Chapter 6 : The Illusionist

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Arriving at Hollow Hill a few minutes later, the kids parked the bikes next to the cabin. Andrew opened the cabin's door. The book was there, untouched. The pages had turned a bit because of the wind. They all stared at the book, circled around it. Andrew, in a hesitant move, turned it back to the page Shawn's blood fell on, from the tip of his finger.

"Alright...Let's take this outside. We burn it, and our lives go back to normal..."



Andrew picked up the book, still keeping it from a certain distance of him.

"Where should we do it ? We can't put it on fire here, the grass is gonna burn with it too."

"Let's just find a spot with dirt instead of grass. We'll do it there." April said.

The kids looked around, searching for a place with dirt. Shawn found one first. He pointed it from the tip of his finger, and Mike noticed it first.

"There ! Shawn found one."

Andrew took a look at it.

"Great, let's go."

They took a few steps down the hill, where the dirt path was.

Andrew put the book down right in the center of it.

"Alrigh, Shawn, give me the alcoohol."

Shawn did, Andrew poured the whole bottle on the book.


Heather gave them to him. He lit one on fire.

"Get back !"

He threw it one the book, which immediately lit on fire. The fire seemed to grow, but not burn the book.

"It's got resistance."

The fire grew wider and wider. Mike started panicking.

"Uhm guys, I don't think that's normal."

"What the hell ?.."

The fire started taking a purple colors from the center, taking the lead on the vivid red. The fire then seemed to explode, a bright purple fire rushed at all the five kids.

"RUN !"

As soon as they were touched by the fire, it seemed as they totally blacked out. Each of them woke up, surrounder by black pitch void. Althought they could still hear eachother, none of them could see eachother, or see anything at all. Simply pitch black void.

Each of them called for each other, panicked. A deep pitched voice started talking.


A terrible laugh followed, the scariest thing any of them had ever heard.

"FEAR." The laugh became even louder. The black void around them surrounded with the same usual purple smoke, as it seemed to shape itself into buildings and different evironments.

Mike found himself in the middle of a classroom.

Heather and April both could now see eachother. The smoke had built around them the garden they would play in together during holidays, when their family would reunite.

Andrew looked around to see his old house.

Shawn, found himself in his bedroom.

Each of them was scared, scared as they could be. Because each of them recognised where they were. And on what day. And what was going to happen.

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