Chapter 6

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Mom was never an amazing cook, but she could sure as hell make a damn fine stack of pancakes. She used the Krusteez mix, but she always got the portions JUST right. The secret was to downplay the liquids and stir in a little bit of butter, let it sit to thicken and then we're off to the races. And when she was feeling extra nice that day, you could expect some bacon –

slightly overcooked, like dad liked it – and some sunny side up eggs. If we were REALLY lucky, she wouldn't break the yolks. I'm drooling just thinking about it. Get a little toast and dip it in that yolk...damn. Anyway, we all sat down for breakfast that morning, my dad was already flipping through the paper by the time I arrived. I sat down on towards the opposite end of the table, a plate already waiting for me.

"Sleep alright, Joshua?" The voice traveled through the newspaper.

"Uh...yeah. As good as can be expected." My voice felt uneasy as the words left my lips.

'Why not ask him about the noises Josh.'

"You sure? Heard a lot of commotion going on down there." He interjected.

'Go on now. You know they heard the noises too. Maybe it was a chupacabra bud.'

"Yeah... Jasper caught me off guard while I was on the computer. Really gave me a spook...heh heh." Now that wasn't very believable.

Part of me didn't understand why I didn't just mention the noise. I guess I felt kind of stupid, like if I brought it up it would just be met with disinterest or disdain. I had no reason to think that, but the feeling was enough to persuade me. In any sense, it was most likely my imagination. Better to just let it be.

'You shoulda said somethin' Josh.' a voice inside mocked.

My mom chimed in:

"Well, regardless of any night-time commotions we seem to be having this Summer. I got a little chore for you today, Joshua." Her voice rang with authority.

All at once the thought of noises and monsters and ghouls left my mind as a wave of disdain fell over my bones.

'Oh god, I knew it was too good to be true to hope for a lazy afternoon.'

The breakfast had been a bribe all along, and I hadn't even touched it yet. My back starts to ache already thinking of what could be in store as I start to slump dramatically down my chair. \

'I don't even want my breakfast anymore. The eggs have sat for too long, the yolks are probably dried out by now.'

"Oh, come off it now, it's not a huge assignment." She went on. "All I need you to do is crawl up under the foundation and set some rat traps. We've been living here a few months now and there's bound to be a few critters taking home down there."

Dad continued to flip through his paper, unmoved by the spectacle of morning routine. Along the edge of the kitchen, Jasper skulks silently, rubbing her fur along the cabinets and prances his little cat prance. Light through the window above the sink grew brighter as a cloud meanders away from the rays. A heavenly warm glow envelops to kitchen, a single god ray lands on my plate of – mostly – untouched food. I correct my posture and reach for the fork.

"Now that sounds like a pretty BIG task mom, and besides, I had plans for George to come over today. We were gonna...." I attempted to find any excuse that didn't involve mindless playing games for hours. "read?"

"Oh well that sounds wonderful, he can hold the flashlight for you down there."

Oh, what a cruel woman.

I stab the fork into the stack of cakes, making a wet SQUISH as the prongs penetrate the flesh. They had grown somewhat soggy over the period of my tantrum, but they were still good. The prongs rip a good quarter of the stack away from the plate, and I plunge it into my maw. A symphony of sweet and savory notes washes along my tastebuds as the dough melts along my tongue. Oh, if these had been a bribe, then they were well thought out.

"You drive a hard bargain, Mother. I'll do your dirty deed."

"Oh, my hero." A thick layer of sarcasm drips along the words.

Dad flips the page, and I continue to eat. 

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