her inspiration, and drew from memory.

She started at around 1am, and only put down her pencil at just after 8am. She hadn't realised how long she'd actually been drawing, until she looked at the time on her phone.

Blinking a few times in surprise, she put away her supplies, carefully returning the sketch book to its rightful place, not wanting to ruin any of the images. She decided she was going to finish it later.

Alexandra walked into the bathroom, had a long shower, and returned to her room to get changed and dry her hair. She had arranged to go back to Mystic Falls that day.

Freya had promised to start teaching her to access and control her magic right away, and she couldn't wait. Learning how to use magic seemed like fun, she thought, finding herself smiling once again.

She was to meet Nik at the train station at 9.30am, so they'd be able to get to Mystic Falls for 10.30am.

She walked downstairs, saying a quick 'good morning' to her sisters, still ignoring her parents. She grabbed an apple, and headed back upstairs to brush her hair, wash her face, and brush her teeth.

Not even twenty minutes later, she was leaving the house, on her way to the train station to wait for her brother.

When she arrived, Nik was already there, waiting on the bench she usually sat on to wait for him. He turned as she approached and smiled at her in greeting. The two quickly boarded the train, and were on their way back to Mystic Falls, to go and see their siblings.

Alexandra was so glad that Nik had offered to take her to meet them all. She was beyond happy they got to be a family again, minus Henrik. She had been getting more memories of him recently, each time recalling that Nik told her he had died.

Although she didn't fully remember the youngest male Mikaelson, she felt herself tearing up every time she remembered his death.

After the memories of her mother putting the sleeping spell on her, she thought of Henrik every time she thought of that. She thought of his lifeless body laid on the table next to her, the blank look on his face, void of any emotions.

Alexandra was snapped out of her thoughts when they reached the Mystic Falls train station. She hadn't realised how long she was trapped in her own mind for.

She followed Nik out of the train, trailing behind him, on their way back to their siblings, Alexandra's excitement returning.

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