Nik just looked amused at my process of thinking. I look at him smugly, knowing I'd guessed correctly and impressed him, all at once.

"Very good Lex. Yes, I'm leaving you with Damon Salvatore for an hour or two while I wake our siblings. But, you know what that means, don't you?"

I look at his confused. "What?"

"Damon's a vampire. You're a werewolf.." he trailed off, waiting for me to realise what he's saying.

My eyes widen, and I gently slap his arm. "Nik! I'm not going to bite him!"

"Well, I was only going to suggest it if he annoys you too much, or tries to hurt you or anything." He grins, probably thinking about Damon being bit.

"No Nik. I'm not going to bite him. If he pisses me off, I'll snap his neck. That's temporary, I'm not going to kill him permanently. I really don't want to do that again," I answer, thinking back to the cyclist and the car.

His face softened slightly and he stopped walking again, pulling my arm back to stop with him.

"That was an accident Lex. You know that. You would never intentionally do that to someone. You're too good for that, you're a good person. You're not me, or our siblings. Alright? You're not going to hurt anyone else, don't worry. Even if you did bite him, I'd have given him my blood after, and he'd be all healed. Okay?"

I nod at his reassurances and smile up at him gratefully, before leaning up and wrapping my arms around him tightly.

"Thanks Nik," I muttered into his chest.

"Of course Lex. Just don't ever forget that," he replies, leaning his head on top of mine.

I pull away and smile brightly. "I won't. Now come on, I want to get there so you can hurry up and leave."

"Wow, do you really want rid of me?" Nik jokes.

I roll my eyes in response. "You know what I'm getting at, idiot. I want to see our siblings again."

I grin when I see him playfully glaring at me. Before I can say anything else, I feel myself being thrown over his shoulder and sped away. I scream, instantly feeling dizzy at being sped around while upside down.

Once I'm placed firmly back on the ground, I look around, my head spinning.

"Nik! I'm gonna.. I'm gonna kill you. Get- get back here!"

I hear him laughing to himself, before he reaches out to steady me just as I'm about to fall over.

My vision clears up after a few moments and I'm able to see properly again. I glare at my brother and smack his arm, laughing at his face. I look around properly, and see we're in the driveway of a very large house. I'm guessing this is the Salvatore Boarding House.

I follow Nik up to the front door, staying behind him nervously. He knocks on the door, and not even a second later, the door is open, a raven-haired man stood in the doorway.

Damon Salvatore.

"Hello mate," Nik says.

"Klaus. Mini-Klaus," he greets, looking first to my brother, then to me.

"My names not Mini-Klaus. It's Alexandra, thank you very much," I retort, annoyed at his attitude.

Nik laughs as I glare at the vampire, who looked mildly surprised.

"I'd be careful Damon. She's a sassy, sarcastic one when she wants to be," Nik warns, still chuckling.

"Noted," Damon grins.

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