Ep. 97

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ʙʏ: ᴇᴅᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴋɪɴɢsᴛᴏɴs👑


Eric: So? What did Granny hee say?
Hanseok: she gave us an individual task.
Eric: Really? what is your individual task?
Jaehyun: To make an alternative or new  product to be presented and probably launch it as a new product.
Eric: What? Isn't that hard?
Bryan: Well yes, but we should do our best, it's our parents business after all
Eric: So that means you guys will be working on Christmas!?
Jaehyun: funny thing is 24 will be the presentation day.
Eric: what!? That is four days from now!??
Hanseok: Yeah! And we can't do anything about it but just get our ass up and start working on it.
Eric: what about me? What is my role? I hope granny hee didn't give me any task?
Jaehyun: Actually no but your job is to assist us.
Eric: Assist? To what?
Hanseok: Well if ever we need something like coffee or snacks........
Eric: What!? You serious hyung?
Hanseok: No just kidding, you will be helping us in making our products but yes getting snacks and making coffee includes your job.
Eric: the three of you? But how? i only have one body you know? I can't keep running in every floor to do your errands every time.
Jaehyun: Since we have four days left why don't we take each day with eric? Isn't that a good idea?
Hanseok: We don't work in the same office so you can't be there to serve each of us at the same time. So i agree with Jaehyun and you Bryan?
Bryan: it's not like we have other choice.
Eric: Then since it's four days, can i have my day off today?
Jaehyun: No I'm planning about starting today with creating my sketch first.
Hanseok: Same here.
Bryan: Yeah why not.
Hanseok: let's stay here for now and then start individually tomorrow.

Granny hee office.

Dong Sik: Mom? 4 days? Seriously? Are you trying to kill your grandsons?
Granny hee: it's there punishment dong-sik and don't even think about helping them with there first project or I'll make sure to punish you too.
Dong Sik: But can't you give them more days? Who can finish a project within 4 days?
Granny hee: You sure love your son very much, alright don't worry I'll give them time until last week of the month but don't tell them.
Dong Sik: (sound relief) just what are you planning mom?

(Boys POV)

Eric: Bryan hyung your family runs restaurant so you will be making new food menu?
Bryan: Probably, but since grandma gave us 4 days to present the menu, i think I'll just re-create our signature dish.
Hanseok; since creating dish takes time some chef takes a month or even a year trying to research for ingredients and whatnots so that's a great suggestion.
Eric; and Hanseok Hyung your family owns a skincare products what are you planning to create?
Hanseok;  I could create a mild skin care set for younger people who wants to start using skin care.. You see there are teenager who use skincare with strong ingredients chemicals like parabens, butyparaben, and ethylparaben cause this can cause irritations and allergies in teenager and younger person, it's best to avoid those kind of ingredients.
Eric: woah!! As expected Hanseok hyung!!!
Jaehyun; then are you going to create a non fragrance skincare??
Hanseok: I'm going to use the the natural fragrance of each ingredients to produce natural scents.
Eric: but? What is ingredient paraben??
Jaehyun: It's a preservative chemical or commonly used in skincare like in shampoos and in body wash.
Eric; ohhhh~ i didn't know you study those kind of things i mean do you even study?
Hanseok: pfft.
Bryan: (Smile)
Jaehyun: Are you crazy?! I'm a son of business man i can't just play all day besides i go to same college with these guys!
Eric: uhmm~ I see!
Jaehyun: Hey! (Hit eric) eric I'm older than you why are you dropping your honorifics?!
Eric: ahhh!
Hanseok; hey why are you being like that?
Eric; it's not like this is our first time talking to each other! Your harsher!
Hanseok: your being sensitive.
Jaehyun: I can't believe this!
Hanseok: Four days you say.
Eric: You guys can do it!!
Hanseok: i hope so! I'll need Mr. Jang for this one, I envy Jaehyun.
Eric: Why??
Jaehyun; Well you see my family owns a branded clothing line, so I'll be creating a new style of clothes! But what's to envy? It's not like i could create something in instant! It takes time to create a piece!! I'll need to start my sketches today pardon me but I'll need to start.
Hanseok: That's right.
Jaehyun: Let me grab some papers here~
Brya: He's right this is too risky so let's start, I'll need to contact Mr. Baek!
Eric: Okay go ahead!! I'll be waiting here in the sofa so if you need me just say my name okay²?
Jaehyun: whatever!
Hanseok: Sure.
Eric; okay~~ now let's watch drama!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21 ⏰

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