Ep. 82

15 1 0

ʙʏ: ᴇᴅᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴋɪɴɢsᴛᴏɴs👑

Eric: what?
Bryan: if my parents knew about the article, I don't think they would like it. You know it? So please stop hanging with him I don't want you to be outcast by our family, if they do that we won't be able to hangout together. So please eric?
Eric: really? Seungju hyung helps me a lot I can't really cut ties with him but I'll try my best not caught.
Bryan: eric that not it, even you hide from them there will be someone...
Eric: a stalker? that's why it's also bad to hang with rich people i hate this scene of my life. But what if? they already read the article?
Bryan: first we have to deal with   uploader why would he post it? Is he trying to get on seungju or you
Eric: i really don't know, I don't know who is the uploader and i don't have any clues on the uploader (sigh~)

*Jaehyun& Hanseok enter the room

Jaehyun: what if it was seungju?
Eric: what?! No, why would he do that?
Hanseok: it is possible
Eric: what?
Hanseok: you are close to us, what if he's trying to destroy us through you.
Jaehyun: and what if.......
Eric: ??
Hanseok: ????
Jaehyun; yeah, that's what i am about to say
Eric: it is really not him
Jaehyun: why are you siding on him?
Hanseok: No way!
Bryan: ??
Jaehyun: ?
Eric: what?
Hanseok: do you like.....
Eric: No! What are you saying? Hyung?
Bryan: then why are you getting worked up?
Eric: nothing.
Jaehyun: it is possible eric 100% sure.
Hanseok: yeah, it can be possible
Bryan: do you have evidence?
Hanseok: listen eric we don't know yet for sure but you have to avoid seungju for the mean time.
Jaehyun: you know what if our parents find out? About this thing and they will make sure that you will be expelled from this school
Eric: okay, wait!
Hanseok: eric you have to listen to us?
Bryan: he's not what you think he is eric.
Jaehyun: he is dangerous
Eric: dangerous?? No he's not.
Jaehyun: stop siding him?
Eric: because it's not really him!
Jaehyun: how can you say so?
Eric: because he said he likes me!!!!!! So why would he harm someone he likes!!???
Hanseok: what?!!
Jaehyun: what did you say?
Bryan: ???!!
Eric: so it's not him.
Jaehyun: what?
Hanseok: did he said that?? To you??
Bryan: So he really said it.
Jaehyun: ?? What do you mean?
Bryan: nothing.
Jaehyun: don't tell me you two are in a relationship now?!!!
Hanseok: ??
Bryan: ??
Eric: what no!
Jaehyun: sigh
Bryan: sigh💨
Hanseok: sigh~
Eric: why are you sighing???
Hanseok: this is really getting crazy~ ahhh~~
Eric: i can't really tell who but seungju hyung will take an action!
Jaehyun: I'm really done eric.


*Boys POV
Ms glen: (enter the room) hey guys goodmorning?
Students: goodmorning
Han joo: goodmorning ms glen
Jessica: goodmorning guys?
Ye eon; goodmorning jaehyun oppa?
Jaehyun: hi👋
(Seungju enter the room)
*People talking
Min woo: hey isn't that seungju?
Jessica: ??
Ye eon: ??
Arah; ??
Byul; woah!!
Bryan: ??
Jaehyun: what is he doing here?
Min woo: probably filling the absences from the past days
Byul: he really have the guts to come over?
Hanseok: (drinking soda) what do you mean?
Byul: is he not ashamed to the article? He still comes in school
Hanseok: so your saying eric have guts too? He still comes to school since that photos was uploaded. (Put hands on byul shoulder)
Jaehyun: (glare to byul)
Ms Glen: and congratulations Guys next Monday will be the start of your Christmas break!! 👏👏
Students: (Really!!)
Min woo: it's really Christmas soon
Byul: time flies so fast
Jaehyun: I can't really feel the Christmas and my presence
Ms glen: before that we are going to have a awarding to the students with highest grades and that starts with bryan park, Lee hanseok, lim seungju, Nam jaehyun
Jaehyun: what?! Ms glen?
Ms glen: yes jaehyun?
Jaehyun: why im next to seungju?
Ms glen: because seungju got higher grades than you. (Smiles) next is im ye eon, Jessica oh, Min woo, choi arah
Min woo: ohh yeah
Byul: what??!
Ms glen: so you guys will have to come in the stage during the awarding after that they will announce the Christmas break
(Eric 🏫🌲🌲)
Ms hee: goodmorning guys. We will have our Christmas break soon
Students: (making noises) really ms hee?
Tony: Can't wait for Christmas!!
Eric: yeah I can't wait to see snow
Daisy: right eric, why did you take an excuse yesterday? I thought you don't....
Eric: yeah it's just i was really exhausted yesterday so...
Tony: and eric? Do you want to spend Christmas with me??
Johnny: ??
Daisy: right back in the bryan house we we're talking about it
Eric: should i? My aunt boyfriend will probably come it's going to be awkward
Johnny: can i too tony?
Tony: will your parents agree? In Christmas family should be complete.
Johnny: probably a no!

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