Kookie (F)

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Taehyung was currently walking upto the bus station to go to the shared apartment, he shares with his boyfriend

Today has been a tough day for Taehyung at the University , firstly he woke up late and ended up reaching his first lecture late , he doesn't know why but the professor who was taking the first lecture has some serious thing with Taehyung , he would slide it off if anyone else came late but not Taehyung , He scolded Taehyung infront of about 200 students , Taehyung being a sensitive person couldn't help but overthink and get anxiety

Later he also forgot one of his project work at home which led to another one of his professor yelling at him as it was the due date and he thought Taehyung was giving excuses

Even if this was not enough Taehyung by mistake bumped into a girl , not intentionally as he was hearing what his friend Jimin was saying but the girl blamed Taehyung even though Taehyung apologized quiet alot of times she still ended up slapping him which was not needed at all and Taehyung did not say anything , didn't even complain about it

After all this shit all he needs is his kookie now , his boyfriend , Taehyung has been in a relationship with Jungkook for almost 3 years now and they have been living together since one and a half year , Jungkook works in a very big company and is a manager there

Taehyung just wants to reach already he doesn't even know how much he is holding his emotions in right now , he just wants to go home and be in his kookie's arms , nobody understood him but he knows Jungkook will , Jungkook has always understood him , Jungkook never makes him feel all this shitty , he hates being a sensitive and an overthinking person , he hates how easily he gets anxiety

The bus soon came and he hopped on the bus going towards the end seats , he sat by the window and just wanted to reach home , his hands shaking , right leg continuously bouncing up and down due to anxiety , and holding up the tears , everything sucks right now , he almost feels suffocated even though his bestfriend was right there by his side all along still he can't help but overthink and get anxiety

The trip to his home almost felt like decades , but thankfully soon enough his stop came and he got down , he can't even walk nicely at the moment , his legs are wobbly , hands still shaking and his breathing not normal , but still he made his way towards his home , his home was about 15 minutes away from the bus stop

The way to his home also felt like a long way but finally Taehyung reached there , he got in the building quickly going in the elevator and pressing the button to the floor he has to get on , the doors opened and he quickly made his way to the apartment door , he rummaged through his bag to find the key and when he did it took him about 4-5 tries to get the key inside the keyhole as his hands were shaking so much

Once the door was opened he kind of felt relieved , all his overthinking , anxiety everything was gonna get rid by a certain bunny like person , he closed the door and took his shoes out by the entrance

"Baby are you home?" Finally came the voice Taehyung has been dying to hear , well he could hear it earlier in University too but he knew he would cry so he didn't even bother to call Jungkook and as I said he would cry he did right after Jungkook's voice came in his ears

His tears finally left his eyes , dropping to the carpet under his feet his eye sight getting blurry he couldn't see anything anymore eyes full of tears and he let out a loud sob when someone took him in his arms , the warm feeling , the safe feeling , the feeling of finally getting into the right arms , he cried out loud he couldn't keep it in himself anymore , it was too heavy inside

Jungkook hugged Taehyung close and tight but not much tight he knew Taehyung was having problem breathing heavily Jungkook rubbed Taehyung's back with one hand and held Taehyung's waist with another cause he knew Taehyung was almost gonna fall down if he left him

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