Ep. 80

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ʙʏ: ᴇᴅᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴋɪɴɢsᴛᴏɴs👑

(7: 34 am)
*Arrive at school
Johnny: (bumaba)
Bryan: see you later eric? Guys?
Daisy: yes~ bye oppa
Jaehyun: see you around guys?
Tony: let's go guys?
Eric: (naglalakad)
*Nakatutuk lahat kay eric
Tony; it's just me or?
Johnny; Why are they staring at eric?
Eric: ??
Girl 1: look he's here?
Girl 2: have the guts? To still attend the school?
Boy 1; unbelievable.
Girl 4: if  were you i won't hang with him
(Enter the classroom)
Chen: eric?? Hey eric??
Eric; what??
Chen: look? Your being talked in the forum?
Zack: it's not true right?
Dexter: your not in the picture right?
Yuri: (kinuha ang cellphone)
Daisy: ??
A student from foreign section caught making scene in the forest during the school event months ago with a college student
Eric: (nagulat)
Tony: eric??
Johnny; isn't this seungju hyung?
Yuri; hey? Eric? What is this? Why are you and seungju? Hugging?
Ellie; eric?
Eric; who take this pictures? (Tumutulo ang luha)
Yuri: this... this isn't true right?
Tony; hey why would eric do this?
Winston: .ms hee is here
Tony: hey let's go sit first~ eric?
(Ms hee enter the room)
Ms hee: good morning
Students: goodmorning ms hee
Ms hee: i will give you an activity for today since i have something to do please do it quietly? Okay?
Students: yes
Ms hee: and eric?
Eric: ye..yes?? (💧)
Ms hee: can you come with me?
Eric: yes~ (tumayo)
Ms hee: let's go~
Daisy; what is happening??
Tony: eric??
Yuri; woah~
Johnny: there's no way?
Eric: (following ms hee)
Girl 1: he's a gay?
Girl 2: really??
Girl 1: isn't he embarrassed about it?
Girl 3: look he's crying sure he is
Girl 1: he's still minor but look he's already doing some businesses?
Eric: (lay low)
Ms hee; have a sit?
Eric: yes~
Ms hee: eric? Are you okay?
Eric: yes
Ms hee: eric? Can you explain me this photo?
(Other teacher listening)
(Boys POV)
Professor: that's all don't forget to pass the requirements in time?
Students: yes~
Min woo: let's go byul let's go eat something?
Byul: okay.
Tae sun: hey? Min woo?
Min woo: why?
Tae sun: isn't this your friends roommate?
Byul: what?
Min woo; (kinuha ang cellphone) !!!! What is this?
Tae sun: it's on the the school forums?
Byul: hey let's go tell them!!
Min woo; (rush)
Jaehyun: what should we eat tonight?
Bryan: i don't know.
Hanseok: let's order?
Jaehyun: should we?
Bryan: let's just eat outside? With eric?
Jaehyun; good too!
Min woo; jaehyun??!
People: ???
Jaehyun: min woo?? Hey man👋 i miss you~
Min woo: did you see it?
Hanseok: see what?
Bryan: ??
Jaehyun: ??
Byul: look?!
Hanseok: (kinuha)
Byul: eric is being talk right now in the forum?
Jaehyun: who's that?
Hanseok: isn't this in the camping?
Min woo: i think its seungju?
Bryan; (zoom the picture)
Byul: me too, that day eric doesn't have anyone within us it's seungju?
Bryan: hey let's go to eric first??
Jaehyun; let's go~
(Tumayo at nagmadali papunta sa building nilang eric)
Eric; that's what happens ms hee
Ms hee: i see so it was misunderstanding? But who posted the photos? Who take them?
Eric: I don't know ms hee (💧) dominic hanseok rival also hate me, but he's already kicked out and I did not see him in the event so it's not him
Ms hee: don't worry eric ? I'll look into him?
Eric: thanks?
Ms glen: eric??
Eric: ms glen??
Ms hee: ms glen?
Ms glen: good morning ms hee? Do you have.... Eric?
Ms hee: you can go back to the class? Right?
Eric: yes~
Ms glen: I'll escort him ms hee.
Ms hee: Really? okay thank you ms glen
Ms glen: let's go? Eric?
Eric: (lumabas sa faculty)
Girl 1; isn't that him?
Girl 2: it's him.
Ms glen; (glare)👀
Girls: ehem~
Ms glen; what happened? Eric? Anong nang yari?
Eric; Hindi po yun totoo ms glen, ako at si seungju hyung takot kami nung oras na yun kasi parang may multo kaya nagyakapan kami hindi po yun totoo nasa forum
Ms glen: alam mo ba sino kumuha ng mga litrato na yun?
Eric: hindi po.
Ms glen; gusto mo bang umuwi na muna? Ako na mag papa alam kay ms hee?
Eric: kung uuwi po ako, sasabihin nila na totoong may ginawa kami.
Ms glen: sige ikaw bahala?
Eric; dapat hindi ako umiyak? Bat ba ako umiiyak? Hindi naman totoo?
Ms glen; oo nga bat kaba umiiyak hindi naman totoo diba? Wag kang magpapa apekto eric? Okay?
Eric: (nod) opo?
Ms glen: laban?
Eric; laban!! (Smile)
Ms glen: wag kang magpapa apekto sa mga chismosa okay?
Eric: opo!
Daisy: im worried about eric?
Tony: me too
Yuri: im not sure
Tony: what? Not sure?
Yuri: i really have the feelings that eric is gay?
Tony: so what! If eric is gay? He's still our friend?
Daisy: right! There's nothing wrong with it? Johnny?
Girls: oppa!!!
Tony: ??
Daisy: ??
Yuri: ??
Hanseok: eric??
(Pumasok sa room)
Jaehyun: tony?
Hanseok: where is eric?
Bryan: what happened?
Tony: did you read the article?
Min woo: we read it?
(Girls watching from the windows)
Jaehyun: so where is he?
Johnny: Ms hee called him to the office
Hanseok: really?
Byul: hey let's go for now? Guys?
Min woo: the class will start soon?
Bryan: okay let's find him later
Min woo: just text him you idiot! Let's go.
Tony: eric will be fine hyung, don't worry
Hanseok; i hope so~ (lumabas)
Eric: (papasok sa classroom)
Min woo: eric?
Jaehyun: hey eric?
Hanseok: eric??
Eric: hyung? Guys? What are you doing here?
Jaehyun: hey! What do you mean? Are you alright?
Bryan: The article? Is it true??
Eric: No, it's not I'll explain later and don't worry I'll be okay
Min woo: yes eric this is korea, you know how things work here?
Eric: yes I'm well aware.
Min woo: good then😊 (inakbayan)
Jaehyun: hey?!
Hanseok: (glare to min woo)
Bryan: (hinawakan ang balikat) what are you doing?
Min woo: what?!!!
Jaehyun: hands off?
Byul: (interrupt) hahaha let's go~ guys?
Eric: bye 👋
Hanseok: see you at the dorm later?
Eric: yes~
Tony: eric? (👋👋)
Eric: guys?
(Yuri, ellie and johnny did not look to eric)
Eric: ??
Daisy: what did ms hee say?
Tony: ??
Eric: she believes in me
Tony: that it's not true?
Eric: yes~
Daisy: that's a relief then.
Eric: ms hee said that he'll find the one who uploaded it
Tony: that's good that's good we should too? Whoever uploaded it he's dead!
Daisy: right!!
Tony: and don't mind the people? Okay?
Eric: okay 👌
Mr Nam: goodmorning class~
Students: goodmorning Mr Nam~
Eric: sigh~~
Boys POV
Min woo: just who uploaded the picture??
Byul: maybe seungju him self?
Min woo: right? I haven't seen seungju around??
Jaehyun: what? Why would he......
Bryan: did you forget who he is?
Hanseok: should we look for him then?
4:20 pm
Ms Sunny: that's all for today, goodbye?
Students: goodbye ms sunny👋
Tony: where should we start eric?
Eric: start?
Daisy: ??
Tony: we should find the culprit? Remember?
Daisy: but is seungju oppa fine? Right now?
Tony: i forget seungju hyung is also part of this? seungju hyung must know who?
Eric: right!! Seungju hyung?
Tony: let's go his building?
Eric: let's go?
Daisy: just the three of us?
Tony: johnny??
Johnny: (walked away)
Eric; i guess so
(Naglalakad papunta sa building ng college)
Eric: johnny is avoiding me
Daisy: ellie and yuri too
Tony: what a losers can't even stay with us
Eric: it's because they don't want to get involved with me
Daisy: don't mind them eric
Eric: even though I'm glad you still stay by my side guys?
Daisy: hey~ of course
Tony: of course~
Daisy: but are you not surprised?
Tony: me? No i already know it since the beginning but confirmed it on the camping event
Daisy: since beginning?!
Eric: sorry daisy I didn't tell you im afraid that I'll have no friends
Daisy: it's okay i understand, but I really have no idea that you are, since all boy act like girly even boys used headband this days, wearing skirts ln tiktak gosh
Eric: (stop walking) really sorry and thanks guys
Tony: ahh~ your making me cry out of shit
Daisy: hug! hug!!
Johnny: guys?
Eric: johnny??
Johnny: eric? Hi guys
Daisy: what are you doing here?
Johnny: I wanted to say sorry?
Tony: and why?
Johnny: i don't want to be outcast 😢
Daisy: and who's fault is that?
Johnny: Me, I'm sorry
Tony: (grab johnny)
Daisy: group hug!! group hug!!
(Enter the room)
Johnny: im really sorry eric
Eric: it's okay johnny i know that you don't want to get involved with me
Johnny: it's not that
Eric; then what?
Johnny: ahhh~ your right.
Eric: right?
Johnny: I'm really sorry? But I don't hate LGBTQ people and i think it's fun being with them
Tony: right? Just why avoid in the first place? Huh? Your acting like you don't us? But what's the use? When everyone knows you are friend of eric?
Daisy: right? Aigoo~ johnny
Johnny: im really sorry
Tony: forget it johnny, we're heading to seungju class so be ready to feel shit
Eric: let's go?
(Seungju class)
*Students leaving the room
Daisy: look for seungju hyung?
Girl 1: isn't that the kid?
Boy 1: what is he doing here?
Girl 2: it must be really true?
Girl 3: your right? He's even coming here?
Boy 2: i thought he would be in home what a brave kid?
Girl 3: he's from foreign country
Boy 2: I wanted to live in foreign country now seeing how he is so brave
Girl 1: gosh gross
Johnny: gross? Look at your face mother fucker? ..l..
Girl 1: what?!!!!!!
Daisy: hey!! Johnny
Eric: hey??
Johnny: sorry I can't stand her
Tony: hey let's go~
Daisy: I can't see seungju hyung at all
Tony: im going to ask excuse me? Do you know.....
(People avoiding tony)
Tony: they are avoiding me... Excuse me? Do you know......
(Girl avoid)
Tony: ohhh~ they're avoiding me.
Daisy: excuse me unnie?
Girl 1: yes??
Daisy: is seungju hyung here?
Girl 1: Lim seungju?
Daisy: yes
Tony: yes? Is he here?
Girl 1: No, he's not here since morning.
Daisy: really? Why?
Girl 1: i don't know too.
Tony; yes thanks noona
Eric: he's not here since morning?
Daisy: Maybe he also read the article
Tony: He seems to have read the article earlier than us
Daisy: do you guys know where seungju oppa lives?
Eric: i know but....
(Bryan and other walking)
Daisy: bryan oppa?
Eric: hey let's hide guys!!
Tony: why?
Eric: faster!!
Johnny: (nag hanap ng matataguan)
Daisy: let's follow johnny
(Hiding downstairs)
Daisy: why are we hiding? Eric?
Jessica: guys? Do you have plans tonight?
Arah: if not should we go hangout in the club? What do you think hanseok?
Hanseok: we don't have plans......
Johnny: Looks like they're gone
Tony: ?? Eric?
Eric: i don't want us to see close in school, people might make another rumors with them I don't want to destroy the guys reputation so i should avoid them.
Daisy: what should we do now?
Johnny: ??
Eric: let's go home for now?
Daisy: will you be okay?
Tony: you can stay with me if you want?
Eric: no it's okay, I'll be alright
(Naglalakad papunta sa dorm)
Eric: they must've been waiting for me now? I should go hurry
*Door open
Eric: guys im here.......?
"But when i open the door there was no one in the room, then i remember something"
Eric: i know but....
(Bryan and other walking)
Daisy: bryan oppa?
Eric: ??, hey let's hide guys!!
Tony: why?
Eric: faster!!
Johnny: (nag hanap ng matataguan)
Daisy: let's follow johnny
(Hiding downstairs)
Daisy: why are we hiding? Eric?
Jessica: guys? Do you have plans tonight?
Arah: if not should we go hangout in the club? What do you think hanseok?
Hanseok: we don't have plans.....
Eric: they must be partying right now but it's okay, it's not like i should stop them who i am i? To do so? (💧)
*I just realized that i am lonely again
Eric: (crying) 💧💧
(7:12 pm)
*Door open
Hanseok: it's so cold
Jaehyun: ohhh?? Eric is sleeping?
Hanseok: already?
Bryan: ??
Jaehyun: eric?? (Lumapit kay eric) eric?? He's really sleeping.
Hanseok: what did he eat?
Bryan: (looked to trash can and found a cup of noodles)
Jaehyun: ?? Did you find something? (Tumingin din sa trash can) cup noodles??
Hanseok: just one cup? We should wake him up?
Bryan: don't, he must be tired let him be
Hanseok: should we? He must be hungry?
Jaehyun: forget it, he'll wake up when he's hungry
Hanseok: well, okay.
Maid: would you like some tea? Sir?
Seungju: no, thanks
Grandma hee: how are you seungju?
Seungju: im fine grandma~
Grandma hee: hmm? But why are you here?
Seungju: of course, i want to take a look at you myself if your really healthy?
Grandma hee: (Laughing) my grandson~
Seungju: you should always checked your health grandma hee incase if your not okay
Grandma hee: what about you seungju are you okay?
Seungju: of course~
Grandma hee: I've read the article
Seungju: it's not what you think grandma hee
Grandma hee: what is it then?
Seungju: i don't know too
Grandma hee: he's still a kid, eric is still a kid
Seungju: ??! How?!
Grandma hee: im not an idiot seungju
Seungju: no way do you send someone to look after us?
Grandma hee: what are you saying?
Seungju: right? Not?
Grandma hee: of course not, i can tell on my own that it is him and im sure that you are not the only one who feels the same towards eric?
Seungju: what should I do grandma hee? I don't really know what to do
Grandma hee: what do you mean about what you should do?
Seungju: it's my fault that this is happening, eric is suffering and that because of me
Grandma hee: just trust yourself grandson show him your good side and do your best time will take care of everything
Seungju: thanks grandma hee
Grandma hee: come here grandson
Seungju; (hug granny hee)
Grandma hee: goodluck.
(Girls POV)
Jessica: he won't be able to talk about it!
Arah: how are you so sure?

(Back in camping site)

Jessica: we should talk? Seungju?
Seungju: what is it? Make it quick
Jessica: By any chance do you like eric??
Seungju: (nagulat). What are you saying??
Jessica: just look at you getting worked up~ hey you can fool eric but not me you are so obvious you know?
Seungju: your talking none sense I'm going
Jessica: if you walked away I'll post this photo
Seungju: hey!?
Jessica: chill oppa? Hahaha (pinakita sa litrato)
Seungju: what do you think your doing Jessica?
Jessica: let's make a deal?
Seungju: delete that photo now!?
Jessica: why would I?? If you agree to my plan I won't post this
Seungju: hey! (Lumapit Kay jessica) give me your phone?
Jessica: (niyakap) hey people might think we're dating
Girl 1: what are they doing here?
Girl 2: can't you see it's a couple?
Girl 1: a couple? Let's get out here quickly
Seungju: (lumayo) are you crazy? If that photo spread you'll pay for it and I don't like eric
Jessica: okay~ okay~ but will you be okay? Once I'll upload this people will make rumors about you gay couple's will you be okay? And eric? Eric can't handle this kind of thing
Seungju: is this the real you? Using someone weakness for you to get what you want? Shame on you
Jessica: I won't upload this in exchange make sure eric won't go near those boys
Seungju: ??
Jessica: bryan and others~
Seungju: why would I do that?
Jessica: if you don't I will upload this
Seungju: how much do you want??
Jessica: hey? I have a lot of money.
Seungju: you have a lot of money? Then you? clinging to bryan?
Jessica: not now but I'll marry bryan soon
Seungju: your so delusional?
Jessica: just do what i say or else? (Umalis)
Seungju: 😡😡

To be continued..........

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