Chapter 5

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I don't remember falling asleep that night. The stress of the encounter really took it out of me.

'What encounter... you scared yourself half to death and then passed out' I thought to myself.

Shame swept through my body as I recalled the details of the night before. How stupid would I have to be to get THAT worked up over nothing.

'But, was it nothing? At the moment it sure felt like something.'

'But nothing. There was nothing. If there was something, then right now you'd be nothing. So how about you just resolve that you were an idiot and move on with your life.'

That made a lot of sense, and I did want to move on. It does little to dwell on the past, and the thought of it being anything more than just an overreaction on my part terrified me into submission.

The smell of something sweet began to seep along under the door leading to the dark hallway. Then a voice rang out from somewhere far off.


The thoughts and fears and anxieties would have to be filed away. Put away for another time when it seemed more prudent to solve such introverted issues. Today just didn't feel like the day.

So, nothing happened. I got dressed and left for breakfast. 

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