Ep. 87

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ʙʏ: ᴇᴅᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴋɪɴɢsᴛᴏɴs👑

Ep. 87

Eric: (tulala)
Bryan: (💭💭)
Tony: eric are you okay?
Eric: crying 😢
Bryan: (nakatayo sa labas ng room)
Bryan: sigh~
Hanseok: (puffing face)
Jaehyun: ?? (Looked around)
Bryan: (😶)
Eric: (😐)
Hanseok: (😃)
Jaehyun: aishh!!! You surprised me!!
Bryan: ?? (Looked to back)
Jaehyun: hey eric?!!
Eric: huh? hyung?
Jaehyun: i thought your excited? That's not the face people make when excited, not at all.
Eric: just..... I have lot of things on my mind!!
Bryan: hey let him be~
Eric; yes just today hyung ~
Hanseok: then should we lift your spirit first?
Bryan: ??
Hanseok; (smile)
Jaehyun: what?
Eric: lift my what?
Hanseok; Bryan??
Bryan: (look to eric) ajusshi let's go to near mall
Man driving: yes~
Eric: what?
Jaehyun: what are we going to do?
Hanseok: arcade!
Jaehyun: arcade??
Eric: arcade?
(Seungju POV)
Seungju: good work guys~
Ellie: serve them right!
Yuri: im so relieved, it's all over
Ellie: me too,
Yuri; people won't talk anymore behind him
Ellie; and we became friends with eric again
Yuri; i like eric even though his gay
Ellie: what! you like eric?
Seungju: ??
Yuri; that's not what i meant!! I mean!!
Ellie: ohhhh~ i got it
Yuri: but seungju oppa? What will happen to them now?
Ellie: right? What will happen to them now? Expelled in the school?
Seungju: yes~ and will be humiliated from people
Yuri: serves then right!
Ellie: i hope eric can sleep in piece now.
Seungju: (smile) i hope too
Ellie: (Ellie phone ringing 📞) ohh~ i have to answer its mom
Yuri: okay
Ellie: I'll be back (umalis)
Seungju: good work yuri-shi, thank you for helping me
Yuri: Hey it's not free! Have you forgotten about our deal?
Seungju: (smile) here~
Yuri: (kinuha) *open the envelope  (gasp!🤑💸)
Seungju: I added a lot to it, I hope it is enough for you.
Yuri: thanks! And please don't tell ellie about this. It's not like i did this all for money
Seungju: really?
Yuri: you don't believe me??!
Seungju: what about your father?
Yuri: I'm going to move out on that place with my mother
Seungju: then i introduced you to a real estate?
Yuri: forget it! You'll probably recommend a room with a higher rental fee
Seungju: well it is but I'll give it to you on a low price tell your mom about it I'll send you the address
Yuri; it's yours?!!
Seungju: it's our family business
Yuri: thanks oppa.
Seungju: ............??
Yuri: a lot!! Happy?
Seungju: ohhh!
Yuri; your really a good person oppa I don't get why bryan and others hate you
Seungju: your right.
Yuri: what will you do now anyway?
Seungju: I'm not sure ~
(After minutes)
*Seungju house
Seungju: (open door) *humiga sa kama
(Earlier after the incident)
*Sitting somewhere in school
Jaehyun: (chitchatting with others)
Seungju: (lumapit sakanila)
Min woo: ?? Guys??
Hanseok: that's just..... ??
Jaehyun: seungju??
Bryan: ??
Seungju: The three of you, won't you apologize to me?
Byul;  what?!!
Hanseok: hey!! Stop it!
Jaehyun: bryan??
Bryan: hey! (Tumayo)
Hanseok: ??!
Byul: i should...
Min woo: ohhh i think i should....
Bryan: okay sorry~
Min woo: ??
Byul: ??
Jaehyun: ??
Hanseok: ??
Seungju: your sorry for what?
Min woo: bryan??
Bryan: haaa~ sorry for accusing you
Byul: me too
Min woo; same here~
Hanseok: (tumayo) me too im sorry seungju i hope you'll forgive us
Jaehyun: (smile)
Seungju: you guys are really unbelievable well...  you said some harsh things but I'll accept it bryan
Bryan: ??
Seungju: even though you grab my collar
Min woo: what?
Seungju: but still.. I won't give up on eric
Hanseok: ??
Jaehyun: ??
Min woo: what? No way! You really like eric?!
Byul: ??
Seungju: I do!
Jaehyun: (I won't let that happen)💭
Hanseok: (he's being straight forward)💭
Bryan: (this is bad)💭
Seungju: then see you around.
Byul: he really.....
Min woo: He just proved that the article was planned, but now he's here saying it's true?!!!!
Eric; (gasps) this is big~
Hanseok; hey let's go! Let's go!
"Street fighter"
Game: 2, 1 START!
Hanseok: (push buttons)
Jaehyun;   hey!!!
Eric: ohhh! Go hyung!
Jaehyun: (kick hanseok character)
Bryan: do you even know how to play that?
Jaehyun: shut up im focusing!
Bryan: haa~
Hanseok: hey!! Your about to lose!
Jaehyun: (Pressed quickly) I can't lose!
Hanseok: (uppercut jaehyun character)
Game: K.O!
Hanseok: (look to jaehyun) *smile
Jaehyun: let's play again!
Hanseok: even if we play this 100x your not going to win against me
Eric: bryan hyung let's go find a game to play too?
Bryan: do you want to race?
Eric: race? Sure! let's go!!
Bryan: (sit on the chair)
Eric: (2) okay, where should i press to start?
Bryan: (push the button for eric)
Eric: thank you, okay let's start
Game: 3, 2, 1... Start!
Bryan: (vroom!)
Eric; what the! Why is the chair moving? Hyung....?
Bryan: Ohhh it's going to move once you drive it's just like driving a car if i hit you.... (Bang to eric car)
Eric: woah!! (Eric chair shake)
Bryan: like that. What do you think?
Eric: it's cool!
Bryan: but your about to lost!
Eric: what?! (look to screen) hey!!
Bryan: (laugh)
Eric: your cheating!! (Press the booster ⏪💨) whahahaha! (Chair shaking) whoooho!! This is weird the chair is shaking!
Bryan: (also press the booster) I can't let you win! (Chair shaking) HAHAHA your right this is weird!
Jaehyun: (hear eric and bryan laughing)
Hanseok: what are they doing?
Eric: HAHAHAHA My body is shaking!
Bryan; right?
Hanseok: ( ?? )
Eric: this is really weird!
Hanseok: heyy!  (Sit on bryan)
Jaehyun: let me play eric (Sitting on top of Eric)
Eric: hey!!
Bryan: what are you doing?!
Jaehyun: (press the booster 2x) *chair lifting up
Eric; hyung! What's going on! (Hug jaehyun)
Bryan: ??
Hanseok: we should go first!
Jaehyun: i pressed the booster x2 so we can go first! Look were first!
Eric: your heavy!
Jaehyun: hey! bear with it
Hanseok: (press the booster) woah!
Bryan: (napahawak sa sit belt) *car going faster
Hanseok: the chair is shaking!
Eric: faster hyung they're about to go first!
People watching: they are so cute! (Taking a video)
Bryan: hey faster! Hanseok
People 1: im jealous!
People 2: (take pictures)
Hanseok: (bang to jaehyun car)
Eric: (chair shaking) *hold to jaehyun
Jaehyun: ?? (Smile) *bang to hanseok car
After minutes...
*Eating ice cream
Hanseok: eric you lost!
Eric: If only I could have played (glare to jaehyun)
Jaehyun: What? For me, it's okay that we lost (*chair shaking* eric holding tight to jaehyun)😄
Hanseok: anyway...
Bryan: (phone ringing)
Hanseok: your phone is ringing
Jaehyun: maybe it's aunt hye jin?
Eric: (eating ice cream)
Bryan: (answered the call) hello?
Hye jin: son? where are you?
Bryan; We stopped for a while at the mall
Hye jin: Did you buy something?
Bryan: Ohhh~
Hye jin: okay just go straight here I've already prepared a dinner
Bryan: okay~
Hye jin: did you bring eric?
Bryan: ohhh~
Hye jin: im glad he really came okay im hanging up son.
Bryan: bye mom.
Hye jin: head straight here okay?. (Call ended)
Hanseok: what did aunt say?
Bryan: she's preparing a dinner we should go home
Jaehyun: really??
Eric: let's go then!!
*Waiting for the car
Jaehyun: it's already 6
Hanseok: you've forgotten something? Jaehyun, eric?
Jaehyun: what? My wallet? (Checking his belongings)
Eric: what? I didn't....
Hanseok: you lost in the game!! So you have to grant my wishes
Bryan: our!
Hanseok: our wishes~
Eric: what? We didn't say anything earlier
Jaehyun: right you didn't say anything and we didn't make a bet. Hey!!
Hanseok: what?!
Dominic: look who's here (smile)
Hanseok: ??
Jaehyun: dominic?
Bryan: haaa!
Dominic: and there little pet?
Eric; your still alive?
Hae min: and look who is it eric??
Bo yoon: (laugh)
Eric: (lumapit) what's your problem?!
Hae min: what!
Jaehyun: hmmm.. judging from your uniform There is still a school that let you guys in
Bo yoon: and who's fault is that?
Hanseok: I'm not sure if it's our fault
Hae min: you sh*t head!
Dominic: stop it hae min! If you want to graduate who knows what they're going to do?!
Eric: (lumapit) that's why you shouldn't have do that
Hanseok: hey eric?!
Dominic: (lumapit) your right~ eric *touch Eric's face
Hanseok: what are you doing?! (Removed the hand) hey come here. (Eric standing behind him)
Jaehyun: hey are you crazy? Why did you go close to him?
Eric: have you forgotten who made there black eyes?
Bo yoon: i still can't believe we we're beatin by this kid, i ought to beat you first! Hwak!!
Eric: what did you say!!
Bo yoon: (umatras)
*Car arrived
"Open the door"
Bryan: hey let's go guys
Bo yoon: that's right run away!
Eric: you guys watch out if i see you again!
Dominic: I'll make sure to take a revenge and never forget what you did to me at school
Jaehyun: we'll wait for it.. (enter the car)
Hanseok: be my guest then..
Eric:   ..l..
Hae min: that kid!
Dominic: (smirk)
(Umalis na)
Hanseok: hey eric? If you go somewhere make sure to bring someone with you it might be dangerous
Bryan: don't go anywhere for the mean time
Eric: And where am I going? I am not familiar with your place
Jaehyun: just in case.
Eric: i will.
(6:15 pm)
*Car arrived
Young jin: i think it's them honey?!!
(Kitchen )
Hye jin: (cooking)
Nani yeon: bryan and others have arrived madam
Hye jin: really??  Nani yeon can you please watch over the soup (Pumunta sa sala)
*Door open
Hye jin: hi eric👋 welcome ~
Eric; thank you aunt hye jin
Hye jin: son! (Hug bryan)
Bryan: father~
Young jin: welcome home bryan (hug) and eric (hug)
Eric: (nagulat) *look to bryan
Bryan: 🤷‍♂️
Hanseok: (put eric luggage)
Young jin: welcome home guys
Hanseok; how are you uncle young jin (hug)
Jaehyun: uncle you look younger than the last time (hug)
Hye jin: guys~ please come in
Jaehyun: no it's okay i have to go home right now my mom is excited to see me you know.... Mom!
Hanseok: see you eric
Hye jin: HAHAHA of course? Then come visit here?
Jaehyun: yes i will! (Look to eric)
Eric: (looked away)
Hye jin: what about you hanseok? Come and join us?
Hanseok: I'll pass aunt my mom and dad is also waiting for me at home
Hye jin: really? Then you two be careful on your way~
Jaehyun: yes~
Hanseok: yes~
Hye jin: We can't help it. Make sure to visit us?
Hanseok: of course
Jaehyun: yes~ let's go im so hungry
*(Door closed)
Hye jin: bryan, eric? why don't you go upstairs and unpack your things while i prepare the food 
Bryan: yes~ let's go~
Eric: (binuhat ang mga gamit)
Bryan: hey leave it I'll bring them
Eric: no it's okay it's not heavy at all..
Hye jin; right! Eric?
Eric: yes auntie?
Hye jin: eric's room is next to yours
Bryan; what!!?
Hye jin: what? Do you have problem?
Bryan; huh? Did you clean the room?
Hye jin: of course~ Eric's room can't be far from yours
Eric: yeah? Why is that?
Hye jin: well~ your close after all? I am wrong
Eric: no... We are~ hehehe
Bryan: we are really?
Hye jin: what?
Bryan: Nothing then were going upstairs let's go~
Eric; yes thanks auntie (kinuha ang gamit)
Bryan: i said leave it?! I'll bring them upstairs
Eric: i said it's okay~
Bryan father: (smiling)
Hye jin: honey?
Young jin: uhmm?
Hye jin: what are you laughing at? Come help me!?
Bryan: (open eric bedroom)
Eric; 😮 this will be my room?? ✨✨
Bryan: when did mom cleaned up here??!
Eric:  대박! (daebak) my room is so big and nice! Can't we just share same room?
Bryan: (that's what im thinking too)
Eric: huh?
Bryan: no! Im going to my room you should unpack
Eric: I'll do it later im coming with you!
Bryan; no! (Block eric way)

To be continued.........

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