Ep. 72

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ʙʏ: ᴇᴅᴡᴀʀᴅ ᴋɪɴɢsᴛᴏɴs👑

Ep: 72

Eric: hyung don't speed up too much!!
Jaehyun: why? It's good?? Don't you feel good?!!
Eric: forget!! (Holding tight)
Jaehyun: (smile)
(Bryan POV)
Haesu (jaehyun mom 42): hye jin unnie? Which clinic do you go?? It's look like you got younger!!
Minji kang (hanseok mom 41): right! right!
Hye jin (bryan Mom 44): really?? Did I??
Haesu: yes HAHAHA
Minji kang: so which is it??
Hye jin: I'll share it later message so one would hear it
Haesu: okay okay!!
Minji kang: 👍👍👍👍
Hye jin: how are you guys these days?
Haesu: still same at work everyday
Minji kang: we should go together to spa sometimes!
Haesu: yes let's do that I'm so stressed these days I need new clinic because my wrinkles!!
Hye jin: your right!
Minji kang: are you kidding unnie you look young for your age!!
Hye jin: omo! omo! You can't be serious hahahha
Haesu: right!! Envy anyway how's your husband? I mean our husbands!!!
Minji kang: hahaha sweet as ever
Hye jin: still fine!!
Haesu: what's with the reaction? Did you guys fight??
Hye jin: HAHAHA no it's small talk
Minji kang: ohhhh (looked to jaehyun mom)
Haesu: hahaha okay (looked back)
Minji kang: anyway give my regards to bryan
Haesu: yes i forgot to great him cause I was excited meeting you unnie!!
Hye jin: but have you heard anything from your son's?
Haesu: ??
Minji kang: about what unnie?
Hye jin: about them having room mate??
Haesu: what really??
Minji kang: I didn't heard anything from hanseok?
Hye jin: bryan told me
Haesu: is the boy same as our son?
Minji kang: why didn't he tell me? And I already said not to accept more roommate just the three of them is enough?
Haesu: maybe this boy are close to them?
Hye jin: really?? Anyway how's the business??
(Bryan room)
Hanseok: what is this?? Is this vampire custome?? Why?? HAHAHA why? Is this in here? no way! Your mom is not thinking of wearing you vampire?
Bryan: what are you saying?? Have you forget? How your mom get you doctor gown then wanted you to use for the birthday! You cried!
Bryan: hey shut up I just don't have choice back then!
Hanseok: even you cried back then you still ended up wearing it😂🤣🤣
Bryan: you sure having fun there?
Hanseok: right!!
Bryan: hahahha but I still can't forget what jaehyun mom made him wear?
(Back in 2008)
Jaehyun 9yrs old: (watching cartoon)
Haesu: jaehyun come here let's eat??
Servant: Your are now the new princess, princess rose
Prince: my princess!!
Haesu: jaehyun???? Honey can you go get jaehyun??
Dong sik: jaehyun???!
Haesu: he won't listen just go get him.
(Door opened)
Dong sik: jaehyun?? Turn it off were eating!?
Jaehyun: later! Dad I'm still watching I'm going when it's ends
Dong sik: quickly??
Jaehyun: tearing💧
Dong sik: okay okay!!
Jaehyun: hehehe
Haesu: where is he?
Dong sik: he's still watching he going out when it finished
Haesu: hey you honey!! Forget it! I'm going go get him I just all do the work at the house don't I? you can't even get him that's why he's friends call him spoiled (hanseok, bryan) jaehyun?!!!!
*Watching television
Jaehyun: (laughing)
(Door opened)
Haesu: jaehyun outside now!???
Dong sik: honey no violence!! I already hide the sticks
Haesu: ahhhh!!!! (Angry) jaehyun out!! now??
Jaehyun: no! I'm not done watching?
Haesu: if your not going right now you'll regret it!!? (3days remaining before his birthday)
Jaehyun: no!!
Haesu: really?? In your birthday I'll will forcedly wear you a Princess custome?!
Jaehyun: I'm not going to wear it!!!!
Haesu: really?? Well see!!
(Slammed the door)
*His birthday
Singing happy birthday🎶🎶🎶
Bryan: happy birthday jaehyun!!
Hanseok: happy birthday happy birthday
Friends: happy birthday to you!!
Hanseok: ms haesu? Where is jaehyun?
Bryan: yeah where is ms haesu?
Haesu: jaehyun? come out?? Jaehyun? Come out?? quickly!
Jaehyun: crying 😭 (come out)
Bryan: ahahaha
Hanseok: bwahahahaha
Friends: whahahaha
Jaehyun: cried😭😭😭 (run away)
Dong sik: honey~~
Hanseok: he got ashamed because of his stubbornness
Bryan: right!!??
(Eric POV)
Jaehyun: (arrived)
Eric: woah!!!! What!! is this! a mansion??
Jaehyun: told you so~
Eric: (so full)
Jaehyun: why is my ear so itchy (scratching)
Eric: I think someone is backstabbing you!
Jaehyun: (scratching) let's go!!
Eric: (making his self presentable)
Jaehyun: what are you doing?
Eric: I'm making my self looking good!
Jaehyun: just what are you wearing too?
Eric: what's wrong with it??
Jaehyun: let's go inside I'll lend you some?
Eric: what? no need!
*Entered the house
Jaehyun: I'm home~~
Eric: ??!
Jaehyun: (going upstairs)
Eric: what are you saying?? What home?
Jaehyun: yes my home!?
Eric: (following) what?? You said were going to bryan birthday??
Jaehyun: don't worry were just neighbors it's just few steps to get in their!
Eric: then why are we here?
Jaehyun: I'm going to change some clothes? And yours!
(Going up)
(Door opened)
Eric:  where are we hyung?
Jaehyun: in my room~
Eric: really?? I thought it's living room!! Why is your room so big!
Jaehyun: yes I even have my own kitchen
Eric: what you serious? Wow!
Jaehyun: yes and this is really a living room in a room I have my bedroom there the kitchen is there
Eric; (tumingin sa kusina) woah it's so nice, seeing this don't make me feel bad at all (all the gift)
Jaehyun: about what?
Eric: nothing
Jaehyun: (open the fridge) water??
Eric: yes?
Jaehyun: here~ (throw)
Eric: thanks
Jaehyun: the more amazing is in my bedroom I have my dog there
Eric: split💦!! What?? you have dog??
Jaehyun: what's wrong, of course~
Eric: (jump off behind jaehyun) won't it bite me
Jaehyun: no it's a good dog
Eric: really?? Is it boy?
Jaehyun; it's girl
Eric: girls? what's her name?
Jaehyun: jae jae, it's in the bedroom go see her~
Eric: jae jae? It's sounds more like boy name
Jaehyun: it's my dog~
Eric: where is your parents anyway?
Jaehyun: probably bryan house?
Eric: okay (walking towards the bedroom)
Jaehyun: why are you asking? It's not like..
Eric: (glare)..... (Open the door) why is it so dark??
Jaehyun: (enter the bedroom)
Eric: hey!
Jaehyun; (open the curtain!!) What??
Eric: why are you here?
Jaehyun: because it's my room?
Eric: where is jae jae??
Jaehyun: I guess she's not here?? (Walked towards eric)
Eric: what??
Jaehyun: (closed the door)
Eric; (not moving)
Jaehyun: eric??
Eric:  huh??
Jaehyun: what are you doing?? (Take off his shirt)
Eric: nothing!!!!! Why are you taking off....
Jaehyun: I said I'm going to change my clothes?
Eric: I'm going outside
Jaehyun: (hold erics hands) no way? did you thought I'll do something on you here??
Eric: what?? No! Why would I?
Jaehyun: really??
Eric: (slowly walking backward) yes!!
Jaehyun; (walking towards eric) but it's look like your right?
Eric: .... What??? What right?😓
Jaehyun: that I......
Eric: (fall on the bed) 😬😣😣😣
Jaehyun: (Lock eric in the bed) this what your thinking right?
Eric: no why would I think of it, just I'm nervous because what if your parents will come in!
Jaehyun: I already said that they are in bryan house.
Eric: what about your maid? Don't....
Jaehyun: they won't come here until I give an order? Why are you so worried about those things it's not like we're doing something bad right? (keep approaching eric)
Eric: (closed his eyes ) hyung wait......
Jaehyun: (trying to get Eric's lips)
Eric: (whisper) hyung this is wrong
Jaehyun: why is this wrong?
Eric: (avoiding jaehyun)
Jaehyun: (hold eric face) be still!
Eric: what??
Jaehyun: (kissed eric) kissing~ kissing~
Eric; 😣😣 (kissing)
Jaehyun: (slowly touching down there)
Hnng! Hnng!
Cellphone ringing!!🔔
Eric: hyung!!! (Pushed jaehyun)
Jaehyun: hey??
Eric: sorry I'm going first
(Open the door)
Jaehyun: (grab eric hands) wait!
Eric: what...what??
Jaehyun: change to this one your clothes doesn't match at all
Eric: okay....okay~
Jaehyun: and wait me outside! ,😉
Eric: okay!! (Closed the door) rushing!
Jaehyun: (smile)
*answer the phone
Jaehyun: hello?
Hanseok: jaehyun where are you? eric friends are here?
Jaehyun: at my house
Hanseok: your house? what are you doing there? Where is eric?
Jaehyun: I'm changing~ Downstairs!
Hanseok: I'm coming.
Jaehyun: hey....
*Call ended📞
Jaehyun: (changing clothes)
Eric POV
*6:29 pm
(open the door)
Eric: woah~~ why is it so hot!! What did I do!! I'm crazy!! But
Jaehyun: stay still!!
Eric: (eric's heart pounding)
Eric: he's so handsome to avoid!
Hanseok: eric??
Eric: (surprised) hyung?? Your here?
Hanseok: are you okay? Your... cheek's are red?
Eric: really?? (Touching) it's hot!
Hanseok: where is jaehyun??
Eric; he's inside
Hanseok: what his doing??
Eric: he said he's going to change clothes
Hanseok: isn't that jaehyun clothes??
Eric: huh? Ohh!! He said I should change to this!
(Door opened)
Jaehyun: hanseok?
Eric: (turn around)
Hanseok: ??
Jaehyun: let's go??
Hanseok: eric?
Eric: huh? Let's go!!
(Bryan POV)
Daisy: look it's so nice!!
Tony: such a big house I think x2 bigger than our house
Johnny: what do you call it again?
Tony it's mansion
Johnny: yeah it's mansion
Daisy: so nice I'm imagining it already!!
Tony: imagining what?
Daisy: I'm married with bryan oppa!!
Johnny by the way? Where is yuri and ellie
Tony: right!!
Eric; guys?👋👋
Daisy: eric👋👋 here!!
Tony: 👋👋
Jaehyun: hey guys?
Daisy: oppa!!
Johnny: where have you been eric?
Eric: in jaehyun hyung house!
Tony: why are you there? (😚😚)
Jaehyun: I'm giving him a tour!
Ellie: what??
Johnny; there she is
Yuri: hi hanseok oppa?
Hanseok: hey guys 👋
Ellie: why didn't you also give me tour
Jaehyun: maybe later!!
Daisy: where is bryan oppa?
Hanseok: he's inside the house!
Yuri: what house?? It's a mansion!
Ellie: it's such a big house, do you guys also live here?
Hanseok: No but we're neighbor's
Daisy: what?
Ellie: what??
Johnny: 😲😮
Yuri: don't tell me you guys also have your mansion? Eric???
Eric: yes!!
Ellie:  oh my gosh!!
Yuri: oppa, I'm still single!!
Ellie: me too!!!
Daisy: ahhhhh!! (Shouting)
Hanseok: hahahha should we go inside?
Johnny: can we go inside?
Jaehyun: let's go!!
Daisy: (shouting)
Yuri: so hot!!
Ellie: oh my!!
(Inside the mansion)
*Event room*
Johnny: wow!!
(Chandler sparkling✨✨)
Daisy: I've never been in a rich party before!!
Johnny: look at those catering food! It's make me hungry!!
Hanseok: you guys can eat if your hungry!
Johnny: right! It's already 6:58 pm
Daisy: (slap!) Hey look at those rich visitors don't you there tell them that we are friends if you touched any foods
Tony: yeah meet too but what to do I'm hungry too I won't tell anyone that were friends! Let's go johnny!
Johnny: tony you know what I'm thinking! (High-five) let's go!!
Nani yeon: jaehyun! Hanseok! Your mother wants you there right now?
Jaehyun: where nani?
Hanseok: ??
Nani yeon: in the tea room
Hanseok: guys we'll be back later!! Enjoy the party
Yuri: yes oppa!
Ellie: yes
Jaehyun: I'm going guys 👋 eric? (Wink😉)
Eric: ??!!!
Nani yeon: then I'll assist you guys
Eric; I'm going with tony and johnny?
Daisy: okay see you later!
Yuri: bye eric👋 enjoy the food!
Nani yeon: 😄😄 what a handsome young man
Ellie: right! He's handsome and cute!!
Yuri: what?? Do you like eric??
Daisy: what??
Ellie: No! Don't get me wrong I mean yes! He's handsome and cute but not my type!!
Daisy; same!
Yuri: yeah I love you girl's
Nani yeon: your right~ but someone I know sure he's the type! Of them!
Yuri: what do you mean?
Nani yeon: nothing (smile)
Ellie; but nani?? Does that mean you are here since they were a kid??
Nani yeon: yes I was there maid the three of them
Ellie: is that why I feel so weird when you call there name
Nani yeon: yes I call them by there name when where not near with there parents  it's there request
Yuri: really??
Daisy: that's heart melting from them!

To be continued......

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